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Support Worker

    Do you have the ability to care for others?Can you understand how elderly people?Are you a good communicator?Do you have good listening skills?Can you work at weekends?

    If you have answered YES to the above,we'd like to hear from you.

    一 Four hours a day

    一 Free uniform

    一Excellent training


Trainee hairdresser

    Full Time ﹣ 40 hours per week

Brighton City Centre

Learn from some of the best hairdressers in the world!

You will work 40 hours a week from Monday to Saturday.Your work will include:welcoming customers,washing hairs,serving coffee and tea,and keep the room clean and tidy at all times.

cathy @cut﹣ above.brighton.com

Work for coffee beans

    Join Britain's number one cafe at Cafe Beans,where every cafe has the same purposes:

to create family﹣like teams and to give excellent customer service.

    Many different kinds of people come and work with us,so start your career at Coffee Beans today,

    一 choose the hours you work

    一get management experience

    一share your love of coffee

    Join us as a Team Member,Assistant Manager or Cafe Manager,depending on your sills and experience.

jobs @coffeebeans.co.uk

Calling for all models

    Think you could be a part﹣time model?If so,we would like to meet you!

    Girls should be over 16 with a height of at least 172 cm and boys should have a height of at least 182 cm.If you are under 16 and do not yet have the required height,we would still be interested in meeting you,but you must bring a parent.


(1)To be a model,the height of a 17﹣year ﹣old boy should be   .

A.at least 182 cm

B.at most 182 cm

C.at least 172 cm

D.at most 172 cm

(2)As a worker in Coffee Beans,   .

A.you have to work all day long

B.you have to share your love of juice

C.you can work in Britain's best café

D.you can work with your family members

(3)Dewei enjoys working with elderly people.Which job would be best for him?   

A.A model.

B.A support worker.

C.A trainee hairdresser.

D.A Coffee Beans cafe worker.

(4)Dave is looking for a full﹣time job.He can e﹣mail at   .

A.careers@ golden﹣care.com

B.jobs@ coffeebeans.co.uk

C.info@ top model﹣ agency.uk

D.cathy@ cut﹣above.brighton.com

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Champion (冠军)of the cold

Arctic tern


Size:About 35 cm long        Food:Fish and shells (贝类)

Skill:We spend summer in the Arctic.When it is winter in the Arctic,we fly to Antarctica (南极).We hold the record for the longest migration (迁徙)of any animal in the world!



Size:15 cm long               Food:Grass

Skill:We grow hard "shells" on our claws (爪子).We can dig holes easily in the hard and icy land.

Polar bear


Size:2.5 to 3 m long     Food:Seals and fish

Skill:Our thick and waterproof fur (防水毛皮)coat keeps us warm and dry after swimming.Under our fur,we have black skin (皮肤).This helps us take in the sun's heat.

Arctic fox


Size:45 to 100 cm from head to tail   Food:Lemmings,fish and birds.

Skill:We can change the color of our fur.Usually,we are white in winter and brown in summer.

Harp seal


Size:1.5 to 1.8 m long        Food:Fish

Skill:Our thick fur and fat keep our body temperature at 40°C.We can stay warm!

(1)Which animal holds the record for the longest migration of any animal in the world?    




Harp seal.


Arctic fox.


Arctic tern.

(2)What color is Arctic foxes' fur in summer?    









(3)How many kinds of animals in the passage eat fish?    









(4)According to the passage,the followings are true EXCEPT    .


Lemmings can dig holes easily in the hard and icy land


Polar bears have black skin under their fur


Arctic foxes' size is from 45 to 100 cm from head to tail


Harp seals' thin fur and fat keep their body temperature at 40°C

(5)The passage probably comes from the    column (栏目)of a magazine.









  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When I was very young,people in our village lived by planting fruit trees.My grandmother always took me to the orchard(果园) on the hill.At that time,they had to carry water from the river at the foot of the hill to halfway up the hill.Even though we worked so hard,the production level of fruit was still low because it was short of water there.

    One day,two young men led a group of workers to our village.They learned about the difficulties we faced,and later,canals and other projects began to be built in my village, "Who are they?" I asked. "They are good men from our government," my grandma replied.

    Shortly afterwards,I moved to another city for my junior high school.The only reason I ever came back to my hometown was my grandmother.

    One day,my family and I made time to return.We were surprised because everything had changed.The canal ran past every orchard so villagers didn't have to go up and down the hill anymore.The river was now so clean that fish swam happily in it.When we arrived home,my grandma took out some fresh pears and apples.She told us that after the water conservation project(水利工程) was completed a policy(政策) was made to encourage more people to increase the fruit production with clean water in the river.

