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  • 科目:英语
  • 题型:阅读理解
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:96

In December 2020, "the Super Apple" appeared at supermarkets across China,sweeter and juicier than usual ones,without pesticide residue(农药残留).Before reaching the market,the products had been tested over 500 times.Blockchain(区块链) technology in recording farmers' actions is widely used to avoid nonstandard pesticide use.Digital technology at the apple storage helps to group apples,which can keep the stability(稳定性) in the quality. "The future of agriculture lies in the modern technology." Huang Jikun,Professor of the China Centre for Agricultural Policy at Peking University,told Beijing Review.

    At China's Central Rural Work Conference in 2020,President Xi stressed that efforts must be made to increase the quality of agriculture.Xi also pointed out the importance of speeding up technologies.

    China's agriculture has entered a stage of high﹣quality development,as the country is meeting people's increasing need for high standard products.So agriculture should turn to technology.

    Three years ago,Yuan Longping led a program of planting rice in saline﹣alkali(盐碱) soil in areas,including Xinjiang and Heilongjiang.Through hybrid technology,Yuan's team have been able to raise improved rice for saline and alkaline soils.If China could put 6.67 million hectares of saline﹣alkali soil into rice production,it would be very likely to increase by around 30 million tons,a huge contribution to the country.

    In Lushui,Yunnan Province,one can rarely see farmers working on the farm.All common tasks are completed automatically(自动化地).Data(数据) is gathered by the system to improve future production.

    "More information and technology centres will be built so that basic data and big data can be improved,and technologies like 5 G and the BeiDou Satellite Navigation System can be used in the field."said Han Fujun,Deputy Chief Engineer of the Information Center of MARA.

    Since 2010,the Chinese government has been organizing technology exchanges,training,field trips and other activities for the agricultural technology talents to better understand the situations of each area.

    Because of the COVID﹣19,companies begin to rethink better agricultural models,as more people want to eat healthier foods.Science and technology will play a more important role in the future.

(1)Which of the following makes "the Super Apple" sweeter and juicier?   

A.The apple storage.

B.The modern technology.

C.The product test.

D.The record of farmers' actions.

(2)From the passage we know that   .

A.traditional Chinese agriculture is out of date now

B.farmers will pay less attention to technologies

C.China's agriculture plays a lead role in the world

D.people now need more quality agricultural products

(3)Which of the following is true according to the passage?   

A.Yuan's program is a huge contribution to China.

B.Farmers are busy collecting the data in Lushui.

C.5 G and BeiDou system are rarely used in the centres.

D.Talents organize activities to understand each area.

(4)The passage mainly wants to tell us   .

A.Yuan Longping is a great Chinese scientist in farming

B.China's agriculture develops fast to meet people's need

C.science and technology improves China's agriculture

D.more agricultural models will appear after COVID﹣19


In December 2020, the Super Ap