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My little brother,              eight﹣year boy, is very bright.(  )


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  • 难度:未知

The opening of our new school will be              the morning of Friday July 24th﹣ at 10:00.(  )


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This is your schoolbag. But I can't find_____.(  )


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             wonderful the movie is! I want to see it again. (  )

A.HowB.WhatC.What a

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That             be Mary. She has gone to Changsha on business. (  )


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On the phone her father asked her             then.(  )

A.what was she doingB.what she was doing

C.when she was doing

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  • 难度:未知

The last BeiDou navigation satellite (北斗卫星导航)             successfully last month.(  )

A.was sent upB.sent up

C.has sent up

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  • 难度:未知

______he was poor himself, he tried his best to help the people in need.(  )


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There are a few towers in Zhuzhou, and the TV tower near the Yandi square is the             .(  )


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Please          the computer, Lily. It's time for you to go to bed. (  )

A.turn offB.turn upC.turn on

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  • 难度:未知

Do you know that a little boy did an amazing thing to cheer up people?

    Two terrible things happened to six﹣year﹣old Jaden Hayes. First his dad (1)  when he was four. Then last month when his mom was sleeping, she lost her life, too."I tried hard to (2)  her up, but I couldn't," said Jaden. Of course, Jaden felt very sad.(3)  he didn't always remain sad. A few weeks ago he told his aunt, Barbara Di Cala, that he didn't want to see everyone sad all the time. He made a(4)  to change it."And that was the start of it," said Barbara. So a special trip began.Jaden asked his aunt Barbara to buy a few little toys and bring.

    (5)  to the city center Savannah, Georgia near where he lives, so he could give them away.

    "I'm trying to make people smile.", said Jaden.

    Jaden wishes to help people who aren't smiling and let them have a peasant day. He has gone out four times to give away (6)  to people and he is always successful is really hard for people to (7)   the six year old who would give away a toy for only a smile.

    Sometimes a smile is not only a(8)  .It seems to have some magic power that comforts(安慰)people, especially when they just had a (9)  time.

    "I'm going to reach 33,000 people," said Jaden. When he was asked if he thought he could (10)  this task, he answered: "I think I can."

(1)A. died

B. fell

C. failed

(2)A. pick

B. wake

C. call

(3)A. So

B. And

C. But

(4)A. team

B. decision

C. mistake

(5)A. it


C. him

(6)A. toys

B. books

C. balls

(7)A. remember

B. refuse

C. report

(8)A. secret

B. reply

C. smile

(9)A. hard

B. happy

C. long

(10)A. finish

B. accept

C. understand

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知



July 26th

7:00 pm﹣10:00 pm

On the playground

we need some students for the school show. What can you do? Can you sing or dance? Can you play the piano?

Can you play the guitar?

Please call Mr. Li at 07312256 before July 23rd.

Come and join us

(1)Where is the school show held?  

A. On the playground

B. At the library

C. In the classroom

(2)This picture mainly introduces  

A. a talk show

B. a music show

C. a sports show

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

House of Soup


Soup 1

Soup 2

Soup 3














On Sale

From Monday to Friday¥60 For Soup 1 & 2

From Saturday to Sunday Y50 For Soup 2&3

(1)What kind of meat can you see in Soup 3?  

A. Beef

B. Chicken

C. Pork

(2)If you have 50 yuan, you can buy two kinds of Soup on  

A. Monday

B. Thursday

C. Sunday

(3)From the form, you can get the information of  

A. the price

B. the address

C. the telephone number

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A long time ago, my grandparents moved into a new house with 4 daughters. Because work was hard to find, Grandpa did whatever jobs he could. He and Grandma dug a garden to grow some food.

    The house had a big front yard with tall tees. Grandparents planted vegetables on one side of the yard and flowers on the other side.

    Everybody worked to keep the garden growing. Later, the family ate food from the garden and enjoyed the beautiful flowers.

    The family grew up, and the grandchildren came. Grandparents still planted their garden. Everyone still enjoyed the food from the garden.

    Years later, it became harder for grandparents to keep the garden. So they made it a little smaller. There was still much to eat from the garden and lovely flowers to enjoy.

