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Lots of people think that football is _______ amazing game.

A.a B.an C.the D./
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

—Lily, could you please pass me the______? I want to cut the apple.
—Sure, here you are.

A.pen B.pencil
C.book D.Knife
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One sunny day, Alice sat ______a river with her sister.

A.by B.on C.at D.To
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I ______ make a home page three years ago, but now I am good at it.

A.can B.can’t
C.could D.couldn’t
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

— Our skirts look the same.
— Yes, but ________looks newer.

A.your B.you
C.yours D.yourself
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

—Who helped you clean the classroom yesterday?
—____________. I did it all by myself.

A.Somebody B.Anybody
C.Nobody D.Everybody
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Lions are the kings of the animal world. They are ______. Never go near them.

A.dangerous B.friendly
C.cute D.Funny
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Tom ______a small tent near the lake and enjoyed counting the stars at night.

A.put up B.put out
C.put away D.put off
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Which "ed" has the pronunciation of /d/?

A.picked B.climbed
C.watched D.Needed
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

—_______ brave Zhang Hua is!
—Yes. He helped his neighbour, Mrs. Sun out of the fire.

A.What a B.How a C.How D.What
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

—Dinner is ready. Help yourself!
—Wow! It _______ delicious. You are really a good cook.

A.looks B.sounds
C.feels D.Tastes
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

—Jack, is there ________in today’s newspaper?
—No, nothing.

A.anything important B.something important
C.important anything D.important something
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

She is a __________ girl with two big eyes.

A.six-years-old B.six-year-old
C.six years old D.six-years old
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

There is _______ orange juice in the bottle. So I can drink it.

A.a few B.few C.a little D.little
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  • 难度:未知

—-Would you please help me to take these books downstairs?
—-_______ .

A.Yes, please B.No problem
C.That’s right D.Let’s go
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Man began to make use of fire long long ago. Fire is useful in many ways, but sometimes it is dangerous. If you are not       with it, it can burn things or even hurt you. A big fire can     forests and tall buildings. Sometimes a piece of thin paper can cause (引起)a big fire. So please remember not to smoke in the dry places like woods and forests. When you use candles at home, you should       your long hair away from the fire.
But if there is a fire in our building,        should we do? Pour some water   your clothes. What’s more, put a       towel (毛巾) over your mouth and your nose to keep the       out. You’d better run away from the fire as       as you can. But you mustn’t rush! Or you may fall over and hurt yourself or others. Of course you should also call      . On the phone you should clearly tell the firemen where the fire is to help them get there without difficulty. By the way, Do not        out of the window. Jumping may be more dangerous than the fire.
Keep ourselves away from fire and safety is above all!

A.careful B.happy C.good D.lucky

A.wash B.blow C.burn D.hit

A.make B.put C.keep D.take

A.what B.where C.why D.how

A.above B.below C.over D.under

A.dry B.big C.small D.wet

A.air B.smoke C.water D.fire

A.slowly B.quickly C.suddenly D.early

A.120 B.110 C.114 D.119

A.run B.rush C.get D.Jump

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

2014 is the year of horse in China. Do you know anything about the horse?
The horse is strong and runs very fast. He’s a useful and hard-working animal. The horse learns to know his owner soon. He loves his owner, even after his owner loses his life. Here’s a story about such a horse. In a war, the owner passed away(死), and fell from his horse. When people found his body some days later, the horse was still standing beside it. During that long time, the horse didn’t leave the body of his owner, without food or water, in the coldest weather, driving away the birds that might eat it. Wasn’t he a great animal?

When people found the body of the owner, the horse was _______.

A.going away B.still standing beside it
C.drinking water D.eating grass beside it

The story probably took place in _______.

A.spring B.summer
C.autumn D.Winter
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

If you’re traveling by air in America, you may find the following criteria (标准).

Exit Seat Criteria
If you are sitting in an exit seat, read the information below.
You must:
Be at least 15 years old and healthy enough to give help.
Be able to speak, read and understand English well.
Be able to follow a safe way from the emergency exit (紧急出口).
Be able to help others away from the plane.
You must not:
Travel with a pet, such as a dog.
Travel with someone that needs special care, such as a child.
If you cannot meet the criteria, ask crew members (工作人员) to move you to another seat. You do not have to say why, just say, “I do not want to sit in an exit seat.”

The passenger(乘客) sitting in an exit seat ________.

A.must be under 15 B.needn’t speak English
C.must be healthy enough D.needn’t help others

If you are sitting in an exit seat, you can NOT ________.

A.ask the reason B.bring a pet with you
C.read Exit Seat Criteria D.move to another seat

This piece of Exit Seat Criteria may appear _______.

A.on the plane B.on a train
C.on the road D.on the playground

The Chinese meaning of the word “meet” in this passage is probably “ _______”.

