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As we all know,environmental pollution is still serious nowadays.Our group wanted to know how many students knew about each kind of the pollution and we wanted to learn how often they sorted(分类) rubbish.So we did a survey among the students in our school.Here are the results of our questionnaire(问卷).

   The results of the questionnaire

Do you know about these problems?

How often do you sort rubbish?

(1)The survey is mainly about    .


scientific research


environmental protection


everyday habits


physical education

(2)We can know there are    parts in the questionnaire.









(3)    is known by the fewest students.


Air pollution


Water pollution


Noise pollution


Global warming

(4)    have begun to sort rubbish according to the chart(图表).


All of the students


Most of the students


Some of the students


None of the students

(5)What can we learn from the results of the questionnaire?    


Air pollution is noticed by a large number of students.


The students don't realize the situation of the environment at all.


Five kinds of environmental pollution are mentioned in the questionnaire.


Most students take enough action to sort rubbish.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

If we want to grow as people,we can't just depend on our own evaluation(评价)of how we're doing.We also need to know what other people think about our performance.Receiving feedback(反馈)from others can help us see the larger picture and show us a way forward to success.However,someone has to give that feedback,and sometimes,that someone will be you.How should you deal with this

First things first-if you notice a situation in which some feedback would be helpful,give it as soon as you can.If you wait until the matter disappears from the person's mind,they might not understand what you're trying to tell them.Take the person to a safe,comfortable place and offer your advice in private.

When you're giving feedback,it's important to keep in mind that no one likes to be told they're doing a bad job.Make sure you give an equal(相等的)amount of good feedback to balance out(平衡)anything bad.Like the saying goes, " A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down."

All good feedback shares something in common.First,it should help achieve a goal.It's less useful to tell your friends that their dish tastes "interesting" than it is to suggest adding a little salt.Feedback should also look toward the future.You can't change what's already happened,but you can prevent it from happening again.Tell your friends they should take more notes in class instead of talking about how they should have studied harder for the big history exam they failed.

Finally,don't think your suggestion is the only correct way to deal with a situation.You might even end up with some feedback on your feedback.Don't take it personally﹣﹣it can only help you give better advice next time.

(1)What does the underlined word "this" in Paragraph probably mean?    


Seeing the picture.


Giving feedback.


Receiving feedback.


Showing a way to success.

(2)Why is it important to give feedback in time according to Paragraph 2?       


You might forget to tell the person later on.


Perhaps the person wants the feedback right away.


Maybe the person needs time to understand your advice.


If you wait to long,the person might forget what's happened.

(3)What can we infer(推断)from the underlined saying in Paragraph 3?       


It's helpful to keep on giving bad feedback.


It's difficult to do a good job all the time.


It's better to balance good and bad feedback.


It's important to think twice before giving feedback.

(4)The passage is mainly about    .


what characters good feedback includes


how people should give feedback properly


the differences between good and bad feedback


the importance of giving and receiving feedback

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A small cloud moves slowly through the air in a hospital operating room (手术室).In the room a patient with cancer(癌症),lies on a table.The cloud is all around the patient,covering her body and filling her lungs(肺).The cloud is not smoke.It is made of millions of nano﹣robots(纳米机器人).These tiny robots move from cell (细胞) to cell in the patient's body,killing the cancer.

    Fighting cancer with nano﹣robots is only an idea today,but scientists say that it could be possible in the future.Using nano﹣robots for good purposes such as fighting the illness or repairing the environment may be the way to many of today's problems.

    However,nano﹣robots could be a dangerous risk as well.Because nano﹣robots are so tiny,they will have to work in large teams of many thousands to many millions.For this reason,nano﹣robots will have to be programmed(被编程)to build themselves.Scientists will not have the ability to build millions of nano﹣robots one by one.

    This ability to re﹣produce is making some scientists worried.What will happen if something goes wrong in the programming?Quite a lot of crazy nano﹣robots would be far worse than any illness.Some people think that if they get out of control,nano﹣robots could make the Earth gone.

    What should be done?Should we continue researching nano﹣robots or should we search for other methods?This is one of the many difficult decisions that we have to make in the future.

(1)What is the cloud in the passage?    

A.Smoke in the air.

B.Millions of nano﹣robots.

C.Something full of drops of water.

D.Clothes to cover a patient.

(2)What does the underlined word it in Paragraph 2 refer to(指代)?    

A.Fighting cancer with nano﹣robots.

B.Moving from cell to cell.

C.Killing the cancer.

D.Repairing the environment.

(3)Which of the following is NOT the reason why some scientists are worried about using nano﹣robots?    

A.Nano﹣robots have the ability to build themselves.

B.Something may go wrong in the programming.