However, at 89, Grandpa couldn't move and then died. So the next spring. Grandma planted only a small garden.

    One sunny day in three early summer, Grandma saw a big group of bees flying between two tall trees.Slowly the bees entered a hole up in one of the trees. Soon after. all bees disappeared into their new home.

    That summer,Grandma got a big harvest (收获).

    One day. Grandma's brother Frank visited her. Grandma told him the story about the group of bees.Frank told her that bees pollinated vegetables and flowers and helped them grow. Just then Grandma understood the reason for her great harvest.

    From that time on, Grandma always believed that since Grandpa couldn't be there to help her that summer, he had sent the bees to take his place and make Grandma's little garden grow and grow. Thanks to Grandpa's bees, the family Could still have much food to eat and lovely flowers to enjoy every year.The help of the bees continued, just as Grandpa's love.

(1)What did grandparents grow in the front yard?  

A.Only vegetables

B.Only lowers

C.Vegetables and flowers

(2)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?  

A.Grandma planted the garden all the time.

B.Sometimes the family couldn't get enough to cat from the garden

C.The garden was getting bigger and bigger before Grandpa's death.

(3)Grandma got a great harvest from the garden that Summer with the help of  

A.the bees

B.her daughters

C.Grandpa's brother

(4)Grandma knew the reason for her big harvest from  


B.Her brother

C.Her grandchildren

(5)What can be the best title of the passage?  

A.Grandma's Harvest

B.Grandpa's Bees

C.Grandparents' House

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

An American friend has invited you to visit his family. You've never been to an American's home before, what should you do? The answer is: when you're the guest, you should just make yourself at home. That's American hospitality(好客)

    American hospitality begins at home—especially about food. Most Americans agree that good home cooking beats restaurant food. When you are invited for a meal, you might ask,"Can I bring anything" The host will answer,"No, just yourself." For most informal(非正式的) dinners, you can wear any comfortable clothes you like. Arrive on time, or call to tell your hosts if you can't. During the dinner talk guests will often praise the hostess(女主人for the wonderful meal. Of course. the biggest praise is to eat lots of food!

    When you' ve had enough. you might offer to clean the table or wash the dishes.But since you're he guest, your hosts may not let you. Instead, they may invite everyone to move to the living room for dessert with tea or coffee. There the hosts and the guests may continue to have a talk.After about an hour's talk, it's time for you to leave.

    If you come to an American's home, you'd better let the hosts know ahead of time unless you're very close friends. especially when you want to stay tor a few days.Here's a good rule for guests:Short stays are best.Even relatives,for example,their aunts, uncles or cousins,don't usually stay for several weeks every time.While you 're staying with an American family,try to keep your living area clean and tidy.Your host family will thank you for your consideration. And they may even invite you back!

    Most Americans consider themselves hospitable people. and they are proud of making guests happy.

(1)What should we do when we are guests at an American's home?  

A. Bring a lot of gifts.

B. Make ourselves at home.

C. Stay for several weeks every time.

(2)In American when you are invited for a meal, you' d better leave the host family  

A. just after the meal

B. about an hour after the meal

C. about two or three hours after the meal

(3)Which of the following is NOT true?  

A. Most Americans think good home food is better than restaurant food.

B. In America, you can wear comfortable clothes for most informal dinners.

C. In America, you are free to come as guests without telling the hosts first.

(4)The underlined word "consideration" in the fourth paragraph(段) means"  "in Chinese.




(5)What can be the best title of the passage?  

A. American Food

B. American Family

C. American Hospitality

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

We touch our faces all the time, and it had never seemed to be a big problem ﹣ until COVID 19 arrived.Touching our faces ﹣ the "T﹣zone' 'of our eye, nose and mouth ﹣ can mean giving ourselves this virus.

    This is why some organizations have suggested that we should avoid touching our faces.William Sawyer, from Henry the Hand. told The Washington Post, "Just stop this simple behavior,and that would be better than any vaccine (疫苗)lever created,"

    However, stopping this "simple" behavior might he harder than you think because we are used to it.

