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Lee MinHo, _____ music and films are loved by many teenagers, was invited to perform in the 2014 Spring Festival.

A.who B.whom C.whose D.which
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Growing up _____ be difficult, for you will come across many things that confuse you.

A.can B.should C.must D.shall
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Many people think any government's work should be evaluated ______ on citizens' happiness level.

A.based B.to be based C.basing D.being based
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—You seem to have had a wonderful winter holiday!
—Yes.Really warm days during the Spring Festival.My parents and I _____ to several tourist spots.

A.are driving B.drove
C.have been driving D.will drive
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With two children _____ high school, the farmer couple have to work from morning till night.

A.attended B.being attended C.attend D.attending
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_____ is well known to the world is that China has very top technology in space industry.

A.It B.As C.What D.Which
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Li Ming, don't forget to turn off the lights before you leave the office, _____?

A.won't you B.should he C.shall we D.will you
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To my great joy.I got a chance to take a photo with Andy after the vocal concert, which I _____forward to for years.

A.have been looking B.had been looking
C.looked D.had looked
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We regret _____ you that.because of the necessary repair, our library will be closed next month.

A.to inform B.informing C.to inform of D.of informing
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What seems to be a simple idea always turns out _____ that is hard to put into practice.

A.the one B.one C.ones D.another
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I wish my house would be built _____we can enjoy beautiful scenery with mountains and rivers.

A.in which B.what C.where D.that
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The teacher has confidence in the naughty but clever boy and is sure that he _____ to a key university.

A.would be admitted B.was admitted
C.has admitted D.will be admitted
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His car ran over another in the highway! Too horrible! _____ he is safe now—that's the main thing.

A.Anyway B.Besides C.Otherwise D.Therefore
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Only after one has become a parent _____ how great his parents are.

A.he will realize B.will he realize C.that he realizes D.he does realize
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Our school along with many other brother middle schools _____to take another joint test next month.

A.are B.will be C.is D.may be
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Adults are often surprised by how well they remember something they learned as children but have never practiced in the meantime.A man who has not had an opportunity to go swimming for years can      swim as well as ever when he gets back in the water.He can get on a bicycle after several decades and still        away.A mother who has not       the words or years can teach her daughter the poem that begins " Twinkle, twinkle, little star" or         the story of Cinderella or Snow White .
One explanation is the law of over learning, which can be stated as following:         we have learned something, additional learning increases the         of time we will remember it.In childhood, we usually continue to practice such skills as swimming, bicycle riding long after we have learned them.We continue to listen to and         ourselves of poems such as "Twinkle.twinkle, little star" and childhood tales such as Cinderella or Snow White.We not only learn but
The law of over learning explains why cramming (突击学习) for an examination.       it may result in a passing grade, is not a         way to learn a school course.By cramming, a student may learn the subject well enough to get by on the examination, but he is        soon to forget almost everything he learned.A little over learning,       , is usually a good investment toward the future.

A.only B.hardly C.still D.even

A.walk B.drive C.travel D.ride

A.thought about B.cared for C.showed up D.brought up

A.rewrite B.repeat C.sing D.recite

A.Before B.Once C.Until D.Unless

A.accuracy B.unit C.limit D.length

A.remind B.inform C.warm D.recall

A.recite B.overlcarn C.research D.improve

A.though B.so C.if D.after

A.convenient B.demanding C.satisfactory D.fast

A.possible B.likely C.probable D.perhaps

A.at most B.by the way C.on the other hand D.in the end

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Different people may bid for different things.As for me, I want dream, friendship and     admission notice to a famous university most.
Dreams would be on the top of my list.Only by pursuing our dreams    we enjoy a meaningful and fulfilled life.Money can buy a cozy life,       without dreams, even a millionaire would find his life boring.
A person without friends can    be happy.Our life is full of joys and sorrows.  we need people to share with.Faced with difficulties, we need friends to give      comfort and help.Just as a saying goes."A friend in need is a friend indeed."Friendship can help us    ups and downs of life, so friendship would be in my list as well.
After working hard for so many years.I deserve to go to a good university,     being admitted to a famous university can help me live up to my parents' expectations and bring me a bright future.

