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  • 科目:英语
  • 题型:阅读理解
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:57

Stores play music Lo change the way customers feel Clothing stores for teenagers play popular music.It is exciting and makes the customers feel happy.But music does more than that.I can change the way person shops.

According to studies,the volume( 音量) of music changes how people shop.Customers shop quickly when store music is very loud.They hurry through the store,but they buy just as much.When music is quiet,customers shop slowly Customers take time to look at the products and talk with the salespeople.Quiet music is good for products that take time and information to buy.

Slow music makes people slow down.In restaurants with slow music,customers spend more time eating,Slow music also slows down customers in supermarkets.Customers notice more product as they walk through the store.With slow music in supermarkets,sales go up by 38 percent.

Familiar(熱悉的)music give shoppes a good idea of time.People know the beginning,middle,and end of a familiar song.When customers hear music that is not familiar,they don't notice the time.When they don't notice the time,they spend more time shopping and buy more.People remember past experiences and feeling when they hear familiar music.Many stores play old,happy music so customers feel good.When customers hear new music,they forget about the world outside of the store.Some stores use new music so their customers relax while they shop.

Stores choose music that fits their products,A bookstore plays quiet classical music and jazz(爵士乐).It gives the store a serous and intelligent feeling.

(1)What's the best title for the text?   


Customers' Music.


Store Music.


Customers and Music Owners,


Music and Shopping.

(2)What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?   


Quiet music is good for products,


People shop slowly when they hear quiet music.


People shop quickly when they hear loud music.


The degrees of loudness of music influence the way of shopping

(3)Which of the following does the text NOT mention about store music?   


I changes the way people shop.


It changes the way people feel.


It changes the way people use the products.


It changes the way people think about the products.

(4)What kind of music should a popular sports store play according to the text?   


Classical music.


Rock music.


Country music.


Jazz music.


Stores play music Lo change th