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—Shall we play                basketball this afternoon?

—Good idea!Do you have                basketball?(  )

A.the;aB.a;aC./; /D./;a

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Which underlined letter pronounces differently from the others?(  )


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Miss Li,a humorous teacher,taught                maths last term.(  )


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Jim,you'd better not                 too much time on your mobile phone.(  )


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The Communist Party of China will have its 100th birthday                 July 1,2021.(  )


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What an amazing robot!It                 cook more than 5,000 dishes.(  )


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The                Lianyungang﹣Xuzhou High﹣speed Railway was open to the public this year.(  )

A.180 kilometer longB.180 kilometers long


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Wait politely,please.Don't                on others.(  )

A.cut inB.cut downC.cut outD.cut short

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Look at the sign,please.You can park your car on                 side of the street.(  )


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Drinking tea is usually seen as a                 lifestyle in China.(  )


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                is the concert going to start?

—I've no idea.Why not check the ticket?(  )

A.What timeB.What aboutC.How longD.How often

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David Attenborough                40 documentaries over the past 67 years.A Life on Our Planet is his latest work.(  )

A.makesB.madeC.has madeD.is making

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Tomorrow is Earth Day.Let's discuss                 .(  )

A.when shall we give out the leaflets

B.what we can do to recycle things

C.how should we save more energy

D.whether can we make our city greener

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Keep on dancing,and you'll be better at it.                 .(  )

A.Practice makes perfect

B.Burn the candle at both ends

C.It never rains but it pours

D.A friend in need is a friend indeed

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—Tom,turn off the tap.Don't leave it running.

                .(  )

A.Better notB.Sorry,I will

C.Not at allD.You' re welcome

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It was a beautiful morning with a soft wind blowing.Jina the giraffe was walking on the grass.A group of zebras ran (1)  .Jina looked at them and thought, "Zebras take such (2)   leaps.How easily they run!Look at my(3)  — it is so strange﹣looking.

    Then she saw an elephant by the lake. "The elephant takes water in her long nose and sprays (喷 洒)it everywhere.She has so much fun.(4)  I had a long nose,I would become happy like her. " Jina thought.

    Just then a crow came and sat on Jina's head. "Why are you so(5)  ?"

    Jina stood there with a sad face and said, "They all look so good,but I am so(6)  . " "Jina,why do you think so?You (7)  your own strengths,don't you?" said the crow.

    At that moment,a(8)  came and said to Jina, "Jina,I need your(9)  !My kid has climbed up a tree.Will you bring him down?"

    "Of course!" Jina stretched her long neck up and(10)  brought the young lion down from the tree.

    "So much joy in helping!Did you (11)  helping someone,Jina?" asked the crow.

    "It really feels very nice.Now I have understood how(12)   it is to have legs like long sticks and a long neck.I shouldn't consider them as my weaknesses.Instead I can(13)  them into my strengths. "

    "Yes,instead of feeling sad by comparing(14)  to others,you should make the most of what you have and be happy.In this way,we can(15)  a happy and meaningful life. " said the crow.

    Jina the giraffe nodded and walked away with the crow happily.





























































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The Sunniest Show of All Musicals

The sunniest show

The show is set on a Greek island.The sun always shines.It is about a tale of love and friendship.It is mainly about Sophie's search for her father.

Every day you have the time of your life at the world's sunniest and most exciting musical.Show time

Monday—Saturday,7:45 p.m. — 9:15 p.m.

Sunday,8:00 p.m. — 9:30 p.m.

How to book



In person:At the theatre from 10 a.m.Monday—Saturday

Groups & Education Groups 10+:Call Delfront Mackintosh Groups on 0844 482 5100

or email groupsales @delfbntmackintosh.co.uk

Book early and save

Book 2 months before the show and save £20 per ticket.The ticket is only for Monday—Thursday shows.


Special moments or entertaining customers

Call 0844 482 5166


No extra money is paid if tickets are bought at the Novello Theatre Box Office.

For more information,please call 0344 482 5137.

(1)If an Education Group of 12 want to book tickets,which number should they call?   

A.0844 482 6100

B.0844 482 5100

C.0844 482 5166

D.0344 482 5137

(2)What can we learn about the show?   

A.It lasts for one hour and a half.

B.It's about Sophie's search for her mum.

C. £ 40 can be saved if one ticket is bought now.

D.Extra money is paid if tickets are bought at the theatre.

(3)What is the article?   

A.A medical research.

B.A classical novel.

C.A musical advertisement.

D.A detective story.

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March 2 is Old Stuff Day(旧物日).It is all about old stuff.Things you used have been forgotten for ages in your home.You must have some old stuff around.And today is all about enjoying it.Because what's better than finding something really great from days gone by?

