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  • 科目:英语
  • 题型:阅读理解
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:750

Hey, mom, I want you to stop dropping me off at the airport for some trip that I am about to take and start becoming my seatmate.  I want to travel with you---just you.
I want to explore a new place alongside a woman who raised me, who put up with my teenager anxiety and my rebellious (叛逆的) college years.  I want to see my favorite cities with the lady who taught me basic life lessons, such as looking both ways before crossing the street, how to use a glue gun, and that the most important thing in the world is to help others.
I always appreciated the vacations you planned for our family. I also remember how you watched me as I read The Great Gatsby on the balcony at midday.  I wonder if you felt proud of me.  These days, I am sick of traveling to places with wishy-washy(无主见的) friends.  I want to travel with a strong woman who can see how capable I am of learning to speak French or hiking on a glacier or eating something as unpleasant-smelling fruit.
Now I want you to see how much I grow up while abroad---I’m a different person, Mom.  And I know you’d be different too.  I know that someone has shared a similar burst of emotion while diving into Australia’s Great Barrier Reef for the first time.
So what do you say, Mom? Will you throw responsibility to the wind? I want to travel with you.  Let’s just go---we can go anywhere in the world, just you and I.  You can pick the place, and I will do the rest.
Which life lesson does Katka think the most valuable?

A. Exploring a new place alongside her mother.
B. Visiting favorite cities with her mother.
C. Looking both ways when crossing the street.
D. Offering help to others when it’s possible.

What do the underlined words in Paragraph 5 mean?

A. Keep my promise.
B. Take care of me.
C. Bear much responsibility.
D. Have a break from work.

What’s the daughter’s purpose of writing this letter?

A. To thank her mother for all she has sacrificed for her.
B. To invite her mother to see the world together.
C. To recall her childhood with her mother.
D. To show her mother how talented she is.

Hey, mom, I want you to stop d