A.符合 B.遇见 C.相信 D.开会
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A Play: Four Butterflies
Characters: Red Butterfly (RB), Green Butterfly (GB), Green Tree (GT), Rose (R), Grandpa Sun (GS)
Look! There are four butterflies in the garden. One is red, one is yellow, one is green, and the other one is white. They play games and dance together every day, and they are very happy. One day, it’s fine. Four butterflies are playing a game in the garden. Suddenly it is full of dark clouds and it begins to rain hard.
1. GB: Oh, it’s raining hard. Green Tree is over there. She can
help us.
GB: Green Tree, our wings are wet. Please let us stay under your leaves.
GT: Green Butterfly, I like you. We have the same color. You can come in, but the other three butterflies must go away.
GB: No, thank you. We are good friends. We love each other and must stay together.
RB: Rose is over there. She can help us.
2. RB: Rose, our wings are wet. Please let us stay under your leaves.
R: Red Butterfly, I like you. We have the same color. You can come in, but the other three butterflies must go away.
RB: No, thank you. We are good friends. We love each other and must stay together.
3. GS: What good friends they are! This is a real friendship. I must help them.
The sun drives the clouds away and asks the rain to stop. Soon the sun gives off bright light and dries up their wings.
4. Four butterflies: Oh, the sun comes out. Our wings are dry. Let’s play and dance again.

How many butterflies are there in the garden?

A.One. B.Two. C.Three. D.Four.

What are the butterflies doing when it starts to rain?

A.They are flying. B.They are dancing.
C.They are playing a game. D.They are staying under the leaves.

Who helps the butterflies at last?

A.Rose. B.Rain.
C.Grandpa Sun. D.Dark clouds.

What is the main idea of the play?

A.Butterflies cannot fly if their wings are wet.
B.The four butterflies are sisters and brothers.
C.Grandpa often helps others.
D.A real friendship means that friends stay together when they are in trouble.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Dear Sir,
I would like to recommend Liu Hua for this year’s Youth Service Award.
Liu Hua is a clever girl. She is very good at drawing and she often teaches children how to draw after school.
Liu Hua is kind and friendly. She comes to our community center every day. She does a lot of things for the center. Sometimes she comes to the center at the weekends to teach English. All the members of the community center like her very much.
Last month, Liu Hua broke her arm while playing tennis, but she did not stop coming to the center. She said that she felt happy to help others.
Many members think that Liu Hua should get an award for her hard work. We look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Xiao Hong
A  Recommendation    

To recommend Liu Hua for this year’s Youth Service Award

Main  _
She can   pictures well and she is good at     .
She is kind and.
What Liu Hua does
She often teaches children how to draw after school is   .
She helps the people in the community center    English.
Last month, Liu Hua broke her   , but she did not stop coming to the center.
Many    think that Liu Hua should get an award for her hard work.


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The headmaster gave a good _______(演讲) at the meeting yesterday.
His grandpa lives _______(独自), but he never feels unhappy.
_______(相信) it or not! We raised more than two thousand yuan.
When he looked _______(朝、向) me, I smiled and waved to him.
It is _______(更好) to give than to take.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Helen could look after _______(her) when she was only eight years old.
When the cat is away, the________(mouse) will play.
We all felt very _______(surprise) when we heard the news.
The story happened in the _______(twenty) century.
Suzy’s geography is good, but sometimes she is _______(care).

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

—Where is your father?
---He ________(watch) the World Cup in the living room.
We _______(build) a new school building next year.
From then on, Tom _______(take) care of the little cat.
Please stop________(throw)the rubbish into the river and keep the water clean.
Alice was too small ________(reach) the key.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Max packs (打包) lots of things in his bag when he goes  with his family.
“Your bag is too big and it w  a lot,” says Mom.
“I am hungry,” Max’s older brother Matt says.
“Have some s    and apples,” Max says.
“The sun is too strong. Max, do you have a hat or a cap?” asks Mom.
“Yes, I have a hat. And you can wear these sunglasses,” Max says.
“It’s hot. Can you give me something?” asks Grandma.
“Use my fan,” Max says.
“It’s dark. I can’t see well,” says Dad.
“I have a lamp (灯). I have a candle and  too,” Max says.
“We our way,” says Dad.
“That’s okay. I have a map,” says Max.
Max’s family goes back home.
“Your big bag is great,” says everybody.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

_________, our English teacher comes into the classroom ___________________.
_______________, What could you do at_______________________________ ten?
He_______________ not to play computer games ___________________________.
Soon Alice was _________________________________________________the door.
Many families are ___________________________________________the cars now.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

假如你是王平,你的英国笔友Cathy发来邮件说她在 “Reading Week”时读了几本有趣的书,她想跟你交流一下,了解你的读书情况。请你根据她的问题回复邮件。
提示词语:books on, because, get, knowledge
要求: 70词左右;不得出现真实的校名和人名。


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知