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  • 科目:英语
  • 题型:阅读理解
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:43

We touch our faces all the time, and it had never seemed to be a big problem ﹣ until COVID 19 arrived.Touching our faces ﹣ the "T﹣zone' 'of our eye, nose and mouth ﹣ can mean giving ourselves this virus.

    This is why some organizations have suggested that we should avoid touching our faces.William Sawyer, from Henry the Hand. told The Washington Post, "Just stop this simple behavior,and that would be better than any vaccine (疫苗)lever created,"

    However, stopping this "simple" behavior might he harder than you think because we are used to it.

    Some face﹣touching is an automatic reaction: like when there is an itch (痒) on your nose,you'll touch it again and again without thinking. A 2014 study found that touching your face also helps you to have less stress.For example. it's possible for you to do it when you feel embarrassed.According to Dacher Kelmer, a psychologist an the University of Califormia Berkeley, Us. this action may also have a social use: When you are taking to someone, for example, touching your face means you want to talk about another thing.

    Besides, it's very hard to change this face touching "because you don't even kn6w you're doing it",said Sawyer.

    But you're not alone. In a 2015 study. it was found that a group of medical students touched their faces about 23 times an hour ﹣ with 44 percent of the touches in the T﹣zones" , That was very surprising because medical students should know better.

    Since it's so hard to shake the habit, maybe the easiest way is to wash our hands more often.This way, we can be sure that our hands are safe from COVID﹣19.

(1)The "T﹣zone" is formed from  

A. Our eyes

B. our nose and mouth

C. our eyes, nose and mouth

(2)In the second paragraph, Sawyer thinks that  

A. face﹣touching is simple and helpful

B. we should avoid touching our faces

C. face﹣touching may be better than vaccine

(3)Dacher Kelmer believes that  

A. face touching may increase stress

B. face﹣ touching may have a social use

C. face﹣touching may cause an itch on your face

(4)The last paragraph tells us to  

A.wash our hands more often

B. stop the habit of touching our faces

C. ask medical students not to touch their faces

(5)What is the main idea of the passage?  

A. face﹣touching may give us COVID﹣ 19.

B. Face﹣touching may be very useful for us.

C. Stopping face touching might be harder than we think.


We touch our faces all the tim