C.Scientists have to build millions of nano﹣robots one by one.

D.Nano﹣robots in large teams may be out of control.

(4)What does the writer think of using nano﹣robots in the future?    

A.He agrees to the idea.

B.He disagrees to the idea.

C.He doesn't talk about his own opinion.

D.He is crazy about it.

(5)What is the best title?    

A.Future Robots

B.The Ways to Fight Cancer

C.Nano﹣robots in Use

D.A Cloud of Hope and Danger

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In December 2020, "the Super Apple" appeared at supermarkets across China,sweeter and juicier than usual ones,without pesticide residue(农药残留).Before reaching the market,the products had been tested over 500 times.Blockchain(区块链) technology in recording farmers' actions is widely used to avoid nonstandard pesticide use.Digital technology at the apple storage helps to group apples,which can keep the stability(稳定性) in the quality. "The future of agriculture lies in the modern technology." Huang Jikun,Professor of the China Centre for Agricultural Policy at Peking University,told Beijing Review.

    At China's Central Rural Work Conference in 2020,President Xi stressed that efforts must be made to increase the quality of agriculture.Xi also pointed out the importance of speeding up technologies.

    China's agriculture has entered a stage of high﹣quality development,as the country is meeting people's increasing need for high standard products.So agriculture should turn to technology.

    Three years ago,Yuan Longping led a program of planting rice in saline﹣alkali(盐碱) soil in areas,including Xinjiang and Heilongjiang.Through hybrid technology,Yuan's team have been able to raise improved rice for saline and alkaline soils.If China could put 6.67 million hectares of saline﹣alkali soil into rice production,it would be very likely to increase by around 30 million tons,a huge contribution to the country.

    In Lushui,Yunnan Province,one can rarely see farmers working on the farm.All common tasks are completed automatically(自动化地).Data(数据) is gathered by the system to improve future production.

    "More information and technology centres will be built so that basic data and big data can be improved,and technologies like 5 G and the BeiDou Satellite Navigation System can be used in the field."said Han Fujun,Deputy Chief Engineer of the Information Center of MARA.

    Since 2010,the Chinese government has been organizing technology exchanges,training,field trips and other activities for the agricultural technology talents to better understand the situations of each area.

    Because of the COVID﹣19,companies begin to rethink better agricultural models,as more people want to eat healthier foods.Science and technology will play a more important role in the future.

(1)Which of the following makes "the Super Apple" sweeter and juicier?   

A.The apple storage.

B.The modern technology.

C.The product test.

D.The record of farmers' actions.

(2)From the passage we know that   .

A.traditional Chinese agriculture is out of date now

B.farmers will pay less attention to technologies

C.China's agriculture plays a lead role in the world

D.people now need more quality agricultural products

(3)Which of the following is true according to the passage?   

A.Yuan's program is a huge contribution to China.

B.Farmers are busy collecting the data in Lushui.

C.5 G and BeiDou system are rarely used in the centres.

D.Talents organize activities to understand each area.

(4)The passage mainly wants to tell us   .

A.Yuan Longping is a great Chinese scientist in farming

B.China's agriculture develops fast to meet people's need

C.science and technology improves China's agriculture

D.more agricultural models will appear after COVID﹣19

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Usually I wouldn't cross the park at this time of night.But walking around the park would take more time,and it was raining so hard that I couldn't even see clearly what was right before me.So I entered the park.And that was the first stupid thing I did tonight.

    Soon after I walked into the park.I saw a man under a tree up ahead.My heart fell.The stories I'd heard about the park were all coming into my head at this moment.Anyone with a clear mind would just turn back.But me?No.I did another stupid thing:I decided to hurry past him.

    Just when I was passing the man,he raised his head and gave me the strangest smile ever I got scared and started running. ""Hey" the man shouted from behind. "Wait" He was running after me!

    I ran like crazy.I had hoped the trees would keep some rain off.And they did.But they also made the park look even darker.I couldn't see what was ahead of me.Then,I ran into something.It was the man!

    "Don't kill me!" I cried.

    "What?I was trying to give back your bag!You dropped it" The man gave me my bag.

    Now,I felt saying that to the man was the stupidest thing I did tonight.

(1)Why did he writer enter the park?       

A.It was safer to go across the park.

B.To go across the park would save time.

C.The trees in the park could keep the rain off.

(2)What did the writer mean by "the first stupid thing" "another stupid thing" "the stupidest thing"?    

A.He felt proud of himself.

B.He regretted what he had done.

C.He felt ashamed of making so many mistakes.

(3)The "drop" in        has the same meaning as the underlined one in the last but two paragraph.

A.He dropped off from his bike.

B.Oh,they have had to drop their prices.

C.Excuse me,Miss,you've dropped your umbrella.

