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—Why do you always lie to our mother you love her cooking?
—It's only a white lie, so _______.

A.don't bother B.my pleasure
C.it's no big deal D.mention it
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Mr.HoffTman, aged over 60, has recently _______playing golf at the weekends.contributing to his rosy face.

A.taken to B.slid into C.submitted to D.broken into
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  • 难度:未知

______ his body and soul to bringing up-to-date technology and International attention to China's Aids problem, Dr David Ho, born in Taiwan, spent little time with his family.

A.Devoted B.To devote C.Being devoted D.Devoting
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  • 难度:未知

I smoke out of ______ habit, not for ______ pleasure; for I have been in the habit for more than twenty years.

A.the; a B.不填; the C.a: the D.不填; 不填
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  • 难度:未知

—Mum, have you seen my U-Disk?
—_______ you bought last Sunday? I'm-afraid I haven't seen _______.

A.The one- one B.That: one C.One; it D.The one; it
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

—Given its breathtaking natural landscape and a relaxing atmosphere—most stores in Norway are closed at 5 o'clock every day.
—It's _______ that Norway has the highest quality of life.

A.no wonder B.no problem C.no doubt D.no way
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  • 难度:未知

At the Qiantang River on September 24th last year, the tidal bore, a name for a large column of water produced by the tide, _____ as high as 1.9 metres,       the start of the autumn flood period of the liver.

A.reaching marking B.reached; to mark
C.reaching; to mark D.reached; marking
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  • 难度:未知

Most people hold the view that the key to keeping fit is to ______ regularly.

A.give out B.turn out C.work out D.get out
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  • 难度:未知

—Remember how we met for the first time, Dick?
—Of course I do.You ______ to the teachers’ office hurriedly and ______ me.

A.had walked; weren't noticing B.were walking; didn't notice
C.had been Walking; noticed D.walked; had noticed
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  • 难度:未知

____ is to be done is ______ to carry it out smoothly since the decision has been made.

A.What; how B.Where; how C.When; what D.Where; what
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  • 难度:未知

Some people are bad at recalling names and faces, so it's possible that they have a condition called face blindness, ______ people suddenly have trouble recognizing family members, friends or even themselves.

A.for which B.which C.where D.of which
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  • 难度:未知

My parents often inspire me, "______ till you make it."

A.Fight B.Fighting C.To tight D.Fighted
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  • 难度:未知

I think of life as a good book.The further you get into it, the more it begins to _____.

A.make a difference B.make a decision
C.make progress D.make sense
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  • 难度:未知

As a student in Senior Three, I must work hard.______, I should take exercise to strengthen my body.

A.Otherwise B.Meanwhile C.Therefore D.Thus
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I got this bicycle for ______.My friend gave it to me when she bought a new one.

A.everything B.something C.anything D.nothing
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  • 难度:未知

Never believe anything ______ any other person has believed it.

A.that B.unless C.because D.once
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  • 难度:未知

The city of Chengdu has grown so fast that it's at least ______ what it used to be.

A.five times the size of B.five times the size as large as
C.five times larger D.five limes size as
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  • 难度:未知

Over the past 20 years the once-sleepy fishing village ______ into an international tourism destination, with many visitors coming to explore its spectacular rainforests and beaches.

A.was transformed B.was transferred
C.has been transformed D.has been transferred
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  • 难度:未知

Go to bed right away.Don’t forget you need to get up as early as you can ______ the early train.

A.catch B.catching C.caught D.to catch
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  • 难度:未知

Tommy was planning to buy a car the next week,______ he ______ enough for a used one.

