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Have you seen ______ cartoon film Zootopia?

Of course.It's ______ most interesting film I've ever seen.(  )


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They have provided several ways to solve the problem.We can choose _______ to start with.(  )


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Hi,guys.Where were we yesterday?

We learned the differences ______ fact and opinion.(  )


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What will the phone ______?

The same as you said,eight hundred dollars each.(  )


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I hear you have a home robot.

Yes,it's amazing.It ______ do all my housework.(  )


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Did you see a man in black pass by just now?

No,sir.I ______ my car.(  )


C.am washingD.was washing

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Dad,I got hired as a bus driver.

Congratulations!Make yourself ______ so that the company won't want to lose you.(  )



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"right"and"write"sound the same,______ they do not mean the same thing.(  )


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Have you finished your report on green life?

Not yet.I'll make it if I ______ another two days.(  )

A.giveB.am given

C.will giveD.will be given

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You can't ______ the weather being fine when you plan a day out in England.(  )

A.turn onB.try onC.carry onD.depend on

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I'm a new reader.Could you tell me ______?

Certainly.Two weeks,and you can renew them.(  )

A.how long can I keep the books

B.how long I can keep the books

C.when should I return the books

D.when I should return the books

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Why not buy a second﹣hand flat first if you don't have enough money?

That's a good ______.(  )


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Peter,you speak Chinese so well.

Thank you.I ______ Chinese since I came here in 2013.(  )

A.will learnB.learned

C.have learnedD.learn

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Madam,you are fined for over﹣speeding.Please sign here.

Fined?Over﹣speeding?______(  )

A.No worries.B.Never mind.

C.Are you serious?D.Are you all right?

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He never tells us he can make model planes.

In fact he can and often wins in the competitions.______.(  )

A.Actions speak louder than words

B.Many hands make light work

C.No pain,no gain

D.The early bird catches the worm

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Summer rains came and never stopped.When it grew darker,Grandmother sent my sister

Cathie and me out to gather roses.We carried many roses into the house,filling all the bottles we

could find.The (16)   filled the air,and the ants came out of the flowers,filling the house.

Grandfather held his new camera,taking pictures of the ants,roses and everything.The camera light came out everywhere until Grandmother became(17)  

"Marcus!I can't read!Go away.Be a(18)  ."

"I am a farmer who takes pictures,"he said(19)  ,"I am a photographer﹣farmer."

Grandmother drove him to the barn(畜棚).I(20)  Grandfather there,watching him take photos of cows (21)  they showed him their backsides.I stood behind Grandfather,trying to see what he saw (22)  the camera.

Then I walked to the back of the barn where his pictures hung.And then I saw it﹣the picture I had taken of (23)  with Cathie,Cathie's mouth opened,both lost in a singing game,light from the window around them.The picture wasn't(24)  as if it was a painting or a memory.For a moment,I felt like I was Cathie.I stepped back to see the picture better and(25)  against Grandfather standing behind me.

"You moved the camera,"he said."That's(26)  it didn't come out clearly."

I nodded.

"It's not a good picture."

"Joe,"said Grandfather softly,"it is a wonderful picture."

"But I (27)  the camera."

"You did.See how it looks like Cathie and I are the only ones there.What a wonderful picture!"

Grandfather's voice rose (28)  

I said shyly,"Well,it's not perfect.""Perfect!"Grandfather said,his voice loud."What is(29)  ?Joe,a thing doesn't have to be perfect to be fine.That goes for a(30)  .That goes for life."

















































28.A.in surprise

B.in confidence

C.with patience

D.with excitement









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The website www.lifehacker.com connects people to helpful recourses.Here's the webpage on"The best places to…"

Keep a wireless router(路由器)

On a bookshelf

Situate it on a desk or a tall shelf in a central location in your house.A router works best when put high,since it sends signals(信号) in all directions.The worst place to have a router:in the kitchen.Metal things can also weaken or stop its signals.

Solve a problem

In the shower

Simple tasks,like lathering up(抹肥皂),may allow the mind to run free and have creative

thinking.In a science study,those who completed a simple task between solving creative problems performed better on the problems than those who completed difficult tasks or no task at all.

