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Lily's grandfather has Parkinson's disease(帕金森病) and he always spilled(使洒出) his drink.When Lily saw this,she made him a cup(1)    three legs.Her grandfather liked it a lot.Later,she made her father a three﹣leg cup,(2)   ,because he often spilled coffee on computer.

    After (3)    the cup for a short time,Lily's father found it very useful.He advised Lily (4)    plenty of cups to sell.With the help of her father,she found a company to produce her cups.They sold well and someone even emailed Lily to thank her.Lily felt glad when she knew she could help(5)   .













(4)A.to make



D.for making

(5)A.the other




  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It is said that Chinese people are the most friendly in the world.When foreign people visit a Chinese family,the Chinese family will shake hands with them.As(1)    the foreign people will be surprised at the warmth that they (2)   .When you visit a Chinese family,the host often makes tea for you and gets you biscuits or candies.They will also chat with you,and you will never feel lonely.

At the same time,they will be busy(3)   a meal for you.Chinese people often offer (4)   guests a big meal.They always prepare (5)   more food than the guests can eat.On the table,the guests must be the first to eat.One of the most surprising things

(6)   that the Chinese host likes to pick food for guests.The Chinese family try to make you at home.When you finish eating,the host(7)    says, "I seems that you didn't eat much.Please have more." You tell them you have been full,(8)    they will still put more food in your bowl.

    Being warm is an important part of Chinese culture.Confucius said in(9)   years ago,"To meet friends from a place far away,how(10)    we are!" Haha,I think you should remember it.









(3)A.to prepare


C.to pay







B.a lot of

C.a lot














(9)A.two thousands

B.two thousand of

C.thousand of

D.thousands of





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Susan's House

Come and enjoy home during your trips.We offer rooms of different sizes and delicious food.

No.5 Park Road

Telephone :543﹣002

Bela's Village

The best school for your dog.They learn everything here.

Also a nice home for them when you are out of town.

Call 544﹣471   (24 hours)

Country Life Supermarket

Our fruits and vegetables come in fresh every morning.

Special prices for the first month.

Opening hours:10:00 am﹣6:00 pm.


Next Wave Music Store

Arnold Swenson has made his first CD!

Come and meet him this weekend.

Special presents for the first 50 people.

Call Diana  543﹣616

(1)Susan's House offers    .

A.rooms and drinks

B.rooms and food

C.food and drinks

D.free trips

(2)When you need to put your dog in a certain place,you can all     .





(3)In Country Life Supermarket,you can have   .

A.some fruit and vegetables

B.some rooms of different sizes

C.some nice rooms for your dogs

D.some special presents

(4)If you want special presents,you can go to   .

A.Susan's House

B.Bela's Village

C.Country Life Supermarket

D.Next Wave Music Store

(5)Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?   

A.We can know the address of Susan's House.

B.Dogs can learn everything at Bela's Village.

C.Arnold Swenson is a great painter.

D.Country Life Supermarket opens at ten 0's clock every morning.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A primary school headmaster became the latest star on the Internet for dancing with his students.

    Zhang Pengfei works in Xiguan Primary School in Linyi,Shanxi Province.Every morning,he leads 700 pupils to do the"ghost shuffle" routine on the playground.They dance for 30 minutes every day.They like dancing more than doing the old exercise routine,so they don't do the old one now.

    "I thought we needed a change because the students lost interest in doing the old exercise routine though it was useful for pupils." Zhang told the reporter.After all,they started to do the old exercise routine in 1951.

    Mr.Zhang saw a group of people doing the"ghost shuffle" routine by accident.Then he decided to learn it on his own."I thought the dance would be great for kids," he said, "The music is energetic and it really makes children relax." In October 2018,he introduced the dance to all the pupils of his school.Soon even teachers and workers there joined in the activity.

    "Now the pupils don't keep playing games on their phones.Sometimes they watch different dancing videos and learn new moves!" the headmaster said.

(1)The students do the"ghost shuffle" routine for    every week from Monday to Friday.

A.30 minutes

B.1.5 hours

C.2 hours

D.2.5 hours

(2)When did the students in Xiguan Primary School start to do the"ghost shuffle" routine?    

A.In 1951.

B.In 2018.

C.In 2019.

D.In 2020.

