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Long ago and faraway,there lived an old man and woman.One day,while the woman(1)    clothes in the river,she saw a great big orange on the water moving slowly towards her:Excitedly,she caught the orange and decided(2)    it home to eat.

    When the woman began to open the orange. ,suddenly,out jumped a little lovely boy!The man and woman didn't know(3)    .But they felt very happy and named the boy Bobonaro,or Orange Boy.As time went by,the boy became very strong and brave.

Life was wonderful until some robbers(盗贼)moved onto a nearby island.The robbers were always stealing(4)    things from the people.Bobonaro wanted to drive all of them away.So he put some of his mother's delicious food into(5)    box and left home with it for the island.Along the way;he met a dog,a monkey and a bird.Bobonaro gave each of

(6)    some food and helped them a lot.So they became good friends.(7)    he told them about his problem,each of the three friends said, "I will help you get the robbers away. "

    (8)    the help of his three friends,Bobonaro drove the robbers away successfully.He and his friends returned home with the valuable things that(9)    by the robbers.All the people in the town (10)    so happy to see their things back that they cheered and called him a hero.


B.is washing

C.was washing



B.to take


D.to throw

(3)A.how they should do

B.how should they do

C.what they should do

D.what should they do






















B.were stolen


D.are stolen





  • 题型:未知
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Remy's mother got sick before he was born.She could not (1)   Remy.So he needed a foster mother to take care of him.A foster mother is a mother who takes someone else's child into her (2)    and cares for the child for a period of time just as what she would do to her own child.In our human society,when a child's(3)   meet their unfortunate(不幸的)deaths for a certain reason or reasons,or its parents become too(4)   to look after it,this child will have to find a foster family,especially when it is a baby or at a very young age.In the world of(5)   in nature,the young may not be so lucky or easy to find a foster parent if their parents die or (6)    the ability to raise them.Most of them will have to face a

(7)   end.Will Remy be as unlucky as most of the unfortunate young?

    Madu is a grown﹣up orangutan.She(8)   had a baby of her own.But she had cared for two other orangutan babies that didn't have moms.Would Madu be a foster mother to Remy,too?

With his blanket and toys,Remy went to(9)   Madu.It was love at first sight.Soon Remy climbed on Madu's back.Remy watched Madu.Madu taught Remy what to eat,

(10)   she also showed him how to hang and climb.Remy learned how to be an orangutan.

(1)A.look after

B.look at

C.look for

D.look like





































  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Cindy was eight years old and lived with her parents in California.One day,her parents told her that they would leave California in a week and move to Florida because her father found a new job there.

    A week later,after they moved to Florida,Cindy's mother took her to meet her new teacher.The teacher said, "Welcome to our school,Cindy.Let me tell you what we do in our second﹣grade class.We start the day with reading and wring.After that,we do math.Then we go out to have a long rest for outdoor activities.We eat lunch at eleven o'clock.Then we have story time.After story time,we have science.Then we go to learning centers.There you can work on the computer,play a game,or read a book.Next,we have spelling(写字课).Finally,we go to music and art classes for the last hour of the day.Here is a time list of the subjects and school activities for you.There is some other information in it.I'll be glad to see you tomorrow,Cindy!I'm sure your new classmates will be glad to see you,too. "

(1)What grade was Cindy in when she moved to Florida with her parents?    

A.In Grade One.

B.In Grade Two.

C.In Grade Three.

D.In Grade Four.

(2)According to the passage,Cindy would    at her new school.

A.have math before reading and writing

B.do outdoor activities after lunch

C.play games in learning centers

D.take music and art classes in the morning

(3)We can know from the passage that Cindy's new teacher was   .





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Look at the Earth from.space.Why does our planet look so blue?Its blue because water covers almost three quarters of the Earth's surface.Water is not just an important part of our planet.It is an important part of our body,too.More than half of our total body weight is water.

    Our body loses water whenever we exercise or.go to the toilet.That's why we need to drink plenty of water every day.We drink water.We use it to cook,clean,and carry waste out of our homes.Farmers use it to grow vegetables and crops like rice and corn;factories use it to make products.

