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Although Tom is staying abroad, he is much ______ his family members.

A.concerning about B.concerned about
C.concerning with D.concerned with
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

St Pertersburg, ______is a very beautiful city, was once called Leningrad..

A.which B.that C.when D.where
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

As a teacher, he is ______ to work hard and must be strict in his work.

A.expected B.known C.hoped D.suggested
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The girl became famous because of the part she ______ in the film.

A.put B.got C.had D.played
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

----- Does your brother like football?
----- Well, he doesn’t really ______ football. In fact he likes basketball.

A.care B.care about C.care for D.take care of
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

______ he is determined to run a business, no one can persuade him to______.

A.If; give away B.Although; give in
C.Once: give up D.As long as; give out
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

My boss______for Beijing in a few days. Do you know when his plane______?

A.leaves; takes off B.is leaving; takes off
C.is leaving; is taking off D.leaves; is taking off
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

---- I heard you bought a new flat, didn’t you?
---- Yes.We can get a wonderful ______ from our front room.

A.sight B.scene C.scenery D.view
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  • 难度:未知

The leader ordered that the boys ______ in the accident should be given first aid at once.

A.injured B.damaged C.ruined D.destroyed
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  • 难度:未知

Tom has two cousins, and ______ are engineers.

A.both of whom B.both of them C.none of them D.either of them
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  • 难度:未知

It is a great ______ for us to be invited here to meet the great scientist face to face.

A.honour B.favor C.pride D.success
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Please don’t get too close to the building______ roof is under repair.

A.which B.of which C.whose D.that
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The top student failed again in the examination and only then ______ the importance of reading and memorizing the English texts.

A.he realized B.he had realized C.had he realized D.did he realize
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

My brother gave me a present for my birthday but I gave him nothing ______ his.

A.in return B.by turns C.in turn D.in return for
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

---- It is said that Tom had a wonderful time at the party.
---- ______, and so did I.

A.So did he B.Nor did he C.So he did D.Nor he did
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In January 1986 I saw a show about cartooning called “Funny Business” on TV. I had always wanted to be a __36__but never knew how. So I wrote to the host of the_37_, cartoonist Jack Cassady, asking for advice on entering the profession(职业).
Two weeks later I got a (n) __38__letter from Jack, answering my questions about materials and process(过程). He also __39__ me not to get discouraged if I was refused__40__. He said the cartoon samples(样本) I sent him were good and worthy of publication(出版).
I got very __41__, finally understanding how the whole process__42__. I sent my best cartoons to Playboy and New Yorker, ___43___ the magazines rejected(拒绝)me immediately. Discouraged, I put my art supplies in the box and__44__to forget all about cartooning.
To my__45__, in June 1987 I got another letter from Jack, although I hadn’t even__46__ him for the former advice. Here’s what he said:
Dear Scott,
I was reviewing my “Funny Business” mail file when I again came__47__ your letter and your cartoons. I remember answering you letter.
I’m writing to encourage you to submit(提交) your ideas to various publications again. I hope you have __48__ done so and are making progress and having some__49__ too. Sometimes encouragement in the funny business is hard to come by. That’s__50__ I am encouraging you to hang in there and keep drawing.
I wish you good luck.
I was deeply__51__because Jack had nothing to gain—including my thanks. I acted on his__52__, took out my art supplies and inked the sample strips(漫画连载) that__53__ became Dilbert.
I feel__54__that I wouldn’t have tried cartooning again if Jack hadn’t sent the second letter. As Dilbert became more successful I came to __55__ Jack’s simple act of kindness.