    Thank those good men who have devoted themselves to the development of our countryside.

    Nowadays,people work hard to live in a big city,However,we should not forget our hometowns where we are from.

(1)What troubled the villagers most was that    .

A.they had too much work

B.it was not convenient to go up the hill

C.they could only grow fruit trees

D.there wasn't enough water in the orchard

(2)The good men came and offered help probably because of    .

A.the villagers' suggestions

B.the government's support

C.a school' s practical activity

D.a company's engineering plan

(3)We can infer from the passage that     .

A.the grandmother doesn't like to live in the city

B.the village is a place of interest for tourists now

C.there will be more fruit production in the village

D.more people like to work in the countryside nowadays

(4)The underlined phrase devoted themselves to is closest in meaning to      .

A.prepared much for

B.donated money to

C.drawn public attention to

D.put much effort into

(5)What can be the best title for the passage?       

A.How is a village improved?

B.Who are the good men?

C.Why do people come back?

D.What does a hometown mean?

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Named after the "quest for heavenly truth",Tianwen 1,China's first Mars probe(探测器),has given us impressive pictures of the red planet.The first high﹣resolution(高分辨率的)pictures of Mars taken by Tianwen 1 were made public by the China National Space Administration(CNSA)on March 4.

   "These are the first close﹣up pictures of Mars' surface taken by China, " said Bao Weimin,a scientist of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

   The pictures were taken at different distances from Mars.The two black﹣and﹣white pictures were taken by the high﹣resolution camera on Tianwen 1 when the probe was about 330﹣350 kilometers above the Martian surface.As for the color picture,it was taken by Tianwen 1's medium﹣resolution(中分辨率的)camera when the probe was about 5,000 kilometers above the red planet. Itshows Mars' North Pole.

   The high﹣resolution camera can take both color and panchromatic(全色的)pictures.Panchromatic pictures,which are black and white,are the clearest,having the largest amount of data for scientific study,said Liu Tongjie.The medium﹣resolution camera,can only produce lesser clear pictures.Scientists put the panchromatic and color pictures together to form a clear and beautiful color picture,Liu added.

   Tianwen 1,the country's first independent Mars task,was sent up on July 23,kicking off the nation's planetary exploration program.The probe entered its preset orbit above Mars on Feb 24 and is looking for a landing site on the planet's largest plain.The probe is expected to land on the red planet sometime between May and June.

(1)When were the first high﹣resolution photos of Mars made public by CNSA?    


On Feb 24.


On March 4.


On July 23.

(2)What does the word " It" refer to in paragraph 3?    


The color picture.


The black﹣and﹣white picture.


The clear and beautiful picture.

(3)What do we know about the pictures according to the text?    


The first close﹣up pictures of Mars' surface were taken at different distances from Mars.


The color pictures have the largest amount of data for scientific study.


The clearest pictures were taken by the medium﹣resolution camera.

(4)What will be most probably discussed next?    


Tianwen 1 will take more pictures of Mars.


Tianwen 1 will land on the red planet,Mars.


Tianwen 1 will do some scientific research on Mars.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One of my favorite books is The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain.The story happens in a town in the US.It tells some exciting stories about a boy who has man adventures (冒险).

    Tom,the hero of the book,lives with his aunt.He does not like people telling him what to do,so he always get into trouble.One day,Tom discovers the secret of a bad man named Injun Joe.So the bad man is looking for him.Tom firstly runs away to an island in the middle of the Mississippi River.Later,he runs into a cave(山洞)with a friend.They find Injun Joe's treasure box unexpectedly and arrive home safely with it.

    My favorite part of the book is when Tom and his friend start their adventures on the island in the Mississippi River.At first,they are happy.But hearing that everyone thinks they are dead,they feel very sorry.So they come back home.When they suddenly appear,the family and neighbors are surprised to see them,but very pleased to find that they are alive.

    The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a great book.First of all,it tells a wonderful adventure story.It also tells how young people grow,how people love each other and how bad people pay for their actions.It is written in everyday English,and the dialogues sound especially real.Today,it is still read and loved by people all over the world and is thought to be one of the greatest American stories.


(1)The writer of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is Mark Twain.   

(2)Tom may be unhappy when people tell him to do something.   

(3)The bad man is looking for Tom because he takes the treasure box away.   

(4)The family are surprised and sorry when Tom and his friend come back.   

(5)The greatness of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is decided by its everyday English.      

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Can a green machine help the world's poorest kids learn better?Nicholas Negroponte thinks so.He and his team of scientists have invented a new type of computer.As a result,many children who live in poverty (贫穷) will have their own laptop computers!

