  首页 / 试题 / 初中英语 / 试卷选题


﹣﹣﹣Do you know how to spell ______ word"napkin"in English?

﹣﹣﹣Yes.It begins with ________"n".(  )









  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

﹣﹣﹣Cindy,is the baseball bat ______?

﹣﹣﹣No,_______ is over there.It must be Mark's.(  )


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Some people think it's the parents'job to _____ their children ________ a clean and comfortable environment at home.(  )



  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

﹣﹣﹣_____ you ever _______ Han Hong sing live?

﹣﹣﹣Of course.A couple of times in different cities.(  )


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

﹣﹣﹣What kind of TV show do you prefer?

﹣﹣﹣I like the ones _______ make me laugh.(  )


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

﹣﹣﹣Excuse me.Could you please tell me ______ change some money,please?

﹣﹣﹣Of course.Walk along the street to the end and you can find a bank.(  )

A.where I canB.where can I

C.where I was able toD.where was I able to

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It is reported that UEFA Euro Cup 2016 _______ in France on June 11th.And many Chinese fans went there to watch it.(  )

A.holdsB.was heldC.heldD.is held

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

﹣﹣﹣Why were you late for school this morning,Tom?

﹣﹣﹣I was about to go to school _________ it began to rain.(  )


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

﹣﹣﹣How long ______ you ______ Little Women?

﹣﹣﹣I am due to return it in two weeks.(  )



  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

﹣﹣﹣Do you know _______ a wonderful football match and two basketball matches on July 15th

﹣﹣﹣Yeath.I am going to watch them on that day.(  )

A.there will beB.there will have

C.there areD.there have

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

An old man was fishing on the bank of a river.A child came to see him fishing.The old man was really good (36)   fishing and it didn't take long for him to (37)   a full basket of fish.The old man saw that the child was very cute,and he wanted to give her a whole basket of fish.But the child (38)   her head.The old man was (39)   and asked."Why don't you want the fish?"

The child answered."I want the fishing rod (杆)in your hands."

The old man asked."Why do you want the rod?"

"It doesn't take long to eat all the fish in a basket.But if I have the fishing rod,I can go (40)   by myself and I won't be afraid of not having any more fish to eat."

I think you will (41)   say that the child is very smart.Wrong!If she doesn't know (42)   to fish,she can not have fish to eat,even though she has the fishing rod.It's (43)   to only have a fishing rod.Fishing skills are the (44)   important,not the fishing rod.

Too many people think that if they have a"fishing rod"in their life,they will (45)   fear the wind and rain.They are just like the child,who thought that if when had a fishing rod,she would have fish to eat.





































45.A.not longer

B.not long

C.no longer

D.no long.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Plants and Their Parts

Root,Stem,and Leaf

Most plants have root(根),stems(茎),and leaves.Plants use these parts to get light and water.Roots hold the plant in the ground.They take in water and minerals(矿物质) from the ground.


Fruit is also part of the plant.Fruits keep seeds(种子) in safety so they can grow into new plants.Seeds are made by flowers.They come in all kinds of different shapes and sizes.They can grow into new plants.Sometimes,seeds are kept in safety inside of fruit.Some fruits,like strawberries,have seeds on the outside.In order to grow,seeds need to move to a new place where they can get the water,light,and space they need to live.


The flower is one of the parts of the plant.

Flowers come in different colors,shapes,and sizes.Even though they look different,all flowers make seeds.


Flowers make seeds.Then flowers turn into fruits.Seeds inside or on the fruit grow into new plants.

46.Which of the following can be used to get light and water?Roots,stems and  





47.What is the use (作用)of the fruits?They can keep seeds  





48.How many parts of plants does the passage describe?  





  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Wang Yani was born in 1975.Even as a baby she loved to draw.Her father was an artist.Yani wanted to be like him.So she tried to stand like her father as he painted,which made him laugh.