A.by that time; had saved B.by which time; had saved
C.by that time; saved D.by which time; has saved
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

There is one showing love.and there's another not responding in time.During lifetime, however, it turns out to be a regret and we always think of making it up when it's gone.
A father sat at his desk staring over his monthly bills 21  his young son rushed in and 22   ."Dad.because this is your birthday and you're 55 years old, I'm going to give you 55 23 .one for each year!" When the boy started 24   his agreement, the father exclaimed, "Oh.Andrew, don't do it now; I'm too 25   !" The youngster immediately 26   silent as tears welled up in his big blue eyes.27   the father said, "You can finish later."
The boy said nothing but quietly 28   ,disappointment written 29   his face.That evening the father said, "Come and finish the 30   kisses now.Andrew!" But the boy didn't respond.
Unfortunately, a few days later after this incident, the boy had an   31   and was drowned.His 32  father wrote."If only I 33   tell him how much I regret my thoughtless 34 ,and could be assured that he knows how much my heart is 35   ."
Love is a two-way street.Any loving act must be warmly accepted 36   it will be taken as rejection and can 37  a scar.If we are too busy to give and 38   love, we are too busy! Nothing is more important than 39   with love to the cry for love from those who are near and precious to us, because there may be no 40   at all as in the case of the little boy.

A.while B.before C.as D.when

A.announced B.laughed C.replied D.added

A.gifts B.kisses C.cards D.wishes

A.coming up with B.getting away with C.looking forward D.getting on with

A.angry B.busy C.glad D.curious

A.felt B.went C.fell D.looked

A.Excitedly B.Nervously C.Jokingly D.Apologetically

A.turned away B.calmed down C.walked away D.set off

A.over B.through C.against D.within

A.unfinished B.loving C.comforting D.caring

A.operation B.event C.accident D.injury

A.beloved B.unlucky C.considerate D.heartbroken

A.would B.should C.must D.could

A.racing B.aching C.sinking D.beating

A.but B.and C.yet D.or

A.remain B.leave C.stay D.keep

A.spread B.hold C.receive D.catch

A.coming B.accepting C.learning D.responding

A.chance B.regret C.time D.story

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Marjorie Gestring
Marjorie Gestring was a springboard(跳板) diver from the United States who won the gold medal in 3-meter springboard diving at the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin, Germany at the age of 13 years.With the cancellation(取消) of the Olympics in 1940 and 1944 because of World War II, Gestring did not get a chance to defend her title, and her comeback attempt for the 1948 Summer Olympics failed.
Bob Mathias
17-year-old American Bob Mathias won the decathlon(十项全能运动) only four months after taking up the sport.He is the youngest athlete in Olympic history to win a men's track and field event.By the time Mathias retired from decathlon competition in 1952, he had nine victories in nine competitions.He had won two gold medals separately in 1948 and 1952.In 1954 a film about his early life called The Bob Mathias Story was made, in which he and his wife played themselves.
Fu Mingxia
Fu Mingxia was born on August 16, 1978 in Wuhan, Hubei Province.At an early age, her father taught her to swim at a nearby river.She started exercising gymnastics at age 5, soon turning to diving.Fu Mingxia left home at age 9 to train in Beijing.In the 1992 Summer Olympics held in Barcelona, Fu Mingxia became China's youngest Olympic champion ever when she won the 10-meter platform gold at the age of 13.
Ian Thorpe
Ian Thorpe was born on 13 October, 1982.He is a former Australian freestyle swimmer.At the age of 14, he became the youngest male ever to represent Australia.Ian Thorpe, 17 years old, won the gold medal in the 400m freestyle by breaking his own world record in Sydney 2000.He has won five Olympic gold medals.
How many times has Marjorie Gestring taken part in the Olympic Games?

A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Five.

Which two athletes took part in the Olympics in the same year ?

A.Marjorie Gestring and Fu Mingxia
B.Bob Mathias and Fu Mingxia
C.Marjorie Gestring and Bob Mathias.
D.Bob Mathias and Ian Thorpe.

How long had Fu Mingxia practised diving in Beijing before she won the 10-meter platform gold in the 1992 Summer Olympics?

A.About ten years.
B.About nine years.
C.About five years.
D.About three years.

What is the passage mainly about ?