(3)How did Zhang Pengfei feel about the music of the "ghost shuffle" routine?   

A.Energetic and relaxing.

B.Slow and traditional.

C.Classical and interesting.

D.Quiet and relaxing.

(4)After Mr.Zhang introduced the "ghost shuffle" routine to his school,the pupils   .

A.became smarter

B.asked their parents to dance with them

C.didn't do other types of sports any more

D.didn't keep playing games on their phones

(5)From the passage,we know   .

A.the old exercise routine has a history of many years

B.only the students do the dance at Mr.Zhang's school

C.Mr.Zhang learnt the dance on TV

D.Mr.Zhang often dances after work

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Turkey was proud of his looks.Every time he walked past the other animals,he would show off his feathers(毛) and say,"I am so beautiful.Move out of my way!"

    The other animals thought Turkey was to proud.They decided to give him a lesson,so Fox wrote a note to invite Turkey to a dance party.Turkey was so pleased.When the sun went down,he got to Fox's home.Seeing Turkey,all the animals bowed and cheered.

    Just at that time,a beautiful peacock(孔雀) showed up.When Turkey saw the beautiful feathers of the peacock,he became speechless.The other animals began to laugh."I look like a fool." thought Turkey.He ran out of the house as quickly as he could.

    And then,no one saw Turkey for several days.Everyone began to feel bad about what they did.They looked for Turkey everywhere.They just wanted to teach him to be humble.They didn't want to hurt his feelings.Finally,they found Turkey in an old tree.He looked quite sad.

    Peacock flew to Turkey and said, "Your friends are worried about you.They feel sorry for you."

    "We are sorry for the joke we played on you,Turkey." the animals said.

    "I am sorry I was so proud." replied Turkey.

    "I think we should have another dance party!" said Fox,so they went towards Fox's home together.

(1)Why did the animals invite Turkey to the dance party?    

A.Because they liked him.

B.Because they thought his feathers were beautiful.

C.Because they decided to give him a lesson.

D.Because they were proud of him.

(2)Where did they have the dance party?    

A.At Turkey's home.

B.In an old tree.

C.At Peacock's home.

D.At Fox's home.

(3)Turkey left the dance party because he    .

A.was tired

B.was fooled

C.had a fever

D.had to go home

(4)What does the underlined word "humble" mean in Chinese?    





(5)Which is the best title for the passage?    

A.What a party!

B.The proud Turkey.

C.Turkey's bad luck.

D.Who is more beautiful?

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

DNA is the whole"map" of the human body.It is something that all humans have,and it tells the body what to do.DNA is the reason that we look like our parents,because we get some of their DNA to make our own.

    People have been trying to understand the human body for a long time.In 1860,Mr Mendel discovered why we look similar to other people in our family.It is because of small things called "genes(基因)"in our body.In 1953,two scientists,Watson and Crick,found out that those small parts are real messages.They are written in the DNA with a special language.

    In 1961,another two scientists found the first "word" that they could understand in that language.It shows how DNA tells the cell(细胞) to build its parts.So far,scientists have found all the words in the DNA map,but we do not understand what they all do.By understanding what just one "word" means,we can help to save people from several illnesses.So the more we understand ,the more doctors will be able to do.

    Most people hope that this will help to make better medicine to help sick people,Other people worry that when we learn more "words" and find out more information,we will use it in the wrong way,just to make people more attractive(有吸引力的)or stop sick people getting jobs.

(1)Who discovered why we look like other people in our family in 1860?    





(2)The two scientists found    in 1961.

A.all the words in the DNA map

B.small things called "genes" in our body

C.the first "word" that they could understand in that language

D.The small parts are written in the DNA with a special language

(3)How can we help sick people if we understand more "words" in the DNA map?    

A.Make better medicine.

B.Stop them getting jobs.

C.Tell them what to do.

D.Make them attractive.

(4)According to the passage,all of the following are true except that     .

A we look like our parents because of "genes" in our body

B.we have understood what all the words in the DNA map do

C.DNA is the whole "map" of the human body

D.DNA tells the cell to build its parts

(5)What do people think of this research about DNA?    

A.It can be bad.

B.It can be good.

C.Lt can be good but won't work.

D.It can be good and bad.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A:Excuse me,sir.(1)   .

