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We’re planning to send out a thousand invitations_______Expovolunteers.

A.over B.in C.on D.to
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It is said that two man-made structures are clearly visible from space. One is the Great Wall of China, andis Japan's Kansai International Airport.

A. another B. other C. the other D. either
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Ernest visited the South Pole because he wanted to see one of the _______regions in the world.

A.colder B.coldest C.more coldly D.most coldly
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It is important to know about the cultural differences thatcause problems.

A. must B. dare C. need D. may
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We _______on our project day and night in the past two weeks.

A.had worked B.have worked C.will be working D.has been advised
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The employees()that they should renew their contracts within a week.

A. advise B. have advised C. are advised D. had been advised
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_______well in an interview will be an important part of getting a place at university.

A.Do B.Doing C.Done D.Being done
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_______some people some here for a short break , others have decided to stay forever.

A.Because B.If C.Once D.While
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Tina was hesitation about the job offer as she did not knowthe company was an established one.

A. whether B. what C. until D. although
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_______by the growing interest in nature, more and more people enjoy outdoor sports.

A.Influenced B.Influencing
C.Having influenced D.To be influenced
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as an Olympic event, a sport must be played in at least 75 countries on at least 4 continents.

A. To accept B. Having accepted C. To be accepted D. Accepting
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It was by making great efforts_______she caught up with other students.

A.how B.when C.what D.that
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.Never_______Lisa would arrive but she turned up at the last minute.

A.did we think B.have we thought
C.we thought D.we have thought
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There is no obvious evidencethere is life on any other planet in the solar system.

A. which B. that C. how D. where
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The report indicated that 45% of students were in jobs not_______specific qualifications.

A.requiring B.to be required C.being required D.to have required
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Samuel survived when the car_______he was a passenger in turned off the road and hit a tree.

A.where B.that C.as D.why
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Section B
Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that is one word more than you need.

A.recovery B.images C.instant D.blame E.shocking

F.accuracy  G.concentrate  H.awarded  I.fined   J.estimate
Think you can walk, rive, take phone calls, email and listen to music at the same time? Well, New York’s new law says you can’t. and you I’ll be  41  $100 if you do it on a New York City street.
The law went into force last year, following recent research and a (n)  42  number of accidents that involved people using electronic devices when crossing the street.
Who’s to  43  ? scientists say that our multitasking(处理多重任务的)abilities are limited.
“We are under the impression that our brain can do more than it often can ,” says Rene Marois, a scientist in Tennessee. “But a major limitation is the inability to  44  on two things at once.”
The young are often considered the great multitaskers. However, an Oxford University research suggests this idea is open to question. A group of 18-to 21-year-olds and a group of 35-to 39-year-olds were given 90 seconds to translate  45  into numbers, using a simple code. The younger group did 10 percent better when not interrupted. But when both groups were interrupted by a phone cal or a (n)   46 message, the older group matched the younger group in speed and  47  .
It is difficult to measure the productivity lost by multitaskers. But it is probably a lot. It is estimated that the cost o interruptions to the American economy is nearly $650 lillion a year.
The   48  is based on surveys with office workers. The surveys conclude that 28 percent of the workers’ time was spent on interruptions and   49  time before they returned to their main tasks.

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Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that fits the context.
A detailed study of biological diversity(多样性)in town and city gardens has found that they offer a vital refuge for animals and plants. It has also fund that many of the ideas about wildlife gardening are not1.In fact, small gardens are just as good as big gardens at2wildlife, suburban gardens are not always better than city gardens and non-native plants are not always harmful to native insects and birds. Britain's 16,000,000 gardens are a refuge for hundreds of species of animals and plants that would find it3to survive onintensively (精细地)farmed land. According to the study, gardens are amazingly varied even compared to4environments that are good for wildlife. Small gardens are more interesting5they vary a great deal in botanical environment, All the wildlife responds to the variation.
Ken Thompson of Sheffield University was involved n the first detailed study of the6living in British gardens when he and his colleagues surveyed7gardens in Sheffield. They really found a(n)8diversity of plants and animals. They also identified a range of simple9that improved a garden's environment for wildlife. The top thing is to grow more big trees as these greatly10the volume of vegetation in the garden and a lot of11means a lot of places to live and a lot of things to eat.12, create a pond for insects and frogs. Think before stocking it with fish which will eat insect eggs. Also, it is not wise to light up the garden at night with bright lawn lamps, which will13many night creatures, Finally, don't be too tidy: don't be14to clear up everything when the garden stops flowering. Just15a bit of things lying around.
To sum up, people who want to turn their gardens into wildlife refuges should  64  and let the grass grow tall, the flowers turn to seed and trees expand skyward.


