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(外研社英语高一必修4) Module 6 课时同步训练

ⅠFill in the blanks with the proper words.
A. Reading
The “monster of Lake Tianchi” is 1____ in the news again after several recent sightings. The monster seemed to be black 2___ color. It 3____out of the water like a seal. Although no one really got a clear 4____ at the mysterious creature, a local photographer 5_____ that its head looked like a horse.
In another recent 6______, a group of soldiers claim they saw an animal 7______ on the surface of the water. It was greenish-black creature and had round head 8______ 10-centimetre horns.
A third report came from Li Xiaohe. He claims to have seen the creature moving quickly through the water. After three or four hundred meters it 9_____ into the water. Ten minutes later the monster 10____ again and repeated the action.
There have been reports of monsters in Lake Tianchi since the 11________ of the last century. Some photos have been 12______. Many people think that the monster may be a 13______ cousin of the Loch Ness monster in Scotland. Scientists, however, are 14_______. They say that the low-temperature lake is unlikely to be able to support such large living creatures.
Lake Tianchi is the highest volcanic lake in the world. It 15___an area of about 10 square kilometers.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

B. Cultural corner
Dragon can be friendly or 1______, they can bring good luck or 2_______ death and destruction. For a creature that doesn’t actually exit, that’s 3_____.
In Chinese culture, dragons are 4______and wise, although they can be 5_________. The dragon was closely 6_________ to the royal family. According to popular 7_______, if you were born in the year of the 8_______, you are intelligent, brave and a natural leader.
But in the west, dragons had a different 9__________.
Why10________the dragon have a different character in different parts of the world? Some experts believe it is 11______to the animals the myths grow out of. In the west, the idea of the dragon probably came from the 12______. But in China, the idea of the dragon came from the 13_________, a good sign for 14_________. So the Chinese dragon was a 15_________ of good fortune.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Complete these sentences using the correct form of the words given below.
hair fright appear predict reputation positive indicate fortunate 
1 The boy was ______ to death by the violent thunderstorm.
2 She was quiet ______ about the amount of money.
3 You never know how she will react: she is so_________.
4 He has established his good ________ as a writer.
5 A _______ chest sometimes is a symbol of strong for a man.
6 A red sky at night _______ fine weather the following day.
7 The plane __________ behind the cloud, so you couldn’t see it.
8 __________, he passed the examination.
9 The knife needs __________.
10 If we continue to destroy the countryside, more animals will become________.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Ⅲ Translate into Chinese
A.          Phrases
1 接近,靠近2 生气
3 伸出4 再次成为新闻
5 看清楚某物6 看起来象
7 潜入水中8 远亲
9 不可能10 占地
11说实话12 适应,适合
13 灭绝14编故事
15 帮助弄清楚,阐明某事
16 开门见山
17 几乎一夜之间
18 选择,喜欢,攻击19 不同寻常
20 根据21 由于

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

B sentences
2 他生称看见一个黑黑的,圆圆的动物在水中快速游动.
3 他们还认为,在世界其他地方的湖泊里也许有类似的生物.
4 他们说,水温这样低的湖泊不可能生存有体形如此巨大的动物.
5 虽然没人很清楚的看到过怪物,但有关的信息从上世纪末就有了。
6 因为天气不错湖面很平静,李晓和说她和家人可以很清楚的观看怪物。
7 龙可以是和善的或凶猛的,他们能带来好运或引起死亡和破坏。
8 在中国文化中,龙是慷慨智慧的,虽然有点神不可测。
9 有一个比较盛行的说法:如果你在龙年出生,你就会聪明勇敢而且具有与生俱来的领袖资质。
10 为什么在世界不同的地方龙有不同的特征?一些专家认为这是由于神话的起源不同。

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

ⅣMultiple choice.
1Fishermen and sailors sometimes claim____ monsters in the sea.
A seeing B to have seen C having seen D to see

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2 The bell ________ the end of the period rang, interrupting our heated discussion.
A indicating B indicated C indicates D to indicate

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3 You can’t imagine such a beautiful girl ______ say such rude words.
A might B need C should D may

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4 ____ a certain doubt among the students as to the necessity of the work.
A There has had B They had C There existed D It existed

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5 When and where to go _____
A have not decided B have not been decided C has not decided D has not been decided

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6 We are most_____ to make progress when we think in terms of what is best for the benefit of our course.
A likely B possible C probable D unlikely

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7 We _____ in four weeks time so Mr. Smith took me shopping for dress.
A were to marry with B were to be married C would marry to D were about to be married

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8 Researchers have shown that the shorter the index finger is, ____ the ring finger, ___ aggressive men are likely to be.
A compared with; more B comparing to; more C compared to; the more D comparing with, the more

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9 If you want to be ___ success in your career, you must be aggressive.
A the B a C an D /

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10 He often asks me the question ___ the work was worth doing.
A if B whether C that D when

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11Not only I but also Jane and Mary ______ tired of having one examination after another.
A is B are C am D be

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12 ---- Alice you feed the bird,_____?
--- But I did it yesterday. 