One day,Yani painted lines on her father's painting.He got angry.At that time she was only two and a half years old.She cried and said,"I want to paint like you!"Her father looked at her without saying anything.He clearly remembered his childhood.He also wanted to draw and paint.But his parents didn't understand.They just got angry.He didn't want to see the same thing happen to his daughter.So he decided to help her.

With her father's help,Yani soon made progress.Her lines became flowers,trees,and animals.Her father took her to parks and zoos to get ideas for her painting.By the end of six.Yani had made over 4000works.Her paintings were very special.People loved her works.When she was eight,one of her paintings was made into a Chinese stamp.

Yani became famous when she was young.Her works were shown in different countries in Asia,Europe and North America,but her parents never sold her paintings.She is well﹣known to the world,and art is still a great joy in her life.

49.How old is Wang Yani now?She is  





50.In order to get ideas for Yani's paintings,her father  

A.took her to parks and zoos         

B.took her to her grandparents

C.took her to Asia and Europe        

D.took her to North America

51.How was one of Yani's paintings dealt with when she was eight years old?  

A.It was sold.

B.It was stolen   

C.It was made into a Chinese stamp   

D.It was shown in different countries

52.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?  

A.Yani had made over 4000 works when she was two and a half years old.

B.Yani's parents sold her paintings to different countries in Asia,Europe and North America.

C.Yani could paint well without her father's help when she was a child.

D.Yani's grandparents wasn't happy when they found Yani's father wanted to draw and paint.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A little boy went into a store,reached for a small chair and pulled it over to the telephone.He climbed onto the chair so that he could reach the buttons(按钮) on the phone and pressed seven phone numbers.The store﹣owner observed and listened to the conversation.

Boy:Lady,I will cut your lawn for half the price of the person who cuts your lawn now.

Woman (at the other end of the phone line ):I already have someone to cut my lawn.

Boy:Lady,I will cut your lawn for half the price of the person who cuts your lawn now.

Woman:I'm very pleased with the person cutting my lawn at present.

Boy:Lady,I'll even clean your yard and your sidewalk(人行道),so on Sunday you will have the prettiest lawn in this area,San Francisco.

Woman:No,thank you.

Hearing this,the little boy was very happy.Then he put down the phone.The store﹣owner,who was listening to all this,walked over to the boy.

Store﹣owner:Son…I like your attitude;I like that positive(积极向上) spirit and would like to offer you a job.


Store﹣owner:But you were asking for one just now.

Boy:No,Sir,I was just checking my performance at the job I already have,I am the one who is working for that lady I was talking to!

53.Why did the little boy call the lady?Because he wanted to  

A.ask for the job    

B.cut the price   

C.refuse the job   

D.know his performance at the job

54.Where did the story happen?  

A.In China      

B.In America   

C.In England     

D.In Canada

55.The underlined word"observed"in the first paragraph means  





56.What is the best title for this article?  

A.A Brave Boy    

B.A Naughty Boy   

C.A Lazy Boy   

D.A Clever Boy.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One Friday night,a poor young man stood at the train station.He played his violin and many people put money into the hat in front of him.

The next day,the young man came to the station again,But this time he took out a large piece of paper with some words on it.It said,"Last night a lady named Mrs.Sang put an important thing into my hat by mistake.Please come for it."

After about an hour,a middle﹣aged woman ran to the young man in a hurry and said,"You do come here.I know that you're an honest man and will sure come here."They had a talk and the young man made sure she was the owner.Then he took out a lottery ticket (彩票)and gave it to ticket past the young man,she was very happy.The prize of the lottery ticket was 500000.When she walked past the young man,she took out 50 and put it in the hat.However,the lottery ticket was also thrown in.

Later,someone asked the young man,"You play the violin every day to make money.Why don't you just take the prize of the lottery ticket for yourself?"The young man said,"Although I don't have much money.I live happily.But if I lose honesty.I won't be happy forever."

57.How did the young man make money?  

A.By selling train tickets   

B.By playing the violin   

C.By collecting lottery tickets  

D.By buying lottery tickets

58.What did the young man put on the ground the next day?  

A.A violin     

B.A hat     

C.A lottery ticket  

D.A piece of paper with some words on it.