A.Some young Olympic champions.
B.The history of the Olympic Games.
C.How to train young Olympic athletes.
D.How to prepare for the Olympic Games.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Waller was a liked-by-all fellow full of fun who often went to coffee houses to tell people interesting stories, of which some even brought him some money. One day, asked by an office secretary who told Waller that his boss was a never-seen before serious man and he never even smiled. Waller would tell a most funny story. “Well, sir,” Waller said before he began the story, “What will be given in return of my success?”“$100,”replied the secretary. “I haven’t seen him have a bright face since I worked in his office.”
“Then let’s make it.” Waller went to the man’s table and whispered to him, “Please tell your boss that the funny man Waller’s hen gave birth to a baby.”
Three days later a letter reached Mr. Waller in which were $100 and a piece of yellow paper with the words, “Mr. Waller, you have succeeded—When I repeated your $100-worth sentence, my boss burst into frightening laughter, saying that whoever has managed to make him laugh during the business hours will get dismissed!”
The secretary asked Waller for a most funny story because he ______.

A.was tired of his boss seriousness
B.tried to please his serious boss with it
C.wanted to improve his working conditions
D.wanted to see his boss' laughing face

Saying "Let's make it," Waller______.

A.was sure of his success
B.thought of nothing but the 100-dollar return
C.knew that his hen had really given a birth to a baby
D.wondered whether he could make the boss smile or not

Which of the following ends is true according to the passage?

A.The boss was never so strict with the secretary from then on.
B.The secretary lost his job in office.
C.The secretary dare not make his boss laugh any longer.
D.Mr.Waller was dismissed at last.

Which sentence can describe the theme of the story?

A.Things Went Opposite to Wishes
B.Satisfying Both Sides
C.Killing Two Birds with One Stone
D.Either Is in His Proper Place
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

India was once part of the British Empire, but thanks to modern technology and a booming economy, it has turned the tables on its former colonial master. Indian tutors are helping to teach math to British children over high-speed Internet connections. Early results suggest the idea is improving exam results. But not everyone is happy at this “outsourcing” of tutoring.
It’s 3:30, and pupils at Raynham Primary School in London are gathering for their after-school maths lessons.
Five time zones— thousands of kilometers away—their math tutors are also arriving for class. High-speed Internet has made it possible for Indian tutors to teach British pupils in real time. Each pupil gets a dedicated one-to-one online tutor. The students work with activities on their computer screen and wear a headset and microphone to talk to their tutor.
The class teacher, Altus Basson, says he has seen an improvement in results. “There are some children who’ve really rocketed in their results. Children who struggleto focus in class focus a lot better on the laptops. The real advantage is that each child gets a focused activity and a single tutor,” he said.
Such individualized teaching is the core idea of Brightspark Education, the company that provides the online tutoring, says founder Tom Hooper. “Children today feel very confident online; they feel very engaged; they feel very in control. And that's half the battle with education.Give them control, make them feel confident and enjoy their learning and you'll see them start to improve and embrace it," he said.
Raynham Primary School is among the first in Europe to try online tutoring. At between $20 and $25 an hour, it's about half the cost of face-to-face coaching. But some people say an Internet connection is not enough of a connection for teaching and learning. Kevin Courtney is deputy General Secretary of Britain's National Union of Teachers. "We think, there's a really important emotional connection between a teacher and a child whether it's a whole class or whether it's one-to-one. You need that immediacy of feedback and we're not convinced that that can happen across an Internet connection. In one of the wealthiest.countries in the world, we think that we can afford to have teachers with genuine emotional connection there with the children," he said.
Brightspark Education says the online tutoring is used only as an addition to supplement regular teaching. The company says its service does not represent a threat to teachers' jobs in Britain.
Parents say they're very satisfied with the results they've seen. And what about the children?Children: "I love it!"I love it!"I hate maths!" So math--or, as the British call it, maths—is still not everyone's favorite subject even with the latest technology to teach it.
What do we know about the online tutoring?

A.Indian tutors are helping to teach math in Britain.
B.Tutors and students are in different places.
C.An online tutor helps several students at the same time.
D.Tutors and students communicate by telephone.