Hide valuable items

In the kid's room

Find a place in a young child's room,where you can put away valuable items.Put emergency cash(应急现金) in an envelope inside a toy which is no longer played with,like a teddy bear on a high shelf.

Add a houseplant

To the bathroom

Plants are important in your living space,but you probably haven't thought to put one next

to,say,your shower.They can make indoor air clean,and they're helpful for small spaces like

bathrooms.Ferns(蕨类) are a good and cheap choice in a bathroom.

31.According to the passage,you'd better hide your jewellery  

A.in the kitchen B.in the living room C.in the kid's room D.in the bathroom

32.Which of the following sentences is TRUE?  

A.You'd better put a wireless router in a lower place.

B.You'd better not have a router in the kitchen.

C.Difficult tasks make the mind work fast.

D.Ferns are expensive but a good choice in a bathroom.

33.The webpage is mainly about  

A.daily life tips B.room decoration C.gardening tips D.social problems.

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Last summer,after 16years in America,I travelled to Moscow where I grew up.I was the

first in my family to return.Mom gave me a hand﹣drawn map showing the location of my

grandfather's grave(坟墓).She asked me to visit it.I promised her it would be the first thing I'd


But it wasn't until a day before I was leaving that I found time to visit.

By the entrance to the cemetery(公墓),a lady was selling flowers.She had only seven left.I

bought them all,but it was then that I realized the map was lost and never found.

I could call my mom.It was already morning in New York.

But the problem was that I had already told her I'd gone to the cemetery.What was I going to

say?That I decided to go again but lost the map?

Then I found the office.An old woman searched the records and found two Abraham

Pikarskis with no further details.

I set off to look for them,hoping that at least one would have a picture on the stone.

I found the two graves.Both said Abraham Pikarski,no pictures,nothing else.

Which grave was mine?

I put three flowers on the grave in front of me and went back to the first one.I also put three flowers there.

I stood there with the last flower.Which Abraham Pikarski should it go to?Should I just

discard it so that each Abraham Pikarski got an equal number?Finally,I put the flower on the

grave.If this is really my grandfather's,he got the most.If not,let this be a respect to the stranger.

I flew home to New York the next day.When Mom saw me,she started crying.

"Mom,it's only been a week…"

She said,"Son,thank you for visiting Grandfather's grave.It really means so much to me.

When you called and told me you went there,I thought you were just comforting me.But this

morning,my cousin called from Moscow,saying she saw your flowers on your grandpa's grave."

Should I ask her how many flowers her cousin saw?Three or four?

34.Why didn't the writer call Mom for the location of his grandfather's grave?  

A.Because it was midnight in New York.

B.Because he found the hand﹣drawn map.

C.Because he didn't want Mom to know he broke his promise.

D.Because his mom didn't know where Grandfather's grave was.

35.The writer's mother cried because  

A.she missed her father so much

B.she hadn't seen her son for a week

C.the writer visited his grandfather's grave for her

D.the writer put four flowers on his grandfather's grave

36.In which situation does the writer have no difficulty making a decision?  

A.How to deal with the last flower.

B.Whether to visit his grandfather's grave.

C.Whether to phone Mom for the grave's location.

D.Whether to ask Mom how many flowers her cousin saw.

37.This passage shows the writer's character mostly through the use of  

A.description of his thoughts and actions   

B.his long dialogues with other people

C.description of his looks and personality   

D.other people's thoughts about him.

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William Shakespeare died on April the 23rd in 1616.This year's 400th anniversary of his death is not just a chance to remember one of the greatest writers of all time.It is a moment to celebrate his ongoing influence.Just as Ben Jonson,another great English writer of his times,said,"he is not of an age,but for all time."

People like Shakespeare's plays because the characters show real human feelings.Romeo and Juliet,who are young lovers,they don't quite know how to get ahead with their lives.And they disagree with their parents.Their story has a sad ending.When we take the characters out of his period,they really speak to almost any time and place.