    It's so easy to forget things you have.If we don't use them every day,some things can be put away and stay there.And that's not just the things in your home— technology grows so quickly,new toys come out all the time,new books keep coming out.In the age of new information,we can have so many things easily.Today is all about remembering the things we sometimes leave behind.

    We've learned to value what age can bring to things.Wines,for example,are more valuable and tastier as they grow older.It's certain that old things still have their uses,value or charm.People today will pay a pretty penny for stamps,toys,video games,board games,books,coins,and clothes of yesterday.

    You can really get into the charm of old things by visiting a junk shop (旧货店).Another person's old stuff could be your new stuff!Or maybe now is a good day to clean up?Old stuff could become a great gift for someone else,or you could always send your old things to a charity shop.If you're free,you could turn your old clothes into new ones with just a little change.

    Today could be a good day to visit your older families.You could ask your grandparents to tell you stories about family history,their childhood and their youth.Learn about what was going on in the world when they were growing up.

    Most of all,remember that today's new stuff will one day be old stuff.

(1)What is Old Stuff Day?  

A.A day to throw away old things.

B.A day to follow new technology.

C.A day to get together with families.

D.A day to enjoy and reuse old things.

(2)From paragraph 3,we know that       .

A.age brings people new things

B.people love buying new things

C.people always clean up old stuff

D.old stuff is still valuable and useful

(3)Which of the following is a proper way to deal with old stuff?  

A.Breaking them into pieces.

B.Sending them to charity shops.

C.Forgetting them in some places.

D.Turning them into waste things.

(4)The author's purpose in writing the text is to make people      .

A.realize value of old stuff

B.explore new technology

C.produce more old things

D.remember family history

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When she was alone,Mary felt lonelier than ever.She went out of the house and ran around the garden ten times.Ben Weatherstaff was working in it.

    "Spring is coming," he said to Mary. "I can smell it in the air.Soon there will be spring flowers At this moment,the robin flew toward them and landed at Mary's feet.

    "He remembers me, " she said.

    " He knows everything that happens here, " Ben said. "Only he knows what's happening in the garden that has no door into it.No one else has been inside it for ten years. "

    Ben walked away to continue his work.Mary bent down and began talking to the robin.She felt happier than she had ever felt.

    The robin trusted her and did not fly away.It began pecking at the ground,looking for a worm to eat.Mary looked closely at the ground.She saw something that looked like metal.She picked it up.It was dirty and rusty.She cleaned it and saw that it was a key.

    "It's been in the ground for many years, " she thought. "I wonder if it is the key to the garden.If it is,then I must find the door. "

    Mary skipped around the garden.The robin followed her.Mary stopped skipping and spoke to the robin.

    "He showed me where to find the key, " she thought. "Can you show me where the door is? "

    The robin sat on the top of the garden wall.It began to sing.The wall was covered with ivy.Mary pulled at a piece of the ivy.It came away from the wall.Behind the wall was a door.Mary put the key in the lock of the door and turned it.The door opened.Only seconds later,Mary was inside the secret garden.

    Mary thought it was the most beautiful garden she had ever seen.

(1)Which is the right order for the robin?    

a.It followed Mary around the garden.

b.It sat and sang on the top of the garden wall.

c.It pecked at the ground and looked for a worm.

d.It flew toward Ben and Mary and landed at Mary's feet.





(2)What does the underlined word "it " in paragraph 7 refer to?   

A.The key.

B.The robin.

C.The flower.

D.The lock.

(3)Which word best describes Mary's feeling in the end?      





(4)What is the best title for the text?   

A.Mary Discovers the Door

B.Mary Finds a Secret Garden

C.Mary Remembers the Robin

D.Mary Helps Her Best Friend

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You might have seen beautiful rainbows in the sky before.They form when sunlight falls on water drops in the air.But in fact,moonlight can also create rainbows in the same way.They are called "moonbows".They are similar to rainbows,but they are created by moonlight instead of direct sunlight.

    Moonbows are rarer than rainbows.Different weather and astronomical (天文学的)conditions have to be just right for moonbows to be created.

    The moon has to be very low in the sky — only 42 degrees from the horizon (地平线).The moon period has to be a full moon or nearly full.The sky must be very dark for a moonbow to be watched clearly — any bright light can obscure it.Water drops must appear in the air in the opposite direction of the moon.

    Moonbows appear on the opposite side of the moon and usually look white to the human eye.This is because their colors are not bright enough to be noticed by the human eye.It is possible,however,to view the colors in a moonbow using long exposure (长时间曝光)photography.

    Moonbows more often appear in some locations around the world.Most of these locations usually have waterfalls,which create thin fog in the air.Some of these locations are the Yosemite National Park in California and Cumberland Falls State Resort Park in Kentucky,US;Victoria Falls on the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe;and Waimea in Hawaii,US.