A.singer B.writer C.actor D.cartoonist

A.show B.television C.wedding D.party

A.surprising B.encouraging C.shocking D.disappointing

A.allowed B.suggested C.insisted D.warned

A.at first B.first of all C.at last D.in the end

A.confused B.anxious C.excited D.enthusiastic

A.performed B.advanced C.behaved D.worked

A.but B.so C.and D.though

A.concluded B.persuaded C.decided D.thought

A.disappointment B.surprise C.sorrow(悲伤) D.satisfaction

A.asked B.hoped C.wished D.thanked

A.across B.over C.off D.through

A.still B.ever C.already D.yet

A.trouble B.fun C.difficulty D.problem

A.what B.which C.how D.why

A.touched B.interested C.shocked D.influenced

A.warning B.encouragement C.advice D.view

A.surprisingly B.finally C.constantly D.freely

A.concerned B.uneasy C.worried D.certain

A.understand B.honor C.appreciate D.respect

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Left-Handers’ Day
International Left-Handers’ Day is August the thirteenth. The International Left-Handers Day, Web site says the Left-Handers Club started the holiday in 1992. It wanted left-handers around the world to celebrate. And it wanted to bring attention to the everyday problems of people who use their left hands.
One of these problems is difficulty using equipment and tools, like scissors. In general, most tools and equipment are made for people who are right-handed. The Left-Handers Club tries to educate designers and producers to consider the safety of left-handed people when producing their products.
Another problem is that many people have considered it bad to be left-handed. Some teachers and parents have tried to force children who used their left hands to use their right ones instead.
Scientists do not really know why some people are left-handed. They have believed the reason is genetic.They say the gene(基因) increases the chance of being left-handed. It appears to play an important part in deciding which part of the brain controls different activities. In right-handed people, the left side of the brain usually controls speech and language. The right side controls feelings. However, the opposite is often true in left-handed people.
Scientists believe the gene is responsible for this. The gene showed a link with left-handedness in nine to twelve percent of the population.
About ten percent of people around the world are left-handed.
International Left-handers’ Day aims to(目的是) bring attention to_________.

A.the right-handers
B.the everyday problems
C.the people who have some difficulty using equipment and tools
D.the everyday problems of people who use their left hands

How many problems of people who use their left hands are mentioned?

A.One. B.Two. C.Three. D.Four.

As to why some people are left-handed, scientists believe the reason is________.

A.habits B.genetics C.parents D.birthplaces

______of people around the world are left-handers.

A.About 9% B.About 12% C.About 9.12% D.About 10%
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Most people buy a lot of gifts just before Christmas. But some people think we buy too much. They have started a special day called Buy Nothing Day. They don’t want anyone to go shopping on that day.
Buy Nothing Day is November 29. It’s 25 days before Christmas. It’s after Thanksgiving Day and often the first day of Christmas shopping. At this time, we see ads in Newspapers and on TV telling us to “buy, buy, buy!”
The idea for Buy Nothing Day started in Vancouver, British Columbia. Now people all over the world celebrate Buy Nothing Day. In California, parents and children get together to read stories, sing songs, and paint pictures. The children talk about why they don’t need a lot of toys. This year, in Manchester, England, people dressed up in costumes(统一服装) to tell people that we buy too much.
In Albuquerque, New Mexico, high school students wanted to tell other students about Buy Nothing Day. They organized a spaghetti dinner to give people information about Buy Nothing Day. They asked restaurants in the neighborhood to donate(捐赠) the food. They made posters and talked to other students about it. The dinner was a big success, and many students agreed not to buy anything on November 29. The students at high schools liked the idea of this new tradition. Next year, they want to have another dinner to tell more people about Buy Nothing Day!
Which of the following is NOT the day for people to celebrate Buy Nothing Day?

A.November 29. B.25 days before Christmas.
C.After Thanksgiving. D.The first day after Christmas.

People usually buy many gifts_______.

A.before Thanksgiving B.on Christmas
C.before Christmas D.anytime

How do people celebrate Buy Nothing Day?

A.In California, parents and children get together to play games.
B.In England, people celebrate by performing plays.
C.In Mexico, high school students dress up.
D.They buy nothing and persuade others not to buy things.

What did the students do in New Mexico for the day?

A.They donated the food of their own.
B.They talked to others about it.
C.They made some slogans(标语口号) for it.
D.They organized a luxurious(奢华的) dinner.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

We have two daughters: Kristen is seven years old and Kelly is four. Last Sunday evening, we invited some people home for dinner. I dressed them nicely for the party, and told them that their job was to join Mommy in answering the door when the bell rang. Mommy would introduce them to the guests, and then they would take the guests’ coats upstairs and put them on the bed in the second bedroom.
The guests arrived. I introduced my two daughters to each of them. The adults were nice and kind and said how lucky we were to have such good kids.
Each of the guests liked Kelly more, the younger one, enjoying her dress, her hair and her smile. They said she was a unusual girl to be carrying coats upstairs at her age.
I thought to myself that we adults usually make a big “to do” over the younger one because she’s the one who seems more easily hurt. We do it with the best of intentions.
But we seldom think of how it might affect(影响) the other child. I was a little worried that Kristen would feel she was being paid no attention. I was about to serve dinner when I realized that she had been missing for twenty minutes. I ran upstairs and found her in the bedroom, crying. I said, “What are you doing here, my dear?”
She turned to me with a sad expression and said,” Mommy, why don’t people like me the way they like my sister? Is it because I’m not pretty? Why don’t they say nice things about me as much?”
I tried to explain to her, kissing and hugging(拥抱) her to make her feel better.
Now whenever I visit a friend’s home. I make it a point to speak to the elder child first.
The underlined expression “make a big ‘to do’ over” (paragraph 4) means_______.