    Some face﹣touching is an automatic reaction: like when there is an itch (痒) on your nose,you'll touch it again and again without thinking. A 2014 study found that touching your face also helps you to have less stress.For example. it's possible for you to do it when you feel embarrassed.According to Dacher Kelmer, a psychologist an the University of Califormia Berkeley, Us. this action may also have a social use: When you are taking to someone, for example, touching your face means you want to talk about another thing.

    Besides, it's very hard to change this face touching "because you don't even kn6w you're doing it",said Sawyer.

    But you're not alone. In a 2015 study. it was found that a group of medical students touched their faces about 23 times an hour ﹣ with 44 percent of the touches in the T﹣zones" , That was very surprising because medical students should know better.

    Since it's so hard to shake the habit, maybe the easiest way is to wash our hands more often.This way, we can be sure that our hands are safe from COVID﹣19.

(1)The "T﹣zone" is formed from  

A. Our eyes

B. our nose and mouth

C. our eyes, nose and mouth

(2)In the second paragraph, Sawyer thinks that  

A. face﹣touching is simple and helpful

B. we should avoid touching our faces

C. face﹣touching may be better than vaccine

(3)Dacher Kelmer believes that  

A. face touching may increase stress

B. face﹣ touching may have a social use

C. face﹣touching may cause an itch on your face

(4)The last paragraph tells us to  

A.wash our hands more often

B. stop the habit of touching our faces

C. ask medical students not to touch their faces

(5)What is the main idea of the passage?  

A. face﹣touching may give us COVID﹣ 19.

B. Face﹣touching may be very useful for us.

C. Stopping face touching might be harder than we think.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

As we all know, China is the Kingdom of Bamboo, because it has the most bamboo in the world. (1)There are about 1200 kinds of bamboo in the world and about 400 kinds are in China

    People in ancient China used bamboo a 16t in their daily life.They used bamboo to make many things.As early as the Shang Dynasty.Chinese people began to use it to make beds, chairs,chopsticks,spoons,baskets and so on. (2)在纸出现之前,人们在竹子上写字.People also used bamboo to make weapons for hunting or fighting.Besides,bamboo shoots were a popular dish,because they were crisp and delicious.(3)It was also easy to find bamboo in Chinese medicine

    Today we can still find bamboo and bamboo products all over China.

    Bamboo is tall with thick leaves.People like bamboo very much.They often plant it in the yards and in the parks.It can stand the heat of the summer and the cold of the winter.(4)It is a plant that can grow on poor land

    Through the centuries, bamboo has always been a subject of many poems and paintings. People admire it for its purity(纯洁) and elegance(优雅). They compare the qualities( 品质) of bamboo to those of man. (5)确实,竹子使得中国文化丰富多彩.







  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It was a summer day. An old man walked on a hill cheerfully.

    He wiped the swear off his face with his left hand and kept singing songs.

    Suddenly he heard someone talking to him.

    "Hello. sir."

    The old man turned around but saw no one.

    "I'm here."

    The voice came from beside the old man's feet, He looked down and saw a beautiful flower.

    "Sir, can I ask you a question?" asked the flower.

    "Of course, my child. What do you want to know?" said the old man.

    The flower kept silent for a second and then said:"Why are you so happy? You don't seem to have many days left to live."

    The flower didn't wait for the old man to answer. She just kept saying, "My days have passed and I'm going to die very soon. That makes me so sad." At this time, she began to cry.

    The old man smiled.

    "Yes, I don't have many days left. But, so what?"

    "Why ruin(破坏) such a lovely day for something that hasn't happened?"

    "What's gone is gone. What's to come is to come. You can't change them. but you can decide to enjoy this very moment that you truly have.

    He didn't wait for the flower to answer.He just walked away,continuing the song he had been singing.

    Slowly the flower stopped crying. As the wind was blowing softly. she swung happily.

(1)When did the story happen?


(2)Where did the voice come form?


(3)Why was the flower so sad?


(4)How did the flower felt after the old man walked away?


(5)What do you learn from the story?


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  • 难度:未知

新冠疫情爆发后,无数医务工作者和科学家努力挽救了大量生命,这使人们对职业的理解有了新的认识.假定你是李华,你要参加学校举行的以"My Dream Job"为题的英文演讲,请你写一篇演讲稿, 包括以下内容:









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