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My nephew's 10-year-old son came for a visit one hot,July weekend. I persuaded him to  inside and joined him in a game. After  for an hour, I suggested that we relax for a while. I fell into my favorite recliner(躺椅)to let my neck muscles relax. He'd slipped out of the room and I was catching a few enjoyable moments of peace and quiet.
"Look,Alice,”he said  as he ran over to the chair where I was sitting"I found a kite. Could we go outside and   it?"
Glancing out a nearby window, I noticed it was  outside.“I'm sorry, Tripper,.” I said, sad to see his   eyes. "The wind is not blowing today. The kite won't fly.”
The  10-year-old replied,“I think it's windy enough. I can get it to fly,”he answered as he ran out to the back door   Up and down in the yard he ran, pulling the kite   to a small length of string. He ran back and forth,as hard as his ten year-old legs would carry him, looking back  at the kite behind. After about ten minutes of unsuccessful determination, he came back in.
I asked, "How did it go?"
"Fine,”he said, not wanting to admit   .“I got it to fly some”
As he walked past me to return the kite to the closet shelf, I heard him say under his breath, "I guess I'll have to wait for the  .”
At that moment I heard another Voice speak to my   . "Alice, sometimes you are just like that. You want to do it your way instead of waiting for the Wind.,,
And the voice was right. We usually want to use our own efforts to   what we want to do. We wait for the Wind only after we have done all we can and have exhausted(耗尽) our own   .We must learn how to rely on Him in the first place!

A.live B.study C.stay D.lie

A.playing B.resting C.challenging D.arguing

A.casually B.enthusiastically C.stubbornly D.deliberately

A.decorate B.drop C.hang D.fly

A.hot B.still C.noisy D.fine

A.bright B.disappointed C.dull D.satisfied

A.clever B.talented C.determined D.fearless

A.hurriedly B.curiously C.suddenly D.unwillingly

A.adapted B.added C.attached D.devoted

A.angrily B.nervously C.doubtfully D.hopefully

A.win B.defeat C.mistake D.luck

A.wind B.order C.news D.sunshine

A.heart B.memory C.dream D.world

A.imagine B.decide C.apply D.accomplish

A.courage B.patience C.strength D.knowledge

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Tony and I are good friends. We tried to walk across the United States of America. We're not exactly sure    we were doing it. Part of it was to test ourselves; to see if we could face the challenges. When I was    teenager I often daydreamed that I was going to walk across the United States   I graduated from high school.    ,I didn't do that. Before I knew it I was in my thirties, married,     (have) a job, yet still had this idea in my mind with each  (pass) year. I figured I was too old and my opportunity had passed. Then, a few years ago,I met Tony,    was in his thirties and quit his job as a civil engineer in New York City to walk across the United States. He wasn't doing it for a cause   as part of an organization. He was doing it  (simple) because he loved to walk and discover. The idea was back and I no longer had an excuse. We planned on averaging 20 miles a day and taking some days off to rest, so we expected the walk to. take about 6 months realizing it could take  (long). We were in no hurry: The total distance would have been about 3,100 miles.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

She may have lacked a home, but now this teen has top honors.
A 17-year old student who spent much of high school living around homeless shelters and sometimes sleeping in her car-today graduated and spoke on behalf of her class at Charles Drew High School in Clayton County, Ga.,just outside of Atlanta.
Chelsea Fearce, who held a 4.466 GPA and scored 1,900 on her SATs despite having to use her cellphone to study after the shelter lights were turned off at night.
"I know I have been made stronger. I was homeless. My family slept on cushions on the floor and we were lucky if we got more than one full meal a day. Getting a shower, food and clean clothes was an everyday struggle,” Fearce said in a speech she gave at her graduation ceremony. Fearce overcame her day-to-day struggles by focusing on a better day. "I just told myself to keep working, because the future will not be like this anymore, she told WSBTV.
Fearce,one of five children, grew up in a family that sometimes had an apartment to live in, but at other times had to live in homeless shelters or even out of their car, if they had one. "You're worried about your home life and then worried at school. Worry about being a little hungry sometimes and go hungry sometimes. You just have to deal with it, You eat what you can, when you can.”
To our surprise, Fearce overcame the difficulties and even tested high enough to be ad- mitted into college halfway through her high school career. She starts college next year at Spelman College as a junior where she is planning to study biology, pre-"med(医学预科),"Don't give up. Do what you have to do right now so that you can have the future that you want,”Fearce said.
Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

A.So Many Homeless Students in America
B.How Does a Homeless Student Live in Society?
C.The Hardship of Fearce and Her Family in America
D.Homeless Teen Graduates as a Speaker of High School Class

How did Fearce go on with her study without access to lights?

A.By the car light. B.By her cellphone.
C.By lights out of shelters. D.By moonlight.

When Fearce starts college at Spelman College, she will___.

A.have graduated earlier from high school than normal
B.be a 17-year-old student from a poor family
C.have a home without sleeping in her car or shelters
D.have raised enough money to go to college

From the passage, we can learn that___.