A.show much concern about B.have a special effect on
C.list jobs to be done for D.do good things for

We can conclude from the passage that_______.

A.parents should pay more attention to the elder children
B.the younger children are usually more easily hurt
C.people usually like the younger children more
D.adults should treat children equally

Kristen felt sad and cried because_______.

A.the guests gave her more coats to carry
B.she didn't look as pretty as Kelly
C.the guests enjoyed her sister more than her
D.her mother didn’t introduce her the guests
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

There are many famous museums throughout the world where people can enjoy art. Washington, D.C. has the National Gallery of Art; Paris has the Luvre; London, the British Museum. Florida International University (FIU) in Miami also shows art for people to see. And it does so without building, or even a wall for its drawing and paintings. FIU has opened what it says is the first computer art museum in the United States. You don’t have to visit the University to see the art. You just need a computer linked to a telephone. You can call the telephone number of a university computer and connect your own computer to it. All of the art is stored in the school computer. It is computer art, produced electronically by artists on their own computers. In only a few minutes, your computer can receive and copy all the pictures and drawings. Robert Shostak is direction of the new computer museum. He says he starts the museum because computer artists had no place to show their works.
A computer artist can only record his pictures electronically and send the records to others to see on their computers. He can also put his pictures on paper. But to print good pictures on paper, the computer artist needs an expensive laser printer (激光印刷) . Robert Shostak says the electronic(电子的) museum is mostly for art or computer students at school and universities. Many of the pictures in the museum are made by students. Mr Shostake said the FIU museum will take computer art more fun for computer artists because more people can see it. He says artists enjoy their work much more if they have an audience. And the great number of home computers in America could mean a huge audience for the electronic museum.
The main purpose of this text is to give information about_______.
A. museums throughout the world
B. an electronic art museum in Miami, U.S.A.
C. art exhibitions(展览会) in Florida International University
D. latest development of computer art
To see the art in FIU museum, you need______.

A.floppy discs(软盘)
B.a computer and a printer
C.pictures and drawings on paper
D.a computer connect to the museum by telephone line

The museum was started when______.
A Robert Shostak wanted to do something for computer scientists
B. Robert Shostak wanted to help computer artists
C. art students needed a place to show their works
D. computer scientists wanted to do something about art
The words “an audience” in the last paragraph refer to ________.

A.art students B.computer owners
C.exhibits in the museum D.those who will enjoy art.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The driver ,rather than the passengers are responsible for the accident.
Her brother suggested her to lose weight to keep fit.
Taxi fee was raised because the price of the oil was higher than before.
Much to our surprise, the old man survived from the big fire.
Suddenly the boys found themselves surrounding by some bad boys.
Actually, the manager you think highly is very mean and dishonest.
The waiter told us the meeting will be at the end in ten minutes.
The woman burst into tears for the moment she heard the news .
Though buried deeply down in the earth, the vase was kept well.
He is sure to come next month, which we’ll be free.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The man has a lot of business________(搭档)and they are all very rich.
You’d better read English every day in order to speak English ______(流利).
Don’t worry, Xiao Wang has ________(安排时间)the meeting properly.
________(装饰)with flowers and jewels, the lady looks more beautiful..
The river becomes rapids as it passes through deep________(峡谷), travelling across western Yunnan Province.
The other day, I saw a water pipe ________(爆裂)and a lot of water flowing into the lake.
I mean the Party members in our school do their best to work______(无私).
The great man said that the blacks and the whites are born________(平等).
The little girl often________(设计)something in a fancy style..
They are debating whether or not to attend the ________(非正式的)party.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

注意:1. 每空一词。
2. 填错任何一个词(包括词的形式)便失去句子的本意,所以此题不给分。
Do you really______ ______ ______ ______this passage in English?
We have a lot of work to do, so we must_____ ______ ______ ______our valuable time.
My cousins are waiting for us there. I ______ ______ ______ ______see them.
Athough he is old, the man is still energetic.
Old ______ ______ ______, the man is still energetic.
We decided to answer violence with violence.______ ______ ______ ______ ______we didn’t like violence.
The house is a little small. My grandparents lived in the house ten years ago.
The house ______ ______ my grandparents lived ten years ago is a little small.
There ______ ______ ______ ______ our class is sure to win the basketball match.
We Chinese love Diaoyu Island  which ______ ______ China.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知