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  • 科目:英语
  • 题型:阅读理解
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:33

Scientists around the world are racing to create and test vaccines (疫苗) to help protect people against the novel coronavirus (新冠病毒). They are making progress, but it will be quite a while before any vaccines are ready.

    There are many different ways to make vaccines. At least 115 different vaccines for the novel coronavirus are being developed around the world right now. Many of them may not work or may have side effects that can be dangerous. That is why testing is very important.

    Before a vaccine is ever tested on humans, it's first tested on animals to make sure it seems safe. Testing the vaccine on humans is done in several different phases (阶段). In Phase 1, a small group of people are given small amounts of the vaccine to see if it has any bad effects. Phase 2 still tests the vaccine's safety, but it's mainly a test to see if the vaccine seems to work. If Phase 2 goes well, the vaccine can begin Phase 3.During Phase 3,the vaccine is tried on a much larger group of people to see how well it works.

    Because of the serious and worldwide impact (影响) of the novel coronavirus, there is huge pressure to develop a working vaccine quickly.It normally takes seven or more years to develop a safe vaccine that works well. Now drug companies are hoping to create working vaccines in 12 or 18 months.

     But health experts also warn that rushing too much could be dangerous. A vaccine with harmful effects could cause more problems than it solves.

(1)According to the passage, the scientists who are making vaccines are  

A. hard﹣working and careful

B. patient and easy﹣going

C. kind and curious

D. caring and brave

(2)How long does it take to create working vaccines in the usual way?  

A. Less than six years.

B. More than ten years.

C. Twelve to eighteen months.

D. About seven years.

(3)Which of the following is TRUE?  

A. There are only three phases in testing vaccines.

B. Working vaccines must be created in a short time.

C. Vaccines have already been developed.

D. Rushing too quickly in creating vaccines may bring more problems.

(4)What's the best title of the passage?  

A. Rush for a Vaccine

B. Fight against the Disease

C. Protect People against the Virus

D. Create Working Vaccines


Scientists around the world ar