A.SAT is easy for the students of high schools
B.Fearce's parents have six children to support
C.Fearce often had to struggle with starvation
D.Fearce gave a speech at a ceremony of Spelman College

What can we learn from Fearce's experience?

A.Knowledge can change your fate.
B.Don't give up, and tomorrow will be better.
C.Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.
D.He that will not work shall not eat.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Self-confidence is an attitude which allows individuals to have positive yet realistic views of themselves and their situations. Self-confident people trust their own abilities, have a general sense of control in their lives, and believe that,within reason, they will be able to do what they wish., plan., and expect. Having self-confidence does not mean that individuals will be able to do everything. Self-confident people have expectations that are realistic. Even when some of their expectations are not met,they continue to be positive and to accept themselves.
People who are not self-confident depend too much on the approval of others in order to feel good about themselves. They tend to avoid taking risks because they fear failure. They generally do not expect to be successful. They often put themselves down and tend to ignore compliments(赞美)paid to them By contrast,self-confident people are willing to risk the disapproval of others because they generally trust their own abilities. They tend to accept themselves;they don't feel they have to conform in order to be accepted.
Many factors affect the development of self-confidence. Parents' attitudes are crucial to children's feelings about themselves,particularly in children's early years. When parents pro- vide acceptance, children receive a solid foundation for good feelings about themselves. If one or both parents are much to critical or demanding, or if they are overprotective and discourage children's moves toward independence, children may come to believe they are unqualified or inadequate.
Surprisingly, lack of self-confidence is not necessarily related to lack of ability. Instead it is often the result of focusing too much on the unrealistic expectations or standards of others, especially parents and society. Friends' influences can be as powerful or more powerful than those of parents and society in shaping feelings of one's self. Students in their college years reexamine values and develop their own identities and thus are particularly sensitive to the influence of friends.
Paragraph 1 mainly talks about____.

A.the sources of self-confidence
B.the benefits of self-confidence
C.the development of self-confidence
D.the lack of self-confidence

In Paragraph 2,the underlined word "conform" probably means“_______”.

A.refuse B.separate C.permit D.obey

According to the passage, self-confident people tend to____.

A.be practical B.control others
C.avoid risks D.depend on others

Which of the following can we learn about self-confidence according to the passage?

A.Self-confidence is usually the symbol of special abilities.
B.Parents' protection prevents children's self-confidence development.
C.Parents and friends matter in building one's self-confidence.
D.College students are the least self-confident group in society.

What might the author most probably continue to talk about in the following passage?

A.How we can become more acceptable.
B.Lack of self-confident has many side effects.
C.What self-confident children usually get from parents.
D.What one should avoid in building self-confidence.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In the Netherlands,cycling isn't seen as eccrfriendly exercise; it's part of everyday life, as it's people's top choice to school and work. There are more bicycles than residents in the Netherlands. In cities like Amsterdam and The Hague, up to 70 percent of all journeys are made by bike.
So how did cycling become such a popular means of transportation in the European country?
In the 1970s, the Dutch government began to improve its cycling infrastructure(基础设施)due to both a social movement demanding safer cycling condition for children and the oil crisis in the Middle East, when oil producing countries stopped their exports to Western Europe.
To make cycling safer and more appealing, the Dutch have built the widest cycling net- work in the world. The country has over 40,000 kilometers of bicycle lanes and paths,which are clearly marked. They have smooth surfaces,separate signs and lights for those on two wheels. The lanes are wide enough to allow side-by-side cycling and passing.
In many cities the bike lanes are completely segregated(隔离的)from motorized traffic. And in many traffic situations cyclists are given priority(优先权)over drivers. Sometimes, where space is limited and both must share, you can see signs showing an image of a cyclist with a car behind accompanied by the words "Bike Street:Cars are guests".
As young people aren't allowed to drive alone until they are 18,cycling offers Dutch teen- agers an alternative form of freedom. The government also makes cycling training lessons a compulsory part of the Dutch school curriculum(课程).
Bike parking facilities are ubiquitous in the country. Cyclists are accommodated in the way motorists are elsewhere. Take Groningen, a city in the northeastern part of the Netherlands,for example. The city's central train station has underground parking for 10,000 bikes.
We can conclude that in the Netherlands cycling is____.

A.regarded as eco-friendly exercise
B.thought of as part of people's life
C.looked on as a way to lose weight
D.considered as a way to entertain

What can we learn about the Netherlands from the first paragraph?

A.Most vehicles the Dutch use are buses.
B.The native people cycle the best in the world.
C.Everyone has one bike on average in the Netherlands.
D.The number of bikes is larger than the population there.

Which of the following made the government improve the cycling infrastructure?

A.A large number of bikes.
B.Hope for healthy life style.
C.People's preference to bikes.
D.Children's safety demand and lack of oil.

The underlined word "ubiquitous" in the last paragraph means“_,,.

A.high quality B.unique C.very common D.special

What does the Dutch government do about teenagers cycling?