    Negroponte works at a university.He started a group called One Laptop Per Child (OLPC).The people at OLPC don't work for money.They work to help children learn.OLPC makes computers that don't cost a lot.Then they sell the machines to governments of countries that have many people live in poverty.The governments then give the computes to kids for free.

    The XO Laptop computers are made for school﹣aged children in developing nations.Many of these children live in faraway areas and go to schools with classrooms.In order to work,the laptops have to be lasting and student﹣friendly.

    The machines have many fun characters like a built﹣in video camera,voice recording,and games.The WiFi lets students share information on the Web and read e﹣books.They also can make music and chat with friends.

    Another great character is that it can last for a long time.It can be hand charged and also can be recharged by connecting to a solar panel.Because of these characters the XO laptops make learning fun while helping the environment.

    The computers have a colorful name﹣"the green machine".Negroponte thinks they could make a difference in the lives of millions of kids.He says, "Every problem you can think of﹣poverty,peace,the environment﹣is solved with education."

    OLPC plans to give out over ten million computers in the next few years.Kids in Thailand,Nigeria,Brazil,and Argentina will get most of them.China and Egypt also want to take part in the program.After that,Negroponte hopes to sell computers to other countries with high poverty.

(1)Negroponte thinks his laptop computers will help the world's poorest kids to       .

A.work at home

B.go to school on time

C.learn better

(2)What can we know about the people at OLPC according to Paragraph 2?    

A.They work for money.

B.They give computers to kids for free.

C.They sell computers to governments with many people living in poverty.

(3)Why do XO laptops make learning fun while helping the environment?    

A.Because they are lasting and student﹣friendly.

B.Because they are made for school﹣aged children.

C.Because they have a colorful name.

(4)What does the underlined word " charged" mean in Chinese?    




(5)Who will get most of the computers in the next few years?      

A.Kids in Thailand.

B.Kids in China.

C.Kids in Egypt.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When the days grew long in the middle of summer,Lisa liked to go to the park and watch the clouds.

    One day,Lisa saw a cloud that looked like a standing dragon.After a few minutes it became a flying dragon.Then it seemed to change direction.Another cloud moved in to mix with it,and the dragon changed into a dancing elephant.Then it became a sitting dog then a barking (吠,叫) dog,and then a tiger.

    "This is better than TV!" Lisa shouted.

    Mr Thomas,the music teacher at Lisa's school,was flying a kite with his son in the park.He heard Lisa's voice.He gave the kite string(线)to his son and came to Lisa.

    "Hi,Mr Thomas!" Lisa said. "Look at those clouds.They keep changing!First they looked like a dragon,then an elephant,then a dog,and now a tiger!"

    Mr Thomas looked up. "A tiger?" he said. "That looks like a horse to me.It's running towards the sun.That's so lively. "'

    Lisa looked again.He was right! "How do clouds know how to make so many shapes?"

    The clouds don't know how to make shapes.Your imagination(想象力)helps you see those shapes in the clouds, ""Mr Thomas answered as the horse changed into a chicken.

(1)What did Lisa like to do in the park in the middle of summer?    

A.Train her dog.

B.Watch the clouds.

C.Feed animals.

D.Read books.

(2)Lisa found that "a barking dog" in the clouds changed into    .

A.a dragon

B.an elephant

C.a tiger

D.a giraffe

(3)What was Mr Thomas doing in the park when Lisa shouted?    

A.Studying plants.

B.Flying a kite.

C.Having music lessons.

D.Playing tennis.

(4)What did Mr Thomas think of the running horse in the clouds?    

A.It was strong.

B.It was shy.

C.It was noisy.

D.It was lively.

(5)According to Mr Thomas,what helped Lisa see different shapes in the clouds?    





  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Lima,the capital of Peru,is located in the central coastal part of the country,overlooking the Pacific Ocean.With a population of more than 9 million,Lima is one of the largest cities and the only capital in South America that faces the ocean.

Lima has a long history.The lost Inca civilization ,is thought to be a mystery.There are many museums,where you can learn:how the ancient American Indians founded the Inca Empire and built Machu Picchu,a famous ancient city in the Andes Mountains;what happened in 1532 and why over 90% of Peruvians speak Spanish.Visiting the historic center,a World Heritage Site you may find you are communicating with both the past and the present.

Lima is also a place where you can find the lifestyles and fashions,created by its people and culture.You will see Peruvian clothes,dances,and taste their delicious foods and drinks.You can see buildings in different styles,enjoy the fantastic sunset over the ancient ruins,climb the mountains,fly over the ocean,or sit in the restaurants and bars to experience Peruvians' relaxing life.