59.What happened to the lottery ticket?  

A.It was returned by the woman   

B.It was sent to one of their friends    

C.It was given to the young man by mistake    

D.It was lost by the woman's husband.

60.We can learn from the story that the young man  

A.had much money    

B.knew the woman's husband  

C.took the prize of the lottery

D.thought honesty was more important than money.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Linda:Helen,it's time for supper.Let's go to the dining hall together.

Helen:Yes,it's supper time (61)  

Linda:Then,what shall we do now?

Helen:I want to go to the library and rerun these books to the library first.(62)  

Linda:Of course!(63)  

Helen:Yes,I think so.

Linda:Let's go there first,then we'll go to the dining hall to have supper,OK?

Helen:No problem.Look!Linda!What's that on the ground?

Linda:Let me see.Oh,it's a backpack.(64)  

Helen:Er,it's brown.It might be Jane‘s and hers is brown.

Linda:Oh,no.Look at the notebook.Tim's name is on it,(65)  

Helen:Let's go and find Tim first.

A.I think it's closed now.

B.so it must belong to him.

C.Do you think the library is open at this time of day?

D.but I think it must be crowded now.

E.Whose backpack is it?

F.Would you please go with me?

G.Who is he?

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

good    interested    enjoy   most   be   memory   third especial know truth

Chinese people have been celebrating the Mid﹣Autumn Festival for centuries.It is (66)   for them to taste mooncakes together.Mooncakes are in the shape of a full moon on the Mid﹣Autumn night.They carry people's wishes to the families they love and miss.

ZhongWei,a 46﹣year﹣old husband and father has lived in Wenzhou for the last 13 years by (67)  .With a hard job in a crayon factory,he doesn't find (68)  time to visit his hometown."I used to return home at least once a year,but I haven't been back for almost (69)   years now,it's a shame,but I just don't have the time."he says.

Many people like ZhongWei regard with great (70)   how their hometowns have changed.Perhaps large hospitals and new roads have appeared.Their hometowns have become (71)    than before.In many places,the government has also built new schools and sent teachers from the cities to help.

"I noticed that's (72)   of my hometown,"adds ZhongWei."Children have learned to read and count at my old primary school since the mid﹣20th century.But now the buildings are very old.I hear they're going to build a new school there."ZhongWei thinks such developments are good,and he also (73)   that his hometown cannot always stay the same.

According to ZhongWei,however,some things will never change."In my hometown,there was a big old tree opposite the school.It is still there and has become quite a symbol of the place.Most of the children in my time liked to play together under that big tree.(74)   during the summer holidays.It was such a happy childhood.Our hometown has left many soft and sweet (75)   in our hearts.How he wishes that he could come back his hometown now.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知






The Browns lived in a town and they have a small bar(酒吧) near a (76)  railway station.The bar didn't close until midnight every day (77)  because of people came to drink while they were waiting for trains.So the(78)  business was good.At 2:00 one morning,a man was still sitting on the table in the (79)  bar.He was sleeping.Mr.Brown wife wanted to go to bed.She looked around (80)  the bar several times,so the man kept sleeping.Then she said to her husband,(81)  "You have tried to wake that man several times,and he isn't drinking,too.(82)  Why not send him away?It's too late."He answered with smile."Oh,no,I don't   (83)  want to send him away.Each time I woke him up,he gave me five pound (84)  Then he went to sleep again,you know."What strange it was!(85)  

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

在学校,一些同学不注意保护学校环境,使学校环境受到了损害,请你根据所给内容要点,以"Keep Our School Clean"为题用英语写一篇80词左右的短文.


1 学校环境越来越差;

2 随地吐痰和乱扔垃圾;

3 毁坏花草树木;

4 多植树,循环使用教材;

5 保护学校环境.



1 包括所有内容要点,不要逐句翻译,可以适当发挥.

2 语句通顺、语法正确.

3 文中不得出现考生真实的姓名、地点和所在的学校名称.

Keep Our School Clean


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知