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  • 科目:英语
  • 题型:未知题型
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:38

(The host is interriewing Xiao Liang at the radio station. H=the host, X= Xiao Liang)

H: This morning I' m talking with a very brave nurse. Good morning, Xiao Liang.

X: Good morning.

H: So, Xiao Liang,(1)   our listeners what you did in Wuhan.

X: Well, every day we almost worked for about ten hours.(2)   you know, we must take care of the patients in our biohazard suits (防护服).

H: That must be very hard and tired.(3)   made you be brave and stay on the front?

X: I guess I take after my mother. She was a nurse,(4)   , She always says to me,"Saving lives comes first."

H: You're so great. We're(5)   of you. You're the hero in harm's way (最美逆行者).

X: Thank you.


(The host is interriewing Xiao