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The patient was in bad need of operation but there was no guarantee(保证) that she would survive the anaesthetic (麻醉剂), which made the doctors on the horn of a __________.

A.process B.arrangement C.ceremony D.dilemma
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

-- Why was the driver taken to the police station last night?
-- Because he refused to ______ to a blood-alcohol test and attacked the police.

A.apply B.object C.submit D.belong
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Best of all, with online education, we can stick to our jobs and at the same time study and _______the latest knowledge.

A.absorb B.entertain C.reflect D.attract
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Confucius (孔子) didn’t accept the religious ideas of his times, and was __________ about the supernatural.

A.cautious B.admirable C.skeptical D.optimistic
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I just couldn’t believe you should have made such a silly mistake. Look! You have __________ such an important document.

A.left off B.left out C.left alone D.left aside
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

After the captain left, his assistant Roger and other members of the team stayed behind to _____ any misunderstanding, but they refused to hear complaints(抱怨).

A.approve B.polish C.switch D.clarify
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Having worked abroad for several years, Janson wanted to settle down to a _________ job in his homeland.

A.permanent B.constant C.primary D.thorough
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A Korean survey shows that shopping cart handles are the most bacteria-carrying items among some ________used objects.

A.relatively B.frequently C.ordinarily D.sincerely
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

So original is this cartoon designed that it ________ a large number of children inland.

A.adapts to B.applies to C.appeals to D.attends to
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In order to have the arrangements ________ for the party, the organizers have spent three days preparing.

A.in charge B.in sight C.in case D.in place
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I was hard at work on a museum project when the client(客户) suddenly canceled it. In January, my __   told me I was no longer needed. I had just $1,000 in savings.
I       one interview after searching the Internet for architecture jobs, but       came of it. Finally, I took a job as a       in a restaurant. I knew I’d have to find a place to live that     less than the $500 a month I was paying.
I went to see a bedroom for rent. The landlord(房东)       me $500 for it, but he said I could have it for $350 if he maintained control of the closet for storage, I told him later,“I don’t want the bedroom,       I’m interested in the closet” I suggested that I pay $150 a month for it. He thought I was      .
The closet measured just 5.5 feet       14 feet. With my experience, I was       I could make it into a great living space. I     it for three days. I measured old pieces of wood that people donated. It was like putting together a      .
In March, I moved in. It was a legal rental. The landlord       a door so I’d have access to a kitchen and bathroom, which I       with three other tenants(租客). I had a mini-fridge, a microwave, and a storage bin for dry goods. I       a loft(阁楼) for my bed, TV, and DVD player.
On my website, I’ve posted       of my new home, and that’s       some freelance(自由职业的) design work. A few more       and I’ll be able to afford a new place. That’s definitely a(an)       thing: My girlfriend, Susan, and I are engaged, and once we’re married next March, I’m sure I’ll leave my little closet      .
But now I know that I don’t need much to live well.

A.teacher B.officer C.doctor D.boss

A.ordered B.acquired C.watched D.prepared

A.nothing B.something C.anything D.everything

A.worker B.player C.waiter D.student

A.cost B.earned C.saved D.spent

A.proved B.charged C.named D.called

A.and B.so C.or D.but

A.joking B.quarreling C.bargaining D.talking

A.to B.for C.by D.on

A.negative B.confident C.afraid D.curious

A.mended B.painted C.covered D.designed

A.secret B.problem C.puzzle D.game

A.cut out B.cut off C.cut up D.cut in

A.worked B.studied C.played D.shared

A.took B.made C.drew D.imagined

A.pictures B.desks C.windows D.books

A.brought out B.brought up C.brought in D.brought down

A.chances B.jobs C.items D.gifts

A.unique B.challenging C.genuine D.excellent

A.behind B.forward C.ahead D.upside

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Roger Alvarez, 22, was one of the 52 percent of students who didn’t make it through his senior year at Manual Arts High School in Los Angeles.
He dropped out several years ago, but by the time he was in ninth grade, Alvarez says he already knew he wasn’t going to graduate.
“There’s a certain amount of knowledge you have to have when you enter in a specific grade, and I didn’t have it.” Alvarez says,“Every class I used to go in, I was like, ‘Do I know this? I don’t know this.’”
It was a shameful attitude, he tells his former English teacher, Antero Garcia, 29.
“You were determined to help me, but what was I willing to give? I could have actually tried.”
For his part, Garcia wants to know how he could have reached out to Alvarez better, but Alvarez says Garcia had always been helpful.
“I mean, you could cheer me up, and then I see other students doing way better,” Alvarez says,“So then, I get nervous. I get stuck, and then my motivation goes to the floor.” He felt the situation was hopeless.
“You talked to me like if I could do it, but inside me, I knew I couldn’t.” he tells Garcia,“I just didn’t want you to think that I’m…stupid.”
Now, school is a life tool that Alvarez says he’s missing—but his teacher isn’t to blame.
“Always, I just wanted you to know…you were a good teacher, and I always respected you.” he tells Garcia,“Some teachers, I felt like they only wanted to teach a certain group of people. But you looked at me and you paid attention.”
“Maybe it didn’t get me to graduate, but there’re a lot of teachers, they don’t take the time to take a look. And it was never your fault.”
Alvarez now works the night shift at a loading dock(码头). He still hopes to get his degree one day.
When Alvarez entered a grade, he was sure that ___________.