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"My dream has come true.I have always wanted to be a Grand Slam (大满贯) champion."These are the words of the Chinese tennis player Li Na after she became the first Asian woman to win the Australian Open final on Jan.25th.2014.
"People were saying I'm getting old.So this is a great success for such an old woman." the 32-year-old girl joked.
Miss Li has a tattoo (文身).She has dyed her hair many different colors.And, at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, she told her fans to "shut up" when they got too noisy in their support.
Li Na was born in Wuhan.She started to play tennis at the age of 6.She once recalled: "As a child.I suffered a lot because every day I had to wake up early to practice.After school I had to practice more.I didn't have time to play."
Luckily, the strong girl didn't give up.thus making history for Chinese tennis time after time.Now the new champion is already thinking about winning another Grand Slam title."When you have one title, surely you will think about another," she says.not hiding her ambition.
"Chinese people are so lacking in confidence on the tennis court.If there is a person like me who can prove we Chinese can do it, the other young players in China will feel the same," she said.
Li Na began to learn playing tennis in the year of _____.

A.1988 B.1982 C.1986 D.1990

We can learn from the passage that _____.

A.Li Na is always impatient with her fans
B.Li Na is an old girl
C.Li Na is a fashionable girl
D.Li Na is a girl without ambition

When she began to play tennis, Li Na was _____.

A.happy B.sad C.excited D.bored

Which of the following is WRONG about Li Na?

A.Li Na took part in the 2008 Beijing Olympics.
B.Li Na has already won a Grand Slam champion.
C.Li Na had to wake up early to practice playing tennis.
D.Li Na said she lacked confidence on the tennis court.

The passage mainly tells us _____.

A.something about the tennis
B.something about how to play tennis
C.the Chinese people and the tennis
D.the Grand Slam champion—Li Na
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What you have just read is a _____.

A.note B.report C.schedule D.poster

According to the passage, teachers would be working with students            .

A.immediately after they are admitted
B.in the National City Center across China
C.21—25 hours a week even on national holidays
D.ranging from kindergarten students to teenagers

How much can Smith get on July 15 if he promises to teach for a year on January 15?
A.9500 RMB.       B.28500 RMB.
C.34200 RMB.      D.57000 RMB.
Who will be possibly admitted as an English teacher according to the passage?

A.Bo Savino from American.35, a native Chinese.
B.Douglas Carter from Canada, 30.a former doctor.
C.Abigale from Australia, 42, an experienced teacher.
D.Alexa Joy Nino from India.39, an experienced teacher.

We can conclude that teachers admitted by this school group are allowed to _____.

A.get a rise in salary
B.live in Hong Kong
C.see a doctor for free
D.take a part-time job
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Sometimes people call each other "freaked-cat", but have you ever thought about this expression? When a cat is frightened, its heart starts beating faster, its muscles get tense, and there are changes in the chemicals in its bloodstream.Although the cat doesn't realize this, its body is getting ready for action.If the danger continues, the animal will do one of two things.It will defend itself, or it will run away as fast as it can.
Something like this also happens to people.When we are excited, angry, scared, or aroused by other emotions (feelings), our bodies go through many physical changes.Our hearts beat faster, and our muscles get tense.All of these changes make us more alert and ready to react.We, too.get ready to defend ourselves or run.
Human beings, however, have a problem that animals never face.If we give way to our feelings and let them take over, we can get into trouble.Have you ever said something in anger —or hit somebody—and regretted it later? Have you ever shouted at a teacher, told somebody you were lonely, or said you were in love, and then wished later you had kept your mouth shut?
It isn't always clever to express your feelings freely.
Does this mean that it's smarter always to hide our feelings? No! If you keep feelings of anger, sadness, and bitterness hidden away or bottled up inside, your body stays tense.Physical illness can develop.It can actually be bad for your health.(It isn't good to keep pleasant feelings inside either; all feelings need to be expressed.)
Feelings that you keep all bottled up inside don't just go away.It's as if you bought some bananas and stuck them in a cupboard.You might not be able to see them.but before long you' d smell them.And if you opened the cupboard, chances are that you'd see little fruit flies flying all over them.They'd be rotten.
You can try to treat emotions as if they were bananas in the cupboard.You can hide them and you can pretend they don't exist, but they'll still be around.And at last you'll have to deal with them.just like those bananas.
The best title for this article is_____.