    Since the 1950s,the amount(数量)of water people use has increased by three times.But the water supply(供应)hasn't.Scientists worry that soon there won't be enough water for us,as well as for the animals and plants that share our world.What can we do to help?Use water wisely.

    Having enough water isn't our only problem. We also need it clean.

    Right now,ships and factories are putting wastes into seas,rivers and so on.Even chemicals that farmers use are running into rivers and lakes.All this pollution can make the water dangerous to drink.It can also harm fish and other water﹣living lives.

    We must do something to stop pollution.It's the best way to protect our world's most valuable natural resource(资源).

(1)How many important areas of water are mentioned in Paragraph 1?    





(2)The underlined sentence "We also need it clean" in Paragraph 4 means"      ."

A.We also need water to wash things

B.We also need water that looks clean

C.We also need to keep water clean

D.We also need to discover clean water

(3)This passage was written to    .

A.ask people to value water

B.advise people to drink more water

C.introduce the uses of water

D.describe the situation of water supply

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


    It's hard to believe that I wrote Number the Stars more than twenty years ago.It seems like yesterday that I answered the phone on a snowy January morning and received the news that it had won the 1990 Newbery Medal(美国纽伯瑞儿童文学奖).

    I think readers of every age may match themselves with the important persons in the books they love and ask themselves:Would I have done that?What choice would I have made?

    And ten﹣the age of Annemarie in Number the Stars﹣is an age when young people are beginning to develop a strong set of personal ethics(道德观;价值观).They are beginning to realize that the world they live in is not always good and safe.

    So they follow a story about a ten﹣year﹣old girl who is caught in a dangerous situation,and she must make decisions.Young readers become cheerful when Annemarie takes a deep breath,enters the woods,faces the danger,stands up to the enemy and wins her victory.

    Today,the book has been published in many countries and translated into many languages.It found its way into the hands and hearts of children who had read about but never experienced war. . . .Books do change lives,I know;and many readers have told me that Number the Stars changed theirs when they were young,that it made them think about both.cruelty(残酷;残忍) and courage. "It was something that shaped my idea of how people should be treated, "wrote a young woman recently,telling me.about her own fourth﹣grade experience with the book.

    The Danish friend who first told me the story of her childhood,and who became the Annemarie in my book,is an old woman now.So am I.We both love thinking of the children reading the story today,coming to it for the first time and realizing that once,for a short time and in a small place,a group of prejudice﹣free(不存偏见的)people created a touching story of love.and kindness towards others.

                                                                                                                                               Lois Lowry

(1)What is the name of the book and who is the writer?    

A.Number the Stars;Lois Lowry.

B.Newbery Medal;Lois Lowry.

C.Number the Stars;Annemarie.

D.Newbery Medal;Annemarie.

(2)Which of the following is TRUE about Annemarie?    

A.She called a writer on a snowy January morning.

B.She became cheerful after she read the book.

C.She was a good friend of a Danish woman.

D.She experienced many difficulties in a war.

(3)Many young readers told the writer that the book made them think about    .

A.ethics and friendship

B.enemy and victory

C.cruelty and courage

D.life and memories

(4)What can we know from this Introduction?    

A.The book is about a story of the writer's own child experiences.

B.The book is well﹣received and popular around the world.

C.The Introduction is written in the voice of the third person.

D.The Introduction is complete and we can read all of it.

  • 题型:未知
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Do you know the reason why we feel tired in the middle of a class?Maybe you would say it is because the teacher's class is boring. (1)    Perhaps this is something you have not paid enough attention to or not yet noticed.

    Purpose of sleep

    (2)    Sleep helps our body heal(修复),grow,and stay healthy.It also gives us energy,so we can be active all day.Doctors and health scientists say:When you close your eyes and need t rest,sleep is just the very best!This is more than advice.

    Sleep time

Enough sleep is important to us.How much sleep do we need?New﹣born babies sleep most of the time.They can sleep 20﹣22 hours a day.Children need 10﹣12 hours of sleep a day.Teenagers need 8﹣ 10 hours of sleep a day because they need lots of energy to grow into their adult(成人的)bodies.Grown﹣ups usually need 6﹣8 hours of sleep to keep active.