A.he wasn’t going to pass the class
B.he would do better than other students
C.he might learn an amount of knowledge
D.he would try his best to learn at class

By saying “my motivation goes to the floor”,  Alvarez meant __________.

A.he hid his goal from others B.he lost heart gradually
C.he built up his motivation D.he fell to the ground completely

In the opinion of Alvarez, most teachers _______.

A.paid no attention to teaching B.had no time to read books
C.didn’t care about what he did D.showed no respect to students

The passage mainly tells us that _________.

A.a dropout complains about being treated badly
B.a dropout plans to get his degree again
C.a dropout shows respect for not graduating
D.a dropout has thanks to his teacher not blame
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I woke up this morning. There is an empty feeling that I have had so many times before and it seems to be coming back into my mind. What is it? I can’t figure it out.
I got ready for work. On the way I decide to stop and get a cheese from the little shop just down the road. I have never been there before but I was hungry and it would be 5 hours before I got off work.
The owner of the store took my order. He asked me what I wanted and I told him I heard he made a great cheese. He seemed pleased to hear that.
As I was sitting in the small space,there was an elderly gentleman finishing his breakfast. He paid the waitress, received this change and made a small joke. As he turned to get up, which was quite a difficult feat for this gentleman, he looked over at me. I gave a small smile.
He looked again in my direction for a moment and said to me, “Has anyone ever told you, you have the most beautiful brown eyes?”
Seeing as I have blue eyes, I can’t say I have ever heard that before. I humored him and said, “No, I can’t say anyone has ever told me that before.”
He smiled, and said,“Well since they are blue you wouldn’t have heard that, but you have beautiful blue eyes.”
I laughed and said thank you very much. He began to tell me a few one liner jokes so I smiled and laughed at his jokes.
He tried to get up to leave again and looked at me and said“Your smile really brightens a room, do you know that?”I said,“Thank you very much.”
He proceeded to get up, which took him quite some time. As he got up he said,“Take care of that smile.”
I felt a sense of comfort wash over me and I reflected on my morning and that empty feeling I had. For a moment in time it seemed to be filled.
Before the writer went to work, he felt________.

A.sleepy B.energetic C.sick D.unhappy

From the text, we can infer the old man __________.

A.was optimistic about life B.liked to play a joke on others
C.was unwilling to leave D.had difficulty in hearing

By saying“since they are blue”, the old man meant“_____________”.

A.because they feel cold B.because they are sad
C.because they have blue eyes D.because they are hungry

What lesson can we learn from the story?

A.We should find comfort from stranger.
B.We should pay attention to our own business.
C.We should laugh off our worries in life
D.We should show respect to the old people.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

How to Tell If Someone Is Happy or Sad on the Phone
Scientists have come up with some researches on what makes different types of people“tick”.
The scientists at the University of Cambridge have developed new mobile phone technology called Emotion Sense that can tell if a caller is happy, angry or sad.
Scientists hope to fit the speech recognition system to standard mobile phones and use it to determine emotions—it will also use a GPS tracking system to log where the call is made.
 And they’ve already made some pretty major breakthroughs into really getting under the skin of us humans.
The results from the pilot scheme make interesting scientific reading. Among the key revelations (﹦facts) are that callers feel happier at home and sadder at work.
To break it down, scientifically, it shows 45 percent of all emotions produced at home are “happy”and 54 percent of emotions at work are “sad”.
Meanwhile, people show more “intense”(﹦nervous) emotions in the evening than they do in the morning.
Of course, this could just be because most people feel too tired in the morning to get overly “intense”. Eating breakfast and getting to work on time is usually enough of an achievement.
Anyway, the Emotion Sense technology has been developed by psychologists(心理学家) and computer scientists who say it uses speech recognition software and phone sensors(传感器) attached to standard smart phones to judge how callers’ emotions are changed by everyday factors.
The sensors analyze voice samples and these are then divided into five categories: happiness, sadness, fearfulness, anger or neutral-—boredom or passivity(消极) would fit into this last category.
How many emotions can the sensors tell?

A.Two B.Three C.Four D.Five

What does the underlined sentence mean?

A.Scientists have put something testing people’s emotions under humans’ skin.
B.There were some breakthroughs in this technology in getting something from people’s skin.
C.In this technology, people’s skin was broken through.
D.There were improvements in testing people’s emotions.

Why do most people feel less intense in the morning than in the evening?

A.Because morning is the start of a new day.
B.because they feel too tired in the morning.
C.Because of humans’ physiological structure.
D.Because of the fresh air and bright sunlight.

Which of the following hasn’t been put into the standard mobile phones?

