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  • 科目:英语
  • 题型:阅读理解
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1878

Suspended (待用的) Coffee
This story will warm you better than a coffee on a cold winter day.

One day, my friend and I entered a little coffeehouse and ordered two cups of coffee. While we were waiting, two young men came in and began to order, “Five cups of coffee, please. Two of them for us and three suspended.” They paid for their order, took the two and left. I asked my friend:“What are those 'suspended' coffees?” Instead of giving me the answer, he told me to wait and see.
Some more people came. Two girls asked for one coffee each, paid and went away. Thencame three lawyers who paid for seven coffees—three for themselves and four suspended. While I still wonderedwhat the suspended coffees were, I enjoyed the sunny weather and the beautiful view in front of the coffeehouse. Suddenly a poor man like a beggar(乞丐) came into the coffeehouse. He kindly ordered a suspended coffee and sat there to drink it.

At that moment, I knew the meaning of the suspended coffees. It's simple — people pay the coffee in advance(预先) for someone who can't afford it. The tradition with the suspended coffees started inItaly, but it has spread all over the world. Meanwhile, I understood suspendedcoffee is not only a cup of coffee, but also the warmth and love to someone in need.
How many cups of coffee did the two young men order?


Who ordered a suspended coffee ?

A.My friend.
B.Two girls.
C.Three lawyers.
D.A poor man.

The tradition with the suspended coffee started in ______.


The writer wants to tell us to ______.

A.pay for others
B.enjoy the sunshine
C.help someone in need
D.order more than before

Suspended (待用的) CoffeeThis sto