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---Tony, can you play_________ piano?
---No, But I can play______ chess.

A.the, the B.\;the
C.the, \ D.\;\
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  • 难度:未知

This singer sang many songs, ________ some of Liu Huan’s.

A.besides B.including
C.without D.beside
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  • 难度:未知

It’s so noisy here that I can’t hear_______. Could you please say it again?

A.what you say B.what do you say
C.what you said D.what did you say
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  • 难度:未知

Eating ____ vegetables and _____ meat is good for the old.

A.less, less B.less, more
C.more, more D.more, less
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Everyone is sleeping because the noise was keeping everyone ______ last night.

A.asleep B.excited
C.alone D.awake
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When we heard the good news, we all jumped ________ .

A.here and there B.up and down
C.now and then D.front and back
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--- _____ did Li Ming jump in the long jump?  --- About three meters.

A.How long B.How far
C.How much D.How often
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We all love her songs, because she has a beautiful______.

A.voice B.laughter
C.hometown D.fan
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I first met him a week ago while I ______ along Bridge Street.

A.walked B.have walked
C.am walking D.was walking
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The books in the library should ____ good care of.

A.take B.are taking
C.be taken D.taken
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The beach in Hainan is a good place for us _____.

A.relax B.relaxing
C.to relax D.relaxes
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The stone is ______ heavy ______ I can’t carry it.

A.too…to B.so…that
C.such…that D.not…until
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Though he was badly hurt, he kept ______ other passengers.

A.help B.helping
C.to help D.helped
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You don’t need to describe her. I ______ her several times.

A.meet   B.am meeting   
C.have met D.will meet
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Jane saw a piece of paper on the playground. She _____ and put it into the dustbin.

A.pick up it B.pick it up
C.picked up it D.picked it up
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  • 难度:未知

Matt’s hobby was collecting stamps(邮票). He had stamps from many     , like America, India and China.
Matt’s favorite stamps     from France. He had almost every stamp for 1954 to 2007. He only needed    . That was a 1974 special edition (版本). It was very  to find. He looked for it everywhere. He asked his friends and relatives to help him. But    could find the stamp. It made Matt very sad.
“Have patience(耐心), my boy!” his father said to him, “Don’t    , you’ll find it one day.”
Besides collecting stamps, Matt likes writing. He has a pen friend in France. They     to each other every month. Last month when Matt got the letter, he was very    . On the envelope(信封), he looked carefully at the stamp. It was the 1974 special edition stamp. Matt was so happy! He told his sister, his mother and his father.
“You see,” his father said, “you have found your      .It’s good to have two things in life. ”
     are they?” Matt asked.
“Friends and patience” he answered.

A.cities B.villages C.countries D.provinces

A.come B.came C.comes D.coming

A.one B.two C.three D.nothing

A.easy B.important C.dangerous D.difficult

A.somebody B.nobody C.anybody D.everybody

A.give up B.give out C.go off D.put off

A.talk B.listen C.write D.reply

A.nervous B.serious C.worried D.surprised

A.envelope B.letter C.stamp D.bag

A.What B.How C.Who D.When

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One dark night, two blind(盲的) men were going home from work. “I need to buy some socks,” said one of them suddenly. “Let’s stop at the shop on the street.” “OK,” said the other. “I think I’ll buy two or three pairs for myself, too.” They went to the shop.
“What size do you wear, sir? And what colour would you like?” asked the girl in the shop.
“Size Eleven. Give me one pair of black socks and two pairs of white, please,” answered one of them. “And you, sir?” the girl asked the other man. “The same for me. I wear Size Eleven, too. So, the same colour and the same number,” said the other man.
A moment later they were in the dark street. Each man took the socks he had bought. But just then, a boy riding a bicycle bumped(撞) into them. The blind men dropped(掉) all the socks on the ground! All the six pairs of socks mixed up. The boy quickly said sorry and left. The two blind men picked up all the socks, but they could not tell black from white. How could they be sure that they each got one pair of black socks and two pairs of white socks? They tried to ask for help, but there was no one else in the street. What could they do?
Soon one of them had an idea. Can you guess what it was? They separated(分开) each pair of socks and both took one sock from each pair. When they got home, each of them had two black socks and four white ones of the same size –just what they wanted. Weren’t they clever?
Two blind men bought some socks ____________.