The language of Shakespeare is alive and well in modern,everyday English.Even if an English﹣speaker knows nothing about Shakespeare,they will surely know some sayings that come from his plays.When we have problems making up our mind,we say"to be or not to be:that is the question"(Hamlet).When a friend eats all the food in the house,we say he's"eating me out of house and home"(Henry IV).

But Shakespeare's influence is felt far beyond his language and his culture."Cowards die many times before their death,the valiant (英勇的) never taste of death but once."This saying from Shakespeare's historical play Julius Caesar encouraged Nelson Mandela to fight on when he was a prisoner.Shakespeare's influence is everywhere,from Goethe (a German writer) to Tchaikovsky.

As Shakespeare himself put it in his comedy As You Like It,"all the world's a stage."More than 400 years later,stages around the world still show his plays.Through his works,Shakespeare lives on.Perhaps we'll still be attracted by his works 400years from now.

38.What is the writer's main purpose in writing the article?  

A.To introduce the life story of William Shakespeare.

B.To explain why Shakespeare's writing lives on.

C.To recommend some of Shakespeare's best﹣known works.

D.To explore the influences of Shakespeare's comedies.

39.Which of these sayings can be used to express the main idea of Paragraph 2?  

A.All the world's a stage.

B.To be or not to be:that is the question.

C.The valiant never taste of death but once.

D.He is not of an age,but for all time.

40.Paragraph 4 is mainly about  

A.some famous Shakespearian sayings

B.some Shakespearian historical stories

C.Shakespeare's influence on modern English

D.Shakespeare's influence on wider society

41.By the last sentence"Perhaps we'll still be attracted by his works 400years from now",the writer means  

A.Shakespeare's influence will last for a long time

B.Britain will remember William Shakespeare forever

C.Shakespeare's works will be gone and forgotten some day

D.Shakespeare's works will have a stronger influence than ever before.

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Picture the scene:It's midnight.You're very hungry after studying for a long time.Then you

see a nice pie in the fridge.Do you eat it?It seems that you shouldn't,for many reasons,including its influence on your studies.

Scientists have long known that eating late at night can make us gain weight.But now a new

study has shown that late﹣night eating can also have a bad influence on our brains﹣it might hurt

our ability to learn new things and store memories.

"We believe that late﹣night eating may affect (影响) our learning by affecting the parts of the

brain that control learning and memory,"Dawn Loh,PhD,a project scientist at the University of

California,Los Angeles,said,"We believe the timing of when we eat is the main cause of the

damaged (受损的) memory."

For the study,the researchers looked at mice with strict feeding plans.For two weeks,the

mice were either allowed to eat during the time when they are usually the most active,or during

the time when they usually sleep.The mice received the same amount(数量) of sleep and calories.

Then the researchers tested the brains of the mice.In one test,the researchers tried to find out

whether the mice could remember that a room was connected to an electric shock(电击) after 24

hours had gone by.

The researchers noticed that,when the mice were put in the room again,those mice that ate

when they should have been sleeping were less likely(可能的) to get scared than those mice that

ate during usual hours.It means that they didn't remember.

So think twice before the midnight snack﹣it might be bad for more than your weight.

42.What does the underlined word"it"in Paragraph 2refer to(指代)?  

A.Studying for long.B.A nice pie.C.A new study.D.Late﹣night eating.

43.For the study,the researchers need  

A.to check the brains of the mice before the test started

B.to feed the mice only during the time when they usually sleep

C.to keep the mice in a room with an electric shock all the time

D.to let the mice receive the same amount of sleep and calories

44.According to the passage,which of the following sentences is TRUE?  

A.A recent study shows late eating affects weight.

B.What we eat can affect learning and memory.

C.The mice that ate during sleeping hours didn't remember.

D.The mice that ate during usual hours didn't remember.

45.Which of the following could be the best title of the passage?  

A.Eating snacks affects memory    B.Late eating hurts brain

C.Never stay up late         D.Keep away from snacks.

