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  • 科目:英语
  • 题型:信息匹配
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1419

根据短文内 容 ,从 短 文 后 的 选 项 中 选 出 能 填 入 空 白 处 的 最 佳 选 项 。选 项 中 有 两 项 为 多 余 选 项 ,并 在 答 题 卡 上 将 该 项 涂 黑 。
Tips on buying outdoor solar lights
As solar lighting is becoming useful for homes, many different such outdoor lights can now be found in supermarkets. Here are some helpful tips for customers.
Does your area receive enough direct lighting?
So you shouldn’ t even give it a thought if you live in an area that doesn’t get much sunlight. These lights need direct sunlight, or they just won’t work very well.
  The expensive one usually means good quality. Choosing the cheapest ones will result in many problems. For once, it’s best to buy more expensive lights of high quality.   At least you should know the difference between a $ 10 light and a $ 45 light.
Buy lights that require less installation(安 装 ) .
Most solar lights are simply driven into the ground. Therefore, you shouldn’t deal with the difficulty in installing a system that involves anything more than that.   You don’t need to buy lights that require half an hour each to plant into the ground because that’s just a waste of time.
Make sure the lights can store enough energy.
Different solar lights can store different amounts of energy.   Therefore, you should choose lights that are able to store enough energy to last for a few hours or more, at least those that will last from nightfall throughout most of the night and part of the morning.

A.Without sunlight, solar lighting is useless.
B.Buy many solar lights instead of just one or two.
C.It means some will stay lit longer than the others.
D.Choose something a bit more expensive for once.

E. Solar lights are becoming more and more popular.
F. That doesn’ t mean you have to spend all your money.
G. They should take a few minutes each to get into the ground.


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