A.on their way home
B.on their way to work
C.on their way to the movie theatre
D.on their way to school

Each of the blind men wanted to buy _____________.

A.eleven pairs of socks
B.one pair of black socks and two pairs of white ones
C.two pairs of black socks and two pairs of white ones
D.four pairs of white socks and two pairs of black ones

After they came out of the shop,_______________.

A.a dog ran up and bumped into them
B.a boy on a bicycle bumped into them
C.an old man riding a bicycle bumped into them
D.a boy riding a horse bumped into them

After the blind men dropped all the socks on the ground,____________.

A.the boy helped them to pick up their own socks
B.each of the blind men picked up his own socks
C.they picked up the mixed six pairs of socks
D.they waited until the next day

The title of the passage should be___________.

A.One Dark Night
B.Two Clever Blind Men
C.Black and White Socks
D.A Boy and Two Good Friends
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  • 难度:未知

.Amanda has to get to school before 7:00 this morning. On her way to school, where can she buy her breakfast?

A.At Papa Marko’s. B.At Apple Tree Bakery.
C.At Good Taste Fast Food. D.At Winnie’s Sandwich Club.

.Yesterday was Amanda’s eleventh birthday. Her parents took her to Winnie’s Sandwich Club for dinner. How much did they spend?

A.$300. B.$360.
C.$480. D.$540.

.Amanda can go to any place for lunch on Sundays except _____.

A.Papa Marko’s. B.Apple Tree Bakery.
C.Good Taste Fast Food. D.Winnie’s Sandwich Club.

.If Amanda buys some food for $150 at Apple Tree Bakery at 9.30 p.m., she will save        .

A.$ 80 B.$20
C.$30 D.$120

.Which statement is wrong?

A.They are all advertisements for fast food.
B.Good Taste Fast Food is the best in town.
C.You can’t have a meal until noon at Papa Marko’s.
D.There are too many people at Papa Marko’s, so you’ll have to wait a long time.
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  • 难度:未知

Sydney is a young city. Its history goes back just over 200 years. But in Australia, it is the oldest city. It is also the country’s largest city. Sydney is the capital of New South Wales and the most populous(人口稠密的)city of Australia.
The climate of Sydney is very good. It’s not too cold during winter and not too hot during  summer. The sky is blue, the air is fresh, birds sing in the garden. People who live in Sydney seem to have an easy life style. They will tell you, “Don’t worry .”
Many people think that Sydney is one of the most attractive cities in the world. It has many tall and modern buildings. Among them, Centrepoint Tower is the tallest. Standing on the 305- meter tower, you will have a great view of the city.
Sydney is famous for its deep harbor(港口).The harbor has many bays(湾) and beautiful surf beaches. Among them, Bondi beach is the most popular. Sydney Harbor is not only beautiful, it also serves as a large port. Ships carry wool, wheat and meat from Sydney to other countries.
People living in Sydney like to call themselves Sydneysiders. They are mostly friendly and easygoing. When they are not working, they love to have a good time at the beach.
Sydney is the youngest and largest city in Australia.              [      ]
为填空题; Sydney is an attractive city with many__________________________ buildings.
How old is Sydney ?
What is Sydney famous for ?
将画线句子翻译成汉语。 _______________________________________________________________

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 I am used to sleeping on a _______________ bed.
______________ he arrived in America, he called me.
The moon was ____________ bright when I woke up.
We need a guide to _____________ us to go to the art museum.
The park is____________ my house. I often go there for a walk.

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  • 难度:未知

has, abroad, he, twice, been
the, covered, is with, snow, road
your, clean, own, up, room
do, know, what, about, you, Asia

be, next, of, going, year, each, us, London, to

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


1. 有导游,不会迷路;
2. 不必自己找宾馆;
3. 结识朋友,相互帮助。
1. 自由安排时间;
2. 选择自己喜欢的旅游景点;
3. 学会照顾自己。

注意事项: 1.词数不少于60;   2.文中不得出现真实的校名或姓名。
参考词汇: 团队旅游 travel with a group;个人旅游 travel alone; 安排 arrange; 景点 sights
Hello, my classmates. Of the two ways of travel, I like

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