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It's dangerous to drive on  days.(snow)

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Jim laid out the  and forks at the lunch table.(knife)

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We are sorry to hear that you are not  with your new car.(satisfy)

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He was proud of  after the swimming competition last Saturday.(he)

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The world's  glass bottom bridge will be open early 2017in Zhangjiajie.(high)

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I see no light and hear no sound  the wind that far away.(除…之外)

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He lives on the  floor,two floors above me.(八)

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This piece of music is worth  to once more.(听)

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As a great  ,Thomas Edison made a difference to our life.(发明家)

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I'm dreaming of a white  just like the ones I used to know.(圣诞节)

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Starting a book club is easy﹣all you need is to love reading.Here's how to get yours off to a flying start.

When you set up your book club,the first thing is to get members for your club.They could be friends,family,or those you know through various activities,but they should all love to read.A small group of seven to ten people is usually an ideal size for a book club.Too many make

discussions difficult.

Once you have a group,agree on how often you want to meet﹣usually clubs meet monthly.

Pick a date and stick with it.That way,members can easily plan for it.Send out emails a week

before the meeting to give people a written reminder.Set meeting time length.An hour is a good

start.Two hours usually does the trick.

Then,you need a good place.Libraries,parks and restaurants﹣all make good meeting

places.For many clubs,homes are the best place as you don't have to get dressed up,and noisy

public places can make talking hard.If members bring a plate of food or a bottle,it can help start


Please don't forget the most important thing﹣the book!Think about the books your club

will enjoy.Fiction?Non﹣fiction?Your club can choose books in different ways.You can take

turns to recommend books.Let everyone vote upon what book to read.Anyway,make sure to

keep it light and fun.

After all this has been decided,your book club is ready.Now,it's time to hold the first

meeting.Enjoy your reading.

How to (56)   a book club



●You can include those who share your (58)   for reading.

●l(59)   matters.Seven to ten people are enough for discussion.


the time

●Set a (60)   time.Send everyone an email to   (61)   them of the monthlymeeting beforehand.

●lDecide on how long the meetings will be.




to meet

●lYou can meet in (63)   places,like libraries,parks and restaurants.

●lFor many clubs,meeting at home works   (64)  :relaxing and



the books

●Think about the books your club will enjoy.

●l Decide on the (65)   of choosing books:allowing everyone to recommend or vote upon the books.

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When Italian traveller Marco Polo came to Yangzhou in the13th century,he recorded his

amazing observations in his bestselling book The Travels of Marco Polo.For over 700 years,it(66)n   went out of print.Hollywood Filmmaker Chris Nebe follows in the footsteps of Marco

Polo to explore China's mystery.He has (67)c   twelve documentaries of Mysterious China series,including Yangzhou:A City of Timeless Culture.This 30﹣minute documentary takes a close look

at the beauty and (68)c   of Yangzhou.

To live,humans and all warm﹣blooded animals must have salt.In ancient time,salt was used

as money and had the values as(69)g  .Close to the seasalt﹣rich Yellow Sea,Yangzhou has been one of the(70)r  cities in China because of its lively trade in salt,silk and grain.The surviving mansions and gardens of wealthy salt businessmen are witnesses of Yangzhou's great history.

(71)L   a beautiful necklace,Yangzhou Slender West Lake lovingly embraces(拥抱) the city.It has been a memorizing attraction for visitors from afar,showing the lasting (72)s   of Yangzhou﹣peace and harmony(和谐).

The government has tried(73)i   best to protect the Old Town of the 2500﹣year﹣old city.The area has become a great tourist attraction.At night,the streets turn into a mysterious land.Here

delicious snacks and treasured souvenirs(74)w   to be discovered.

The ancient art of Chinese handicrafts is celebrated in Yangzhou.Favourites among them are

paper﹣cutting.Yangzhou's (75)e  .to continue the art form include China Paper﹣cutting Museum and tourists can enjoy masters'show on paper﹣cutting there.

Want to learn more?Why not watch the documentary in your spare time?

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师是什么样的呢?某英文报正在举行题为"My ideal English teacher in senior


提 示:1)What does he/she look like?

2)What about his/her personalities?Give two examples.

3)What would you like him/her to do to keep you interested in English or improve your English?Give three examples.

要 求:1)表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯;



My ideal English teacher in senior high.

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