A.Speech recognition software. B.Phone sensors.
C.GPS sensors. D.Translation system.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The next time your face turns red after tripping(绊倒) over your own feet in public, don’t try to hide it—a new study finds that showing your embarrassment actually makes other people view you as more reliable.
Researchers at the University of California have carried out the study and found that embarrassment is a good signature of a person to whom you can entrust valuable resources.
Not only are the findings useful for people seeking cooperative and reliable team members and business partners, but they also make for helpful dating advice.“Moderate(适度的) levels of embarrassment are signs of virtue. Our data suggests embarrassment is a good thing, not something you should fight.”said Matthew Feinberg, who led the study.
While the most typical gesture of embarrassment is a downward gaze to one side while partly covering the face, a person who feels shame, as distinguished(区别) from embarrassment, will typically cover the whole face, Feinberg said.
The results were got from a series of experiments. In the first experiment, 60 college students were videotaped describing embarrassing moments, such as making incorrect assumptions(假想) based on appearances. The college students also participated in the “Dictator Game” which is used in economics research to measure altruism(利己主义). For example, each was given 10 raffle tickets(奖券) and asked to keep a share of the tickets and give the reminder(提示物) to a partner.
The findings, published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, showed that those who showed greater levels of embarrassment tended to give away more of their raffle tickets, indicating(﹦showing) greater generosity.
According to the passage, which of the following is thought to be reliable?

A.A person who feels shame.
B.A person who hides his embarrassment.
C.A person who shows his embarrassment.
D.A person who gives away more raffle tickets.

We can infer from Paragraph 3 that ________.

A.it’s useless to fight our embarrassment
B.people should try to overcome their embarrassment
C.embarrassed people are not good at doing business
D.people who show embarrassment can be good business partners

The “Dictator Game ” is used to _________.

A.measure the students’ economic status
B.test whether a student is generous or not
C.determine the different levels of embarrassment
D.record how each student reacts during embarrassing moments

We learn from the last paragraph that those who showed greater levels of embarrassment ____.

A.proved to be more generous B.kept more of the raffle tickets
C.didn’t care for raffle tickets D.were less reliable
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

No matter what type of business you run, it has to deal with situations in which things go wrong from your customer’s point of view. Complaints can be a great source of information for the organizations. So it’s important to learn to deal with customer complaints efficiently.
Firstly, listen actively to what the customer has to say by keeping comfortable eye contact and giving full attention with no interrupting. You should also show your customer that you do understand him.
Secondly, when receiving a complaint you should apologize for the failure the customer has identified. It’s important for you to know that your apology must appear authentic to the customer, and not an empty exercise. And also you should show the customer you’ve accepted the responsibility and provide him with choices if you have some in hand or otherwise assure the customer you’ll do something about his complaint.
Thirdly, talk with the consumer and discover the best means to resolve his problem. There will be times when, after gathering the facts of a situation, you’ll be unable to resolve the problem immediately. In this case it’s important to let your customer know how long it’ll take to take action on his complaint.
Fourthly, a simple “Thank you” is one way to let the customer know you appreciate the time and effort he has taken to inform you about a problem with your company’s service or product you need to know about.
Lastly, give your customer something that shows your appreciation for him giving the feedback to you. And let him know you’re sorry for the mistake that was made. It isn’t necessary to give something that is costly; but a coupon(赠券) for a free drink or movie is fine.
Your professional and well-organized method of dealing with your customer complaints is one more way that will make you stay ahead of your competitors.
What does the passage mainly talk about?

A.Importance of dealing with customer complaints.
B.Effects of customer complaints on business.
C.Tips for handling complaints from customers.
D.Several factors resulting in customer complaints.

The author thinks that customer complaints _____________.

A.are easy to deal with B.are really quite annoying
C.can actually be avoided D.are sometimes beneficial

The underlined word “authentic” in Paragraph 3 most probably means _______.

A.touching B.believable C.attractive D.clever

According to the passage, what is the first thing you should do when facing the customer complaints?

A.Showing sincere attitude.
B.Making an honest apology.
C.Making an absolute promise.
D.Listening to the complaint attentively.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Not only ______________________ her new design, but he also arranged for her to be in charge of the project. (approve)
Not _______________________as president to the department, Mr. White still served his colleagues heart and soul. (appoint)
It was not until he fled with a large sum of money _________________________ taking bribes . (accuse)
The impression _____________________________ me was that he was no more than a reserved young man. (make)
Today, the impressionist paintings are accepted as the beginning of _______________. (call)
________________________, she would immediately turn to her private doctor. (instant)
_________________________ reading books, he doesn’t like being disturbed. (absorb)
The police inquired his mother about his address and phone number, so he ______________________ the robbery last night. (involve)
I would rather you __________________ the important decision as soon as possible. (inform)
They found themselves ______________________ colourful rocks, fishes, shells, and plants, all waving and moving slowly in the blue waters. (surround)

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


1. 自由,无纪律约束;
2. 有更多的隐私权。
1. 寝室有时虽然有点吵,但方便;
2. 能培养交际能力;
3. 能了解生活的价值,培养独立能力。

注意:1. 词数120左右;
4. 参考词汇:寝室:dormitory; 隐私权:privacy
In recent years, it’s common for high school students to rent houses outside. Different students have different opinions.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知