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  • 科目:英语
  • 题型:完型填空
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:528

A man wanted to make an investment. An idea struck him: “Why don’t I plant a small mango tree and enjoy the benefits when it grows into a big one?” So he went to the     , bought a small tree and took it home. To the pride of his family, he      it in the center of his      .
He read everything about       a mango tree. He got up early every morning, for he was determined to supply the tree with all the necessary nutrients. He watered it,       it with manure(粪肥),and took good care of its leaves by removing those       ones. He made sure the tree received enough care.
Many times he sat and       the beauty of the growing tree while dreaming about the       mangos that the tree would      . His mind was always filled with the wish to taste the first fruit of the tree.
Years went by      …Now, he had a big tree with its leaves shining and healthy, its bark(树皮)healthy and hard. It was a big attraction       it decorated his whole garden.
Then one day he noticed a small bud(花蕾),which in a couple of days grew into a beautiful      .Now he could hardly wait for the fruit, so he started to       his supply of nutrients and care. Then one day the tree let out its first product—a small green fruit. The man was so      .
He waited for a few more weeks till the fruit grew in      .The day came when he decided to       the first fruit of the tree. He       the tree, picked the fruit and then came his      .The fruit was not like what he expected. It was hard, big and round. He was puzzled. He was sad.
Seeing this, his       came and asked him what happened. He told them that the fruit from his tree was not what he wanted. When the neighbors heard this, they did not know whether to       or comfort him, for what he planted years ago was not a mango tree. We can only reap(收获)what we plant.

A.city B.farm C.market D.shop

A.grew B.moved C.planted D.threw

A.garden B.house C.village D.yard

A.buying B.improving C.keeping D.raising

A.decorated B.equipped C.served D.supplied

A.green B.red C.white D.yellow

A.admired B.drew C.greeted D.operated

A.beneficial B.expensive C.healthy D.tasty

A.bear B.burst C.deserve D.make

A.immediately B.quickly C.narrowly D.suddenly

A.because B.if C.though D.when

A.flower B.fruit C.leaf D.nut

A.rise B.increase C.decrease D.decline

A.greedy B.happy C.nervous D.sad

A.age B.length C.size D.width

A.observe B.sell C.steal D.taste

A.climbed B.cut C.hid D.killed

A.anxiety B.cheer C.disappointment D.opinion

A.children B.friends C.neighbors D.relatives

A.complain B.laugh C.motivate D.support


A man wanted to make an invest