(4)What's the best title for the passage?    

A.A Strange Man

B.A Scary Park

C.A Brave Cross

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

What do you do with your rubbish?Throw it out?You don't know what you're missing!Look closely at the two figures on your left.They were made from things most people throw away.The figures were made from used bottle caps.Those two bottle﹣cap figures were exhibited (展示) in a museum.

    Folk art is art made by common people who have not been trained as artists.Their work is often based on traditions in their culture.Fine art,on the other hand,is usually made by people who have had training in art.Works of fine art are valued for their artistic beauty.They are supposed to be looked at but not used.Works of folk art,however,are often made for everyday use.

    There were more than 800 pieces of folk art from nearly 50 countries in the exhibition.All of the pieces were made from used metal,wood,cloth,and plastic.The artists come from many different cultures.Still,they all share one thing.They take objects that are normally thrown away and change them into objects that are beautiful,useful,and fun.The artists may not think of what they do as recycling,but that's exactly what it is.Fine artists might work with expensive materials.They might use expensive tools to shape these materials into works of art.On the other hand,in poor countries rubbish might be the only material folk artists and toy makers can afford.The exhibition shows that a rich imagination is very important when there are only poor materials.Recycled art began long before people began to think about recycling.Some of the objects in the exhibition date from the 1930s.

    Even if you don't create art out of rubbish,it's good to save our natural resources.Remember the three rules:reduce,reuse,recycle.If you reduce waste,true things instead of throwing them out,and recycle materials such as paper,plastic,and glass,you will protect the environment.

(1)Which idea belongs in the empty box?    

Conclusion (结论)


Art based on cultural traditions

Art made for everyday use

Art made with used materials

A.Folk art is made by people who are not trained artists.

B.The artists come from many different cultures.

C.Recycled art began long before people started recycling.

(2)What can we learn from Paragraph 3?      

A.There was more than 800 pieces of fine art.

B.Folk artists can't shape expensive materials into works of art.

C.Poor materials also can be made into works of art.

(3)What is the same thing of the pieces in the exhibition share?      

A.They are all woks of fine art.

B.They are all made from used materials.

C.They are all made by the trained artists.

(4)What can we do to protect our environment?      

A.Throw away used materials.

B.Only use expensive materials.

C.Recycle materials.

(5)Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?   

A.Used Bottle Caps

B.The Art of Recycling

C.A Museum Exhibition

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Everything is made of something.Nothing is made of nothing.

Chemistry is about the smallest things that other bigger things are made of,and what happens when theychange.The word chemistry comes from chemical,which is an example of one type of the very small things that other bigger things are made of.The words you are reading now are made of a dark liquid called ink (墨水),which is written on paper.The paper itself is made out of the chemicals that wood is made out of.Both the ink and the paper were made by different chemical processes.A chemical process is what happens when chemicals come together to make other chemicals,and therefore other things.

Cooking makes chemical changes.Your different ingredients are made of different chemicals,and when you put them together and make them hot and cook them,the chemicals change into new chemicals and the different ingredients make something new.That tomato sauce you're making is made of tomatoes,onions,garlic,salt and pepper.Those ingredients each have their own chemicals and their own flavors,but now with your sauce you've made something different,something that has its own flavor,all the ingredients mixed together,all the chemicals mixed together,something new.

You can smell the chemical changes,too,as they go up into your nose,especially when you forget about your sauce and it doesn't just cook but bums and becomes black and has a really bad flavor.You can't make it better,either,because once chemicals change,they can't be changed back again.

(1)What does the underlined word "they" in Paragraph 2 refer to?   






The smallest things.


The bigger things.

(2)What is a chemical process?    


Ink is written on paper.


Paper is made out of wood.


Everything is made of something.


Things mixed together produce something new.

(3)What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about?   


How to make tomato sauce.


What to use to form new things.


Ingredients and their own flavors.


Chemical changes in cooking food.

(4)Which might be the best title for the text?   


What chemistry is like.


Chemistry changes everything.


Where the word chemistry comes from.


A chemical process is called chemistry.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Students from Taizhou Middle School,Jiangsu Province,experience farming during their labor(劳动)course.As we all know,the life skills like cooking and painting are important and should be taught as part of labor education.

    On June3,2020,the Ministry of Education (MOE)(教育部) gave a document(文件) showing the revised curriculum(修改后的方案)for senior high schools across the country.Labor education includes housework,school labor and community voluntary(志愿的)services and so on.

     " Labor education must be carried out(实施)with the purpose to make the right view(观点)of the world,life and values and develop an interest in doing chores," said Vice﹣Minister of Education Zheng Fuzhi.