B:Certainly.Go along this street,Tum left into Xinhua Road,and the hospital is on your right.

A:(2)   .

B:It's about forty minutes on foot.

A:(3)   .Can I take a bus?

B:Yes,you can The No.15 bus will take you there.

A:(4)   .

B Yes.It's over there.Look!The bus is coming.

A:Thank you very much.

B:(5)   .

A.Is there a bus stop near here?

B.You're welcome.

C.It's too far for me to walk there.

D.How long will it take me to get there?

E.Where is the bus stop?

F.Could you tell me the way to he People's Hospital?

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  • 难度:未知

May is the       (第五) month of the year.

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I've always wanted to go on a wonderful holiday.But I can't      (付得起) it.

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Western people like to use      (餐刀) and forks while they are eating.

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Listen!Someone is       (唱歌) in the next door.

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There is nothing       (奇怪的) in the box.

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Chinese scientists      (发送) a spaceship to the planet Mars to take photos in July 2020.

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They'd like to go sightseeing            (而不是) of staying at the hotel.

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Many people think computers and the Internet will        (取代) books.

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The         (人口) of China is about 1.41 billion in 2021.

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Don't swim in the river.It's           (危险的) for you.

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  • 难度:未知



Justin is(1)    18﹣yer﹣old student.He is thinking about how to spend his money

(2)    the summer vacation.He has(3)   about 300 dollars already.He plans to buy

(4)    a computer with his money,but he also wants to go for a trip with his friends.He can't do(5)    because he doesn't have enough money.What should Justin do?

    We are often in these(6)    of situations.You want to see a concert on Saturday,but it is also your mother's birthday and you do not want to let her down.In this case,you don't have(7)    time to go to both places.You must make a(8)   .You must think about (9)    should be done first.You should consider that(10)     .

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  • 难度:未知


Boys and girls,

    Today,I'm very exciting to speak here                                                      (1)       

and I'd like to talk with my grandma.                                                                (2)        

    A little months ago,my grandma started to do square dancing                       (3)       

after supper.Since then,she have been in love with square dancing.                  


Now she is fitter. But,some neighbours have a complaint(抱怨)                 


against the people which do square dancing.They think that                                (6)       

the music is such loud that they can't fall asleep at night.                                   (7)       

    In my opinion,people can't do square dancing because it is a                         (8)       

good way of keeping health .But they should think about the feelings            


of other people and they shouldn't make a lot of noises.                                     (10)       

    That's all.Thank you!

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Have you heard of Peter Pan?Peter Pan was a magic character.He first appeared in Wendy Darling's room and searched for his lost shadow(影子).And Peter Pan has been very famous around the world ever since.The story was created by J.M.Barrie.Do you know how J.M.Barrie created it?

    J.M.Barrie was born in Scotland in 1860.He moved to London and became a writer in 1885.Twelve years later,he became friends with Sylvia Davies and her five sons.He enjoyed telling the boys stories and made up the character of Peter Pan to bring them pleasure.He said Peter Pan was based on all the boys,telling them,"That is all Peter is ﹣the spark(创作灵感) I got from you."

    A play about Peter Pan was written and shown in December 1904.It was a great success.In 1911,J.M.Barrie wrote a book,Peter and Wendy.The book has been popular sine it was printed for the first time.J.M.Barrie invented the name Wendy,based on Fwendy,the name that he was given as a child.The name Fwendy was based on the word"friend".

(1)Who created Peter Pan? (no more than 3 words)                          

(2)Where did Peter Pan first appear? (no more than 4 words)                  

(3)What did J.M.Barrie do in 1885? (no more than 8 words)                   

(4)Did J.M.Barrie enjoy telling the boys stories? (no more than 3 words)           

(5)When did J.M.Barrie write the book Peter and Wendy? (no more than 2 words)      

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  • 难度:未知

习近平主席在全国教育大会上强调,中学生要做德智体美劳全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人。某中学正在开展"做一名新时代的合格中学生" 活动。假如你是学生会的李扬,请根据以下要点,向全校同学写一篇倡议书。












参考词汇:keep one's promise(守信),nature( 自然),environment(环境),get on well with(和谐相处),take an active part in(积极参加)

Dear schoolmates,

    I am Li Yang from the Students' Union.We re having an activity of being a good student.


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