A.do you B.will you C.can’t you D.don’t you
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13. The car ____at the present speed until it reaches the village at about 11 o’clock.

A.goes B.has gone C.would go D.will be going
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14. Here we buy eggs____ the dozen.

A.in B.to C.by D.at
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15. ____Are you pleased with the performance?
----- Not at all. It couldn’t have been_____

A.worse B.so better C.better D.the worst
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A holidaymaker in Australia was awakened by a “horrible, animal-like” noise outside her hotel window. When she went out, she saw a giant, hairy creature crossing the garden. “It was the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen and it smelled awful,” Tania Smith told investigators. She described the creature as “at least two and a half meters tall and covered with long, dark hair”. When the creature saw her, it roared like a bear and escaped into the woods. “It looked almost human with sad, frightened eyes,” she said.
According to Aborigine legend, a kind of ape man called the Yowie once populated Australia but when the Aborigines arrived thousands of years ago, they exterminated it. However, many people believe that the Yowie didn’t completely die out and may still survive in remote parts of Australia.
A fisherman claims to have seen a flying creature which he later identified as a Ropen or “demon-flyer”. Ralph, who is a native of the remote Rambutyo Island of Papua New Guinea, was fishing at nightfall. “It flew out of the jungle, diving into the sea right by my boat. I was too terrified to move,” he told our reporter.
There have been several recent sightings of these mysterious bird-like animals. It is reported to have two leathery wings, a long tail, a long beak filled with sharp teeth and claws. The creature has a wing-span of up to two meters. Experts think it might be a kind of pterodactyl, making it the only surviving dinosaur. The natives say the Ropen is aggressive and eats fish.
Kate Brow was driving home from a day’s hiking when she saw a thylacine near the road. “At first I thought it was a cat because of the stripes on its back but it was much bigger,” she said. “I noticed its tail. It was like a kangaroo’s, long and thick near the body.” The thylacine, also known as the Tasmanian tiger, was a marsupial which once lived in Tasmanian, part of Australia. They were hunted by farmers because they attacked sheep and are now thought to be extinct. However, every year there are several unofficial sightings in remote areas of the island so it may not have disappeared completely.
There has been another sighting of the mysterious orang pendek in a national park of Indonesia. A local policeman claimed to have seen two orang pendeks, which is also called the “little man of the jungle”. “It was a small creature, only about a meter tall with short legs, broad shoulders and a hairy body.” When shown photographs of other primates, the man said it looked a bit like a gorilla but, he said “Orang pendek is more handsome than this animal, and its face is more like a human’s.” There have been so many similar sightings that the park director believes it may be an unknown species.
1.      Answer the questions.
2)                 What do the creatures in article A and D have in common?
3)                 Which creature do we know for certain existed in the past?
4)                 Which creature may rally exist?
5)                 Which eye-witness report is the most convincing?

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  • 难度:未知

2.      Complete the chart.

Tasmanian tiger
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3.      Fill in the blanks.
1) 被。。。弄醒__________      2)灭绝______       
3)像动物的______       像鸟的______              4)偏僻的_______      5)在黄昏_______              6)翼展 _______    7)被。。。捕猎_______     

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  • 难度:未知

4.      1). It was the ugliest thing ___________(我所见过的).
2).A fisherman claims to ________(见过)a flying creature which he later ___________(确认)a Ropen or “demon-flyer”.
3).It flew out of the jungle, _________(潜入)the sea right by my boat.
4). It is reported ___________(有)two leathery wings, a long tail, a long beak _________(充满)sharp teeth and claws.
It is reported _____________ two leathery wings, along tail, a long beak ________ sharp teeth and claws.
5). Experts think it might be a kind of pterodactyl, _____ (使得)it the only surviving dinosaur.
6). It was like a kangaroo’s, _________(又长又粗)near the body.
7). The thylacine, also ________ (做为。。。而出名)the Tasmanian tiger, was a marsupial which once lived in Tasmania, part of Australia.
8). It may not _____________ (消失)completely.
9). ______________(当给他看)photographs of other primates, the man said it looked a bit like a gorilla but, …

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