    According to China Youth Daily,the labor course will take six credits(学分)﹣﹣﹣ the same as foreign language and physics.Voluntary service,as part of labor education,would take two credits.The MOE also asks schools to make sure 40 hours of voluntary service during the full three school years.

    According to Xinhua,adding labor education was out of care that the country's young people do too little housework and that they think labor jobs aren't important.Because of a lot of school pressure,schools pay more attention to the course of education,and parents may think that the chores waste their kids' time.

    According to a survey,middle school students in China only spend 12 minutes a day on chores,compared with 72 minutes in the US,42 minutes in South Korea and 30 minutes in France.

    However,doing housework does not distract(使分心)young people.Instead,they are necessary for developing a strong working spirit,according to Julie Lythcott﹣Haims,the writer of How to Raise an Adult. "The earlier you started,the better...",he said.

(1)If you    ,you can get the credits of the labor course.

A.do homework

B.do volunteer work

C.go traveling

D.learn to drive a car

(2)What did Zheng Fuzhi talk about?   

A.The time to carry out labor education.

B.The way to carry out labor education.

C.The purpose to carry out labor education.

D.The place to carry out labor education.

(3)Who spend the most time on housework?    

A.Students in China.

B.Students in America.

C.Students in South Korea.

D.Students in France.

(4)What is the main idea of the passage?   

A.Parents should learn the life skills.

B.Labor is as important as foreign language.

C.Young people should pay attention to the course of education.

D.It's necessary for the students to develop strong working spirits.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Food is a kind of culture.It's a nation's memory and pride.The famous French baguette (长棍面包) is one of their memories and prides.French people think it should be protected. "It is much more than just a kind of bread.It is a symbol of France—it's like the Eiffel Tower," said Dominigue Anract,president of the Confederation of French Bakers.

    So it's no wonder that a group of French cooks want the baguette to become a form of intangible cultural heritage (非物质文化遗产) listed by UNESCO.French culture leaders have given a suggestion to the country's president.

    UNESCO's intangible heritage list aims to protect culture from the influence of the world.Cooks in France believe that if the baguette is on the list,it will be better protected.The list already includes Belgian beer and Neapolitan pizza.

    The baguette has been protected by law since 1993.The law says the bread must be made with only the following things:water,wheat flour,yeast and salt.The flour should be fermented (发酵) for 15 to 20 hours at a certain temperature.This strict rule makes the food special and delicious.

    Six million baguettes are sold every day in France.However,as supermarkets continue to take over,tens of thousands of shops have closed since the 1950s. "The first thing we ask of a child is to go buy a baguette," Anract said. "We think it important to protect these habits."

(1)Who is Anract?   

A.President of the Confederation of French Bakers.

B.President of UNESCO.

C.Manager of a supermarket.

(2)The cooks want the baguette to be on the list because it will   .

A.be better cooked

B.become a symbol of France

C.be better protected

(3)The baguette has been protected by law since    .




(4)How many baguettes are sold every day in France?   

A.Six million.

B.Ten thousand.

C.Six thousand.

(5)The passage mainly tells us   .

A.what the symbol of France is

B.how to make France's famous bread

C.France's famous bread should be protected

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


    Pay attention to how you lead your life most of the time.A healthy lifestyle is one that doesn't take extremes(极端)as a way of life.Be moderate in what you do.

    Eat well

    It is important to pay attention to both what you eat and how you eat.As Socrates said : " You should eat to live;not live to eat." A different diet(饮食)with vegetables and fresh fruits is good for the brain.Also take time off for meals.


    Students must know the value of exercise because it plays a necessary part in counterbalancing(抵消)the stress(压力)responses produced in our bodies by having to meet exams.


    Students are getting less and less of sleep which might lead to more stress.The hours of sleep before midnight are thought to be the most helpful.For this reason students must re﹣regulate their body clock and go to bed and get up at regular time.

    Express yourself

    The way students feel about their work and other issues in their life plays a huge part in how they deal with stress.It is advisable that students should be realistic whatever happens in their lives.

    To sum up,studies are really very important,but never at the expense(代价)of students' physical and mental wellbeing.Besides,if students feel well they will be ready to face the challenges(挑战) of exams alive and kicking.

(1)What food is good for the brain according to paragraph two?    

A.Vegetables and fruits.

B.Hamburgers and meat.

C.Rice and noodles.

(2)When is the best time for a student to go to sleep?    

A.At 7:00 p.m.

B.At 10:00 p.m.

C.At 1:00 a.m.

(3)Where can we most probably read this article?    

A.In a tour guide.

B.On a web page for tips.

C.In a daily newspaper.

(4)What's the best title of the reading?    

A.Stress in part of students' lives.

B.A healthy mind in a healthy body.

C.Prepare for your exams with a healthy body and mind.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知