What can we learn about Brightspark Education? 

A.It shows a threat to teachers’ jobs in Britain.
B.It can take place of the regular teaching.
C.It only pays attention to math teaching.
D.It emphasizes the individualized teaching.

According to Kevin Courtne, _________.      .

A.online tutoring will represent a threat to teachers’ jobs in Britain
B.online tutoring has a great influence on British.
C.the emotional connection between a teacher and a child is important
D.immediacy of feedback can happen across an Internet connection

What’s the best title for this passage ?

A.A New Teaching Pattern
B.Indian Teachers and British Students
C.To Learn Maths with the Latest Technology
D.Indian Tutors Teach British Kids Online
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

English Language and Culture Program
If you wish to improve your English-language skills as well as your understanding of the Canadian cultural context, the courses offered by ELC Evening are for you. Whether your goals are academic, business or immigration-related, there is a course to meet your needs.
Evening course tuition:$490,0.
All evening courses run for 10 weeks.A $50 discount is available to returning students or students attending two or more courses.
ELC 550
Mondays, July 7 - September 22, 2008August 4 & September 11- HOLIDAY
Mondays, October 6-December 15.2008 October 13-HOLIDAY
This course is designed for non-native Englisli speakers who wish to take the 1ELTS (International English Language Testing System) exam.Each week, participants (参加者)focus on specific modules of the test (speaking, reading, listening, and writing) to develop and improve the skills they need to succeed on the exam.
ELC 552
Tuesdays, Aprils8-June 10,2008
Tuesdays, October 7 - December.16, 2008 November 11 - HOLIDAY
This course is designed for participants who wish to improve their fluency and expressiveness in English.Production skills will be targeted, including pronunciation, intonation, rhythm, and stress.Participants are required to complete weekly in-class assignments (任务), including speeches, monologues, interviews, and role-plays.
ELC 554
Wednesdays, July 9 - September 10.2008
Wednesdays, October 8 -December 10.2008
This course is designed for non-native English-speaking university and college participants who wish to improve their academic leading and writing skills.This course gives participants the tools required for presenting information and building persuasive arguments in clear and cohesive written forms.
ELC 555
Thursdays, July 10 - September 11, 2008
Thursdays, October 9 - December 11, 2008
This course is designed for non-native English speakers who are either working or planning to work in a business environment.Areas of focus include handling telephone conversations, networking, participating in meetings, negotiating, making presentations, and conducting interviews.
One only needs to pay $440 if he ______.

A.attends 10 weeks' evening course
B.attends the evening courses for a second lime
C.finds others to take the evening course together
D.recommends another person to take one ot the evening courses

Which is the proper time for one who wants to find a job in business field?

A.Mondays, October 6 - December 15, 2008.
B.Tuesdays, October 7 - December 16,2008.
C.Wednesdays, October 8 - December 10, 2008.
D.Thursdays, October 9 - December 11, 2008.

ELC 554 is most suitable for ______.

A.a newspaper reporter B.a university student
C.a businessman D.a high school student

ELC 550 mainly focuses on ______.

A.college preparations
B.fluency and expressiveness in English
C.the skills needed to pass an exam
D.basic English knowledge

A student who mainly wants to improve his spoken English can attend           

A.ELC 550 B.ELC 552 C.ELC 554 D.ELC 555
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  • 难度:未知