(3)    That is why old people sleep less than young people.

    Interesting facts

    Almost everyone has their dreams while they sleep,but not all of them can tell their dreams clearly when they wake up. (4)    More surprisingly,some may even get up in their dreams and walk around.This is called "sleepwalking".Are you a sleepwalker?Or,is there a sleepwalker around you?


    It's not just people that love to snooze(打盹).In fact,many animals have unusual or surprising sleeping habits.Some animals,such as bears and hedgehogs,sleep all through winter.The swift is a very fast bird that can sleep while it flies!Cute koalas sleep around 18 hours a day.Giraffes don't need much sleep at all.They usually sleep standing up.

A.Sleepy animals

B.Why do we need sleep?

C.Some people talk in their dreams.

D.However,the real reason is probably that we don't have enough sleep.

E.The older you get,the less sleep you will need.

F.Some people never dream while they sleep.

G.Clever animals

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I hope students'            will be lighter.

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Li Lin gave her friend           as a present.

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They were born                        .

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She has already               all the food on her plate.

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The people around the world will      Yuan Longping,the Father of Hybrid Rice forever.

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Rick Hoyt is American and he has a good job at the University of Boston. (1)   ,he is in a wheelchair because of a serious illness.He can't (2)    either and he uses a computer for daily communication.However,he loves sport and wants to challenge

(3)    in triathlon﹣a sports competition in which people swim 4 kilometers,bike 180 kilometers and run 42 kilometers.How can Rick make it as he can't swim,bike or run and sits in a wheelchair?It (4)    to be an impossible dream for him to realize.

    Rick can take part because he does it with his father,Dick Hoyt.Together,they try their best to do the(5)    task in their life﹣in the running,his father pushes him in his wheelchair;in the (6)   ,Rick lies in a small boat and his father swims and pulls him;in the cycling Rick sits in a special seat on the front of his (7)    bike.

    Of course,the Hoyts never win the race.The winner of a triathlon usually completes it in about nine(8)     ,but the Hoyts take much longer time. "That's right, "says the father. "We never win.But Rick and I think that we always win. "

    Now the father and son have (9)      the respect(尊敬) of many people.And their (10)      courage also sets a good example for us all.It sends out the message how important it is that we believe in ourselves and never give up.

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The World Health Organization (WHO) says, "Not enough is known about COVID﹣19 to draw final conclusions(结论) about how it passes from person to person,how it works and changes,how it can be best avoided,or the extent to which it has spread.We don't know bow long it will last.Safe vaccine is well﹣developed and it is the doctor's advice to receive it for our own good.To fight the virus,countries need to work together.


                                                                       Homework from Xue Mingyu Class 1,Grade 9

(1)What does the writer mostly want to express in his poster?

He calls on(号召)the readers to         COVID﹣19.

(2)Who created this poster and what was it made as?

It was created by a student named       and made as his          .

(3)Which word means"疫苗"in the passage?

It is         .

(4)What should countries do according to the student?

He thinks countries should          .

(5)Why did the student choose the WHO's words for his poster?

He wanted to let readers know the          of COVID﹣19.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A:Morning,Wang Juan.

B:(1)                                .

A:I heard that you won the first prize in the speech competition of your school.Congratulations!

B:Thank you.You know July 1 this year is our Party's 100th birthday.We had the speech competition for celebrating it.


B:Yes.I talked about the history of our great Party and the great changes in our country in my speech.

A:Oh,we are also preparing some activities for it these days.


A:An art show and a big singing competition.

B:A singing competition?(4)                                   

A:It will be held on the afternoon of June 25.

B:I like singing.Can I watch it?

A:(5)                        .You can come to my school at 2:00 that day and we'll meet at the school gate.

B:OK.See you then.

A:See you.

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Community center

help the old,sing songs,tell stories, . .

Community hospital( s)

handout the leaflets(宣传册)on COVID﹣19, …

Community park(s)

pick up rubbish,water flowers, . .

. . .

. ..






    As we all know, "Serving others can bring us happiness. "Summer holiday is coming,I'll                     .

I'm sure I'll have a meaningful holiday this summer.

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