A.Emotions Affect Our Bodies
B.What Happens to A Frightened Cat
C.What Happens to An Excited Person
D.Feelings That People Have

What does the word "freaked" mean in the first sentence?

A.excited B.scared C.angry D.shocked

According to the passage, we may conclude that we human beings_____.

A.have fewer problems than animals
B.have the same problems as animals
C.have more problems than animals
D.have cleverer problems than animals

If you hold in your feelings,_____.

A.gradually they'll disappear
B.they won't exist any more
C.they will fly all over
D.your body stays tense

The author wrote this article in order to_____.

A.tell us that it isn't good to keep feelings inside
B.give us some advice on how to express our feelings
C.make us face the problem that we have to deal with feelings
D.make us know that it isn't always wise to express our feelings freely
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  • 难度:未知

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
A busy life can be personally satisfying, but it may make you feel too tired to achieve the inner peace that will connect you with your true happiness.Begin with simplifying your life and working towards a more peaceful state of mind.
Recognize the differences between the things you need and the things you want.Our culture provides us with the message that materials will make our lives better.The reality is that most of these things will complicate our lives without bringing true happiness.Free yourself —learn to be satisfied with fewer materials and greater simplicity.
If you let someone else define your life.you're missing the chance to follow your own desires.Your inner life is weakened when you are limited by conformity (遵从).Why do you give up your freedom and allow all of your decisions to be defined by what others think you "should" do? Think for yourself.Let your passions be your guide.
Life is full of opportunities to earn money and give services.Learn new skills and make new friends.Some of us want them all and fill up our timetable with all kinds of activities.Rushing from one activity to another leaves you with no time to slow down.No matter how worthy you think your activities are, rethink them.Keep the ones that are most important and leave out the ones that are adding to the pace of your life with little return.
Life is forever changing, and you will never reach a point of simplicity and endless happiness.But each moment you spend on the path to simplicity does have the possibility to bring happiness to your life.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Directions: Read the following passage.Answer the.questions according to the information given in the passage..
There is a famous expression in English: "Stop the world; I want to get off!" This expression refers to a feeling of panic, or stress that makes a person want to stop whatever they are doing, try to relax, and become calm again."Stress" means pressure or tension.It is one of the most common causes of health problems in modern life.Too much stress results in physical. emotional and mental health problems.
There are numerous physical effects of stress.Stress can affect the heart.It can increase the pulse rate.make the heart miss beats, and can cause high blood pressure.Stress can affect the respiratory (与呼吸有关的) system.It can lead to asthma (哮喘).It can cause a person to breathe too fast, resulting in a loss of important carbon dioxide.Stress can affect the stomach.It can cause stomach aches and problems digesting food.These are only a few examples of the wide range of illnesses and symptoms resulting from stress.
Emotions are also easily affected by stress.People suffering from stress often feel anxious.They may have panic attacks.They may feel tired all the time.When people are under stress.they often overreact to little problems.For example, a normally gentle parent under a lot of stress at work may yell at a child for dropping a glass of juice.Stress can make people angry.moody or nervous.
Long-term stress can lead to a variety of serious mental illnesses.Depression, an extreme feeling of sadness and hopelessness, can be the result of continued and increasing stress.Alcoholism and other addictions often develop as a result of overuse of alcohol or drugs to try to relieve stress.Eating disorders, such as anorexia (厌食), are sometimes caused by stress and are often made worse by stress.If stress is allowed to continue, then one's mental health is put at risk.
It is obvious that stress is a serious problem.It attacks the body.It affects the emotions.Untreated, it may eventually result in mental illness.Stress has a great influence on the health and well-being of our bodies, our feelings, and our minds.So, reduce stress: stop the world and rest for a while.
According to the passage, what are the consequences of too much stress? (No more than 6     words)
Why do normally gentle parents sometimes shout at their children for small mistakes? (No more than 10 words)
List three parts of the body affected by stress in this passage.(No more than 6 words) 
What is the best title of the passage? (No more than 8 words)

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