You may have heard "It never rains in Lima. " In fact,the special geographic feature makes it not as dry as it is said to be and it is warm all year round.Though it seldom rains in summer,it sometimes drizzles on early winter mornings.The drizzleand the wet air "water" the ground,which makes the crops and the plants grow.Moreover,modern technology helps to bring water from the snow and ice on the top of the Andes (over 6,000 m high)for the city to use.People there never waste water.

Lima is such an amazing city that it is worth a visit.

(1)According to the passage,where is Lima on the map?       





(2)Most people in Lima speak        .








Inca language

(3)The underlined word "drizzle" probably means    .


warm air


sea water


snow and ice


very light rain

(4)Lima is a city       .


which is rich in water resources


where people can learn Inca culture


which is the largest in South America


where the houses are in the same style

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

As Internet users become more dependent on the Internet to store information,do people remember less?if you know your computer will store information,why do you store it in your own personal memory,your brain?Experts are wondering if the Internet is changing what we remember and how.

    In a recent study,Professor Betsy Sparrow made some experiments(实验).She and her research team wanted to know how the Internet is changing memory.

    In the first experiment,they asked two groups of people to put 40 unimportant facts into a computer.The first group of people understood that the computer would store the information.The second group understood that the computer would not store it.Later,the second group remembered the information better.People in the first group knew they could find the information again,so they did not try to remember it.

    In the second experiment,the researchers gave people facts to remember,and told them where to find the information on the Internet.The information was in an exact in an exact computer folder(文件夹).Surprisingly,people later remember where the folder is better than the facts.When people use the Internet,they do not remember the information.However,they remember how to find it.This is called "transitive memory (交互记忆)".

    According to Sparrow,we are not becoming people with poor memories as a result of the Internet.Instead,computer users are developing stronger transitive memories;that is,people are learning how to organize a lot of information so that they are able to get it at a later date.This doesn't mean we are becoming either more or less clever,but there is no doubt that the way we use memory is changing.

(1)Why does the writer begin the text with two questions?    

A.To explain some thoughts.

B.To introduce the main topic.

C.To show an opinion.

D.To draw the readers' attention.

(2)What can we learn form the first experiment?    

A.Sparrow put the information into the computer.

B.Both groups remember the information well.

C.Group 1 remembered the information faster.

D.Group 2 remembered the information better.

(3)What do we know about transitive memory from the second experiment?    

A.People organize the information like a computer.

B.People remember how to find the information.

C.People remember how to make a folder.

D.People keep the information in mind.

(4)What's Professor Betsy Sparrow's conclusion(结论)?    

A.People become more and more clever.

B.The way people use memory is changing.

C.The way people make experiments is changing.

D.People's memories become poorer than before.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Turkey was proud of his looks.Every time he walked past the other animals,he would show off his feathers(毛) and say,"I am so beautiful.Move out of my way!"

    The other animals thought Turkey was to proud.They decided to give him a lesson,so Fox wrote a note to invite Turkey to a dance party.Turkey was so pleased.When the sun went down,he got to Fox's home.Seeing Turkey,all the animals bowed and cheered.

    Just at that time,a beautiful peacock(孔雀) showed up.When Turkey saw the beautiful feathers of the peacock,he became speechless.The other animals began to laugh."I look like a fool." thought Turkey.He ran out of the house as quickly as he could.

    And then,no one saw Turkey for several days.Everyone began to feel bad about what they did.They looked for Turkey everywhere.They just wanted to teach him to be humble.They didn't want to hurt his feelings.Finally,they found Turkey in an old tree.He looked quite sad.

    Peacock flew to Turkey and said, "Your friends are worried about you.They feel sorry for you."

    "We are sorry for the joke we played on you,Turkey." the animals said.

    "I am sorry I was so proud." replied Turkey.

    "I think we should have another dance party!" said Fox,so they went towards Fox's home together.

(1)Why did the animals invite Turkey to the dance party?    

A.Because they liked him.

B.Because they thought his feathers were beautiful.

C.Because they decided to give him a lesson.

D.Because they were proud of him.

(2)Where did they have the dance party?    

A.At Turkey's home.

B.In an old tree.

C.At Peacock's home.

D.At Fox's home.

(3)Turkey left the dance party because he    .

A.was tired

B.was fooled

C.had a fever

D.had to go home

(4)What does the underlined word "humble" mean in Chinese?    





(5)Which is the best title for the passage?    

A.What a party!

B.The proud Turkey.

C.Turkey's bad luck.

D.Who is more beautiful?

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知