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  • 科目:英语
  • 题型:未知题型
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:27

Do you know that a little boy did an amazing thing to cheer up people?

    Two terrible things happened to six﹣year﹣old Jaden Hayes. First his dad (1)  when he was four. Then last month when his mom was sleeping, she lost her life, too."I tried hard to (2)  her up, but I couldn't," said Jaden. Of course, Jaden felt very sad.(3)  he didn't always remain sad. A few weeks ago he told his aunt, Barbara Di Cala, that he didn't want to see everyone sad all the time. He made a(4)  to change it."And that was the start of it," said Barbara. So a special trip began.Jaden asked his aunt Barbara to buy a few little toys and bring.

    (5)  to the city center Savannah, Georgia near where he lives, so he could give them away.

    "I'm trying to make people smile.", said Jaden.

    Jaden wishes to help people who aren't smiling and let them have a peasant day. He has gone out four times to give away (6)  to people and he is always successful is really hard for people to (7)   the six year old who would give away a toy for only a smile.

    Sometimes a smile is not only a(8)  .It seems to have some magic power that comforts(安慰)people, especially when they just had a (9)  time.

    "I'm going to reach 33,000 people," said Jaden. When he was asked if he thought he could (10)  this task, he answered: "I think I can."

(1)A. died

B. fell

C. failed

(2)A. pick

B. wake

C. call

(3)A. So

B. And

C. But

(4)A. team

B. decision

C. mistake

(5)A. it


C. him

(6)A. toys

B. books

C. balls

(7)A. remember

B. refuse

C. report

(8)A. secret

B. reply

C. smile

(9)A. hard

B. happy

C. long

(10)A. finish

B. accept

C. understand


Do you know that a little boy