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  • 科目:英语
  • 题型:阅读理解
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:87

    Jiaozi, also known as Chinese dumplings, is a must﹣have during holidays in Northern China.It dates back to ancient times.

    Jiaozi is one of the most important foods in Chinese New Year.Since jiaozi is in the shape of ancient Chinese gold or silver ingots(银锭), it symbolizes wealth (象征着财富). Traditionally, the members of a family get together to make dumplings on New Year's Eve.They may hide a coin in one of the dumplings.The person who finds the coin will be likely to have good luck. As the Spring Festival marks the start of a new year,people choose to eat jiaozi in the hope of having a good future in the coming new year.

    Based on your taste, you can make different kinds of Chinese dumplings using different fillings.There is no set rule as to what makes dumpling fillings. They can be anything from vegetables,meat or seafood. Whatever the fillings are, the wrapping (包) skill needs to be exquisite (精美的) to make jiaozi good﹣looking.

    As China is a country with a vast territory(幅员辽阔),there are differences in different areas in ways of making jiaozi or even serving it. For example, dumpling wrappers are made with a rolling stick in Beijing and Hebei province, while in some parts of Inner Mongolia, wrappers are hand﹣pressed.

(1)When did Chinese people probably begin to have jiaozi?  

(2)What does jiaozi symbolize?  

(3)Why do people choose to cat jiaozi on New Year's Eve?  

(4)Do people need to follow set rules to make dumpling fillings?  

(5)How are dumpling wrappers made in some parts of Inner Mongolia?  


Jiaozi, also known as Chinese