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  • 科目:英语
  • 题型:完型填空
  • 难度:中等
  • 人气:1910

I'm feeling sad.My 19-year-old∞nleft home about a week ago to  36   the Air Force, and my 23-year-old daughter left two days ago to marry in another state.I'm so  37   of my son as he had to really work hard to get into the Air Force, and my daughter moved to be with her fiance(未婚夫).I'm just simply upset.It  38   feels like someone has ripped my heart from my chest.I’ve tried to talk to their father, friends, and family but it just feels like no one around me   39   what I'm going through.
My children were  40   to me.I put all my energy into   41   both of them and doing all types of activities with them, even sometimes at the  42  of my own best interests.I understand they grow up and need their _43  ,but for some reason I just can't seem to let go.I am go _ 44   that they're establishing their own lives,   45  I get so depressed whenever I have even a simple _46  of them.I've been crying for over a week now.I really don't know what to do to make this  47  go away.I can't even walk by either one's room without bursting into tears.I don't understand why I'm unable to _48  this sense of great loss.I'm  49   that I need to move on with my own life and find  _50  things to devote my attention to, but I _51 being a mom and spending time on my children.I've    52   adopting a child but it's _53   atthe moment for me considering my poor health.
I'm just thankful to have found this website and found there are others who are  54  similar problems.It helps to   55  I'm not crazy or overreacting.Thank you for sharing your problems and showing others like myself this isn’t so abnormal.

A.join B.visit C.contact D.lead

A.afraid B.proud C.ashamed D.guilty

A.hardly B.even C.almost D.truly

A.reminds B.regrets C.understands D.questions

A.everything B.everyone C.nothing D.anyone

A.persuading B.raising C.paying D.charging

A.mercy B.distance C.sight D.cost

A.freedom B.country C.career D.house

A.anxious B.embarrassed C.amazed D.happy

A.if B.and C.but D.unless

A.thought B.look C.impression D.idea

A.moment B.decision C.feeling D.event

A.recognize B.realize C.achieve D.overcome

A.afraid B.aware C.doubtful D.confident

A.expensive B.great C.new D.simple

A.forgot B.tried C.stopped D.enjoyed

A.admitted B.considered C.suspected D.remembered

A.impossible B.disappointing C.worthy D.surprising

A.researching B.experiencing C.imitating D.recording

A.hear B.imagine C.know D.say


I'm feeling sad.My 19-year-old