A.true          B.basic         C.vivid         D.simple


A.selecting      B.importing     C.offering       D.attracting


A.impossible       B.illegal          C.lucky         D.convenient


A.peaceful      B.warm              C.natural         D.clean


A.before         B.unless          C.but           D.because


A.wildlife       B.men         C.germ         D.pet


A.confusing     B.complete      C.surprising     D.orderly


A.measures     B.standards     C.services       D.functions


A.occupy        B.increase       C.limit         D.reduce


A.vegetation     B.reservation       C.preparation      D.decoration


A.By contrast      B.As a result          C.In other words  D.In addition


A.block          B.disturb         C.benefit         D.protect


A.in a mess     B.in a way      C.in a hurry     D.in a while


A.forget          B.remove        C.avoid         D.leave


A.escape         B.relax         C.strive         D.retire

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Directions: Read the following four passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.
All over the world, children in hospital are being treated with a new kind of medicine: laughter. Lucy is 23 and works for Theodora Children's Trust. She is one of many clown(小丑)doctors who bring a smile to the faces of sick children.
"I'm a Theodora clown doctor. I call myself Dr Looloo. I spend two days a week in children's hospitals, making funny faces, telling jokes, and doing magic tricks. As I walk into the wards I blow bubbles, shake hands with the kids, and make up nonsense songs for those children well enough to sing. I take special balloons to make 'balloon animals' and tell funny stories about them.
I'm naturally a very cheerful person. I've always been a clown. In fact my father's a clown a d I started working with him when I was eight year old. I knew it was just the job for me and I became a clown doctor because I think it's a great way to cheer up sick, frightened children in hospital.
Being a clown in hospital is very tiring both physically and emotionally. We have to learn not to show our feelings, otherwise we'd be useless. Clown doctors are sensitive but this is not a side most people see. To the children we're happy all the time. I'm still learning to allow myself to feel sad occasionally. There are special kids you get really close to. At the moment I'm working with a very sick little girl from Bosnia who speaks no English, so our only common language is laughter.
At weekends I participate in events to raise money for Theodora Children's Trust. It's a charity, so we are paid with the money people give. Being a clown doctor makes the worries of everyday life seem small. All in all, feel honoured to do this job. "


Lucy works as a clown doctor because      .


her father is a clown


she has been a clown since she was eight


laughter is a great help to sick children


working in hospital brings her extra money


What do clown doctors usually do in hospital?


Teach kids how to speak English.


Cheer kids up with funny stories.


Join in activities to raise money.


Develop kids' sense of humour.


Lucy thinks that being a clown doctor is          .


an honorable and meaningful practice


an interesting job to make a living


a good way of getting rid of her worries


an experience of great fun

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68.Zeo is a revolution in the science of sleep mainly because it     .
A.can record one’s sleep process
B.is the first product to manage one’s sleep
C.is free of medical risks
D.provides access to sleep fitness websites
69.What is the most remarkable feature of Zeo?
A.Its direct contact with sleep scientists.
B.Its individualized coaching program.
C.Its effectiveness in curing sleep disorders.
D.Its immediate analysis of sleep data.
70.What customer service does Zeo provide?
A.Cheap online tools.
B.A 30-day action plan.
C.Personalized bedside display.
D.Free delivery of the product.
71.The passage is primarily written to        .
A.encourage people to try the new product
B.instruct people how to use a new tool
C.provide the latest health information
D.illustrate the importance of good sleep habit

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A 69-year-old grandmother with no teeth of her own has eventually won a long legal battle to stop a Scottish regional council(政务委员会)adding fluoride(氟化物)chemical to the public water supply.
In a case which has already cost the taxpayer £1,000,000, the judge ruled that it was beyond the powers of the local authority to add the chemical to the water in order to reduce tooth decay.
At her home last night Mrs Catherine fluoride to public drinking water made it into some kind of dirty soup. “Where would it stop?” she asked. “They might come up with the idea of putting drugs into the water to keep the unemployed quiet.” It was a horrible poison, she said, that could have caused al kinds of diseases, including cancer.
The judge, however, concluded that there was no evidence to suggest that the inclusion of fluoride in the water supply would have had a negative effect on pulpier health. Although the chemical might serve as an efficient and convenient means of achieving a beneficial effect on the dental health of consumers generally, he said, and its use was greatly favored by the dental profession, he could also understand why some members of the public, Mrs McColl in particular, might be passionately opposed to the action of the Water Authority in assuming the right to improve public well-being without consulting t77he public in the first case. The Authority’s legal duty to provide “wholesome” water for public consumption which was both safe and pleasant to drink ,did not, he said, extend to their right to safeguard public health by chemical means.
72.Mrs McColll felt so strongly about the fluoride issue that she eventually          .
A.took the local council to court
B.had a physical fight with the judge
C.urged the authority to apologize
D.spent much money removing the chemical
73.According to what the judge said in the passage, adding fluoride to the water      .
A.wasn’t proved to be harmful
B.was the duty of the local authority
C.was strongly poised by dentists
D.was surely beneficial to the public
74.Form the passage we learn that people like Mrs McColl are more concerned about      .
A.the improvement of their personal health
B.the problem of unemployment in their community
C.the chemicals to be used for the improvement of water quality
D.their right to be informed of the authorities’ decisions