Technology: Taking the good without the bad?
Very soon, unimaginably powerful technologies will remake our lives.This could have dangerous consequences, especially because we may not even understand the basic science underlyi ng them.There’s a growing gap between our technological capability and our basic scientific understanding.We can do very clever things with the technology of the future without necessarily understanding some of the science underneath, and that is very dangerous.
The technologies that are particularly dangerous over the next hundred years are nanotechnology (纳米技术), artificial intelligence and biotechnology.The benefits that they will bring are beyond doubt.But they are going to be very, very dangerous.I’m working in the field of artificial intelligence.I have a model design for something that might be 50,000 million times smarter than the human brain.Target date is 2010.The only thing that's not possible in the film Terminator(终结者) is that the people win.If you're fighting against technology w hich is 50,000 million times smarter than you, you probably will not win.
Nanotechnology.We've all heard of the grey glue problem, that self-replicating nanotech devices might keep on copying until the world has become sticky glue.And certainly in biotechnology, we've really got a big problem because it's converging with nanotechnology and IT.Once you start mixing nanotech with organisms and you start feeding nanotech-enabled bacteria, we can really go an awful lot further than the Borg in Star Trek(星际迷航).And those superhuman organisms might not like us very much.
Eventually these technologies will become routine.That’s a threat to humanity.I don’t think it’s possible to slow it down.So what we need to do is accelerate the scientific research and try to get some extra tools.The problems facing us in the future are getting bigger and bigger.I think if we don’t get some proper science done, the future is hopeless indeed.
From the text, we know that the author’s greatest concern is         

A.our lack of technological understanding of the process involved
B.our lack of technological capability
C.creating technology without really understanding the basic science
D.Our refusal to face the consequences of the technology we create

It can be inferred from the text that the author         

A.thinks people overvalue the capabilities of technology
B.is not optimistic that artificial intelligence will always be used positively
C.thinks that we should take science fiction movies more seriously
D.believes artificial intelligence is the greatest threat we face technologically

Why does the author say it is not possible in the film Terminator that the humans win?

A.Because the power of the technology is exaggerated(夸大).
B.Because the strength of the machines is much greater.
C.Because machines with that much intelligence can easily defeat humans.
D.Because human beings are not courageous enough to win the battle.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Bored by the Chinese courses he was majoring in, Zuo Cheng, 18, couldn't imagine having to drag himself into class day after day, week after week, for four years.
The Beijing Language and Culture University student decided that enough was enough.
"It may seem like I've wasted a year and have to start college all over again, but now that I've settled on a field I'll be able to concentrate." Zuo said.
Zuo is not alone.
At the China Three.Gorges University in Yicljang in Hubei Province 53 out of 59 students in the Physics Department took transfer exams last semester.   
"     Many students picked colleges before majors, only to discover their mistakes a few weeks after arrival on the campus." said Jiang Xin, 20, who was able to switch to electrical engineering and automation from physics.He said that physics graduates had few other options besides going into teaching,      
A new survey, of 2,500 students nationwide starting in September this year, suggests that as much as 35 percent of students are disappointed by their courses.
However, Shao Yangfang, who works at the admission office of University of International Business and Economics in Beijing, advised students to consider both short-term and long-term goals.
"After graduation do you want to find yourself in a job very specially related to your college major? Or, would you like to possess the knowledge and skills that will enable you to work in many areas?    Above all, your choice of major should be based on your own interest, abilities and personality." Shao said.

A.These are the questions students need to consider.
B.After rounds of exams and interviews, he managed to transfer to the Department of International Accounting.
C.He added that a career in education just didn't suit him.
D.Unfortunately only 22 of them got a place on another major.

E.Many college students don't care about their future career.
F.When we were at high schools very few of us understood how a major relates to a career.
G.When we were at high schools, we already knew what are hot majors and what are unexpected ones.

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  • 难度:未知

In my hometown there used to have a temple with a historyof over eight hundred years.It lies in a valley with green hillsaround it.It was such beautiful and famous that manytourists came to visit to it every day.They tookphoto; they wrote down their names on the walls;they brought foods, drinks and left rubbish everywhere.One day some tourists burnt a fire to cook food near the temple.All of a sudden, strong wind blew.The wooden temple was caught fire.Soon the whole temple was burned outbut only a few walls remained.The beautiful temple disappeared.

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  • 难度:未知

Dear Mr Zhang,
I am Li Hua,a student from Class l, Senior 3.I am longing to join in this activity because
Looking forward to your early replay.
Yours sincerely
Li Hua

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