A.It makes cycling covered by school education.
B.It encourages teenagers to cycle alone.
C.It will watch over teenagers who ride bikes.
D.It suggests teenagers cycling before driving.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Retail therapy(购物疗法)has long been considered as a good way to let off stress. Now, US scientists have discovered not only does retail therapy exist,but that it could be caused by an individual's fear of sudden death.
Researchers found materialistic people thought terrorism and war more stressful than others.
Psychologists believe the rise of materialism around the world and its treatment effect on extreme stress might be a response to fear of death caused by acts of terrorism, disease and natural disasters.
The scientists from Michigan State University said people with possession obsessions(妄想)often have lower self-esteem than others so are more likely to shop as the result of severe psychological suffering.
Ayalla Ruvio,a business professor studying people's shopping habits while rockets fell in Israel, said, "When the going gets tough, the materialistic people go shopping. This stress spending is likely to produce even greater stress and lower well-being. Essentially, materialism appears to make bad events even worse.
Dr Ruvio led a two-part study of Israeli citizens living in a town that came under extreme rocket attacks for about six months in 2007. She compared 139 residents of the southern town with 170 from another town that was not under attack to see how their symptoms of post-traumatic stress and shopping habits varied. Dr Ruvio found that, when faced with a deadly threat, those who are highly materialistic suffered much higher levels of stress,while their tendency to shop was increased.
Dr Ruvio said, "The relationship between materialism and stress may be more harmful than commonly thought.”
The second stage of their research surveyed 855 Americans about their materialistic nature and fear of death. They found shopping was used to relieve feelings of stress and anxiety about death but this was in response to fear of a variety of life-threatening events like car accidents, criminal attacks and natural disasters.
Which of the following opinion is NOT right according to the text?

A.Terrorism is believed to easily cause the rise of materialism.
B.The materialistic find terrorism and war more stressful than others.
C.The scientists think possession obsessions help people get self-respect.
D.The scientists think people with possession obsessions suffer a lot mentally.

Why did Dr Ruvio choose to study the two groups of Israeli citizens mentioned in the passage?

A.They enjoy the special shopping culture.
B.The stresses they face are usually deadly.
C.They are in different situation in terms of war.
D.They are usually active participants for researchers.

What's the result about Dr Ruvio's research?

A.Impulsive spending does good to people's health.
B.Shopping can't lower one's stress as it is expected.
C.Faced with great stress, people feel hopeless for life.
D.Faced with threat,people's wish to shop will decrease.

Which of the following events threaten people's life?
①Greater stress; ②Car accidents; ③Criminal attacks;. ④Natural disasters;

A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①②④ D.①③④

What's the main idea of the passage?

A.Greater stress can lead to shopping.
B.Greater stress can cause a lot of diseases
C.Shopping is very important in people's life.
D.Can shopping reduce the stress and relieve the fear of death?
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


I would recommend all tourists choose the hotel. Its owner Miss Scarlet herself couldn't be more pleased with this southern beauty. I am so grateful for the convenience it offered to my husband who has to use a wheelchair. The professionally decorated living area, the personal touches are all unforgettable.
You will feel as though you're on top of the world in your very own Outer Banks "tree house" this year!What .disappointed me most is that pets are not allowed to bring in there. But it is only 150 feet from beach access and just 500 feet from the beach!
This home has a fantastic location just 1 lot away from the easy-to-navigate beach, and is a short walk away from the fishing dock, shops,movie rentals and restaurants. We couple are in our seventies and we are breathing the charming sunshine. You will love the ocean and beach views from multiple furnished decks.
I will miss the charming hotel forever. You'll catch an abundance of outstanding comfort in the charming town. Take your lovely dog and walk in the forests. Also you can enjoy the happiness the modern technology brings you on the Internet.
The beautiful place made me feel right at home. The large well-equipped kitchen and char- coal and gas grills gave plenty of choices for cooking. I can't stop smoking even when I am on vacation. And I show no interest in surfing on the Internet But I really had a great time in. here.

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  • 难度:未知



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Chinese students will start their rwo-mnnth summer vacation. But Chinese parents have already decided how their children will spend the summer
Generally speaking, there are basically two ways for Chinese students to pass their sum- met vacation: one, relax at home or go to join some summer camps; two., sign up for classes, such as Olympic math, English, and musical instruments. A few lucky children do get to..en- joy the whole summer without spending time in a classroom. Yuan Weiwei, for example, has made a point of not enrolling her twelve-yesrold son, Li Zhuoqi, in any summer lessons.
`This summer vacation is just for fun,”she said. " I think most parents feel they In to prepare their children so early. I don't blame them but I think the best thing is to find as much non-working time for the children as possible."However, Zhu Baocheng, 14 years old, isn't so lucky., whose parents plan to enroll him on a worse of English and writing. training program
Should Chinese parents let their children play and get closer to nature, or have more classea so that they won't fall behind? Perhaps everyone has an answer in one's own heart.

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  • 难度:未知