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Stonehenge(巨石阵)may have been a prehistoric health center rather than a site for observing stars or a temple in honor of the dead, scientists said yesterday. New evidence unearthed at the World Heritage Site in more than 40 years suggests that the monument was a place where the diseased and injured went in groups, seeking cures.
After a two-week dig, scientists have concluded that Stonehenge was “the ancient healthcare centre of southern England” because of the existence of “bluestones”---the smaller columns of dolerite(辉绿岩)that formed an earlier stone structure.
By dating pieces of remains to around 7330BC, Tim Darvill, of Bournemouth University, and Goff Wainwright, of the Society of Amtiquaries have found that hunter-gatherers were at the site on Salisbury Plain 4,000 years earlier than thought. The first stage of Stonehenge, a round earthwork structure, was built around 3000BC. Professor Wainwright added: “I did not expect the degree of complexity we discovered. We’re able to say so much more about when Stonehenge was built and why---all of which changes our previous understanding of the monument.”
The research reveals the importance of the henge’s famous bluestones. Hundreds of bluestone chips gathered at the site have led the team to conclude that the bluestones were valued for their curing effects---the key reason that about 80 of them, each weighing up to 4 tons and a half, were dragged more than 150 miles from the Preseli Hills to Wiltshire. After years of research, Professors Darvill and Wainwright have concluded that, for thousands of years, the Preseli mountain range was home to magical health centers and holy wells.
Even today there are those who believe in the curing powers of the springs for coughs and heart disease, and people who use crystals and bluestones for self-curing. Radiocarbon tests have also revealed that the construction of the original bluestone circle took place around 2300BC, three centuries later than originally thought. Interestingly, on the same day died the “Amesbury Archer”---a sick traveler from the Swiss or German Alps who had an infected knee---whose remains were discovered about five miles from Stonehenge. The professors believe that he was a devoted religious person who was hoping to benefit from the curing powers of the monument.
76.Stonehenge is recently believed to be a place for people           .
A.to recover from poor health    B.to observe star movements
C.to hold religious ceremonies   D.to gather huge bluestones
77.What can be inferred about Stonehenge from the passage?
A.The springs could cure coughs and heart disease best.
B.The new discovery was the same as what had been expected.
C.Some huge bluestones were not produced at Stonehenge.
D.The original bluestone circle was thought to be constructed around 2000BC.
78.The sick traveler in the passage is supposed to be           .
A.a devoted religious person from Stonehenge
B.one of the earliest discoverers of Stonehenge
C.the first explorer to test the magical power of bluestones
D.a patient trying to cure his infection at Stonehenge
79.Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?
A.Stonehenge: A New Place of Interest     B.Stonehenge: Still Making News
C.Stonehenge: Heaven for Adventurers     D.Stonehenge: Still Curing Patients

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Section C
Directions: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.

A.Reasons for the use of Podcasting
B.Definition and origin of Podcast
C.Importance of Podcasting at school
D.Advantage of Podcasts over other audio media

E.Podcasts—a further step from voice recordings
F.Devices needed for Podcasting
Recently a group of second –graders visited our school library to work on a “holidays around the world” project. The children created pictures showing holiday customs and then created voice recordings explaining what they drew. The incident showed very clearly the effectiveness of student-created voice recordings. Now imagine taking things one step further and creating Podcasts in a classroom setting.
The term Podcast refers to an audio recording, linked to the Wed, that can be downloaded to a personal MP3 player. The word is created from broadcast and from iPod ---the wildly popular MP3 player from Apple.
Using audio with students isn’t new, of course. Teachers have used audiobooks at listening centers and recorded student voice on tape or CD or many years. Voice and music are the original media for teaching. Podcasts ,however, can reach a much wider audience in a time frame outside the school days. Booktalking , an old way of getting kids excited about books, gets a tech assistance with Podcasting. Students can do some booktalking themselves; book review Podcasts seem to be another natural way for students to share what they know, providing an alternative to the book report.
There are a number of excellent reasons for using Podcasting. Teachers made audio Podcasts, including visuals or video clips for any content area instruction and review. Some teachers have begun to record themselves teaching important concepts; this creates an account of information online for kids to access when they’re stuck on a homework assignment. Audio and video files can also function as assessment tools. Imagine being a classroom teacher in September who can actually hear how his or her students were reading in June the school year before.
You don’t need an iPod to make a Podcast. If you have a computer, a microphone, and some free software, you can make a Podcast. While an MP3 player is a popular and useful gadget, your audience doesn’t need MP3 players to listen, either: your students and their families can use the computer to play back what you’ve recorded.

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Directions : Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.






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II.Guided Writing
Directions: Write an English composition in 120---150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.

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