    Moonbows do really happen.So at a certain time and a certain place,when a moonbow happens to appear,you can't miss it if you' re right there.

(1)According to the first two paragraphs,moonbows are   .

A.created by sunlight

B.much easier to find

C.seen during the day

D.more difficult to form

(2)Which of the following can be the conditions for a moonbow to form?      

A.A half moon hangs high in the bright sky.

B.A full moon is 50 degrees from the horizon.

C.A nearly full moon hangs low in the dark sky.

D.Water drops are in the opposite direction of the sun.

(3)What does the underlined word "obscure "in paragraph 3 probably mean?      





(4)What is paragraph 5 mainly about?       

A.Conditions of moonbows.

B.Background of moonbows.

C.Locations of moonbows.

D.Development of moonbows.

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There are not many nations that can say their national dish has become international.(1)   Both are famous all over the world,and both have made the history of Italian food.People have been eating pizza,in one form or another,for centuries.They eat it everywhere — at home,in restaurants,or on street comers.

    (2)  Long ago,pieces of flatbread,topped with mushrooms and herbs (香料),were a simple and tasty meal.They were mostly for those who didn't have enough money to buy plates,or who were on the go.In the 18th century,Naples,in southern Italy,had become one of the largest cities in Europe,and it was growing fast.Lots of city people were poor and they were always rushing around to look for work.(3)  Pizzas were cut to meet the customers' needs.They were inexpensive,used easy﹣to﹣find ingredients (原料),and could be made with plenty of flavor.

    It was in America that pizza found its second home.(4)  Soon,pizza spread across the country with the rapid development of the city.It was increasingly considered as a fast,fun food.People might like New York﹣style thin pizza,or Chicago deep﹣dish thick pizza.Some want extra cheese on their pizzas while others only like vegetables.(5)  

    For a lot of people in western countries,when they cannot decide what to eat,they order pizzas.

A.Nobody knows where pizza came from.

B.The secret is,almost everyone likes pizzas.

C.Italy has two such dishes,spaghetti and pizza.

D.A number of people refused to eat pizzas in Italy.

E.They needed food that was cheap and easy to eat.

F.In 1905,the first pizzeria,Lombardi's,was opened in New York City.

G.The word "pizza" came from the Latin word "pinsa" meaning flatbread.

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China's women's soccer team     (赢得)a ticket to this summer's Tokyo Olympics in April.

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The programme Drive less,cycle more will reduce pollution and make streets

much   (安全的).

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As we all know,China's deep﹣sea exploration has already      (进入)a new period.

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All Chinese people think       (高度地)of Zhong Nanshan because of his achievements.

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      (参观者)must show their health QR codes and check their temperature before they go into the museum.

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Paper,zhi,was a Chinese invention.2,000 years ago,Chinese people

(1)i    papermaking.This zhi was made (2)o silk and was very expensive.Only the emperor and rich people could (3)a   to use it.1,900 years ago,Cai Lun improved the paper﹣making process.He made cheap jinzhi out of tree bark and old cloth.The improvement in paper﹣making spread zhi far and wide,and many different (4)k  of zhi were made by Chinese people.Xuan paper,a type of high quality rice paper,best shows the charm of

(5)t   Chinese painting and calligraphy (书法).Later,Chinese zhi spread to the West via the Chinese Silk Road.

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build;successful;chat with;be famous for;a great deal of;

in danger;carry out;stand for;lose heart;be interested in

(1)Don't        ,Sam.You will succeed next time.

(2)Our city is beautiful.It         Mount Huaguo since a long time ago.

(3)—What are Paul and Bob doing these days?

        —They              a survey of after﹣school activities.

(4)It took Lisa                 time and effort to complete the project.

(5)—What's WWF exactly,Millie?

        —It                 World Wide Fund for Nature.

(6)After weeks of space travel,Chang'e 5          brought back rocks from the moon.

(7)Three new schools          in our hometown next year,won't they?

(8)Today more and more foreign people                 Chinese folk music.

(9)It's reported that polar bears are          because of global warming (全球变暖).

(10)—Why weren't you in the room at 10 o'clock this morning,Betty?

          —Oh,I       my grandma in the garden.

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I think       (对我们来说……是必要的)to learn a foreign language.

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Many people were touched by the film Hi Mom.It       (值得观看).

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        (在……帮助下)the local firemen,we learned some fire safety skills.

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       (让我惊讶的是),Nancy did well in the school sports meeting.

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Yuan Longping,one of              (最伟大的科学家),made important contributions to the world.

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我市第八届"最美港城人"系列评选活动正在进行,你班决定推荐李华参加其类别之一"最美志愿者"的评选。请你以"The Most Beautiful Volunteer为题,给校英文报写一篇短文介绍李华,内容包括:





(1)词数 90 左右;



The Most Beautiful Volunteer


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