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Nowadays, Xiangtan is              nice city to live in. (  )


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China is famous            its long history.(  )


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                is necessary for us to wash hands when we are back home.(  )


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            smart! This new kind of taxi can go without a driver.

Amazing! Let's have a try. (  )

A.WhatB.HowC.What a

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Dr Li's wife             about him very much when he worked in Wuhan in February, 2020. (  )


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My daughter Anna is             than my son Jack.(  )

A.outgoingB.more outgoing

C.the most outgoing

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Chinese tea is very popular, and it             to many different parts of the world. (  )

A.is sentB.sendsC.has sent

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I              take too much money with me.I like to pay on the mobile phone. (  )


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We are supposed to care about the workers             keep our city clean.(  )


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I like history, so I            to Human Museum many times. (  )

A.have beenB.have goneC.went

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  • 难度:未知

Kelly could hardly believe that she had been so stupid! At lunch time in a busy sandwich bar,she had hung her(1)  on the back of her chair. Seconds later, the bag had(2)  and her mobile phone, her money,her bank cards and her keys had gone with it,(3)  she was with her friend,Anna. Using Anna's phone, Kelly was able to call the bank and the phone company (4)  .The thief would not be able to use her cards of her phone,at least!

    Back at the fie Kelly began to feel better. Her workmates asked if (5)  could lend her some money.

    One more difficulty was ahead. Kelly's bicycle was locked. Unless she could unlock it, she would not be able to get home that night. She asked Tom, the Building Manager, if he could(6)  .He tried very hard, but he couldn't cut or(7)  the lock,.

    Kelly rang the fire brigade (消防队) and explained the situation. Four(8)  later, a red fire﹣engine puled up outside the building "We always travel like this," one of the (9)  joked,as the others took down the cutting equipment (设备) and feed Kelly's bicycle.

    As she(10)  her bicycle home, Kelly thought, "For every one thief in London, there are thousands of ordinary kind people!"

(1)A. coat

B. bag

C. umbrella

(2)A. gone

B. fallen

C. dropped

(3)A. Clearly

B. Suddenly

C. Luckily

(4)A. at once

B. for a while

C. in the end

(5)A. we

B. you

C. they

(6)A. help

B. promise

C. accept

(7)A. repair

B. break

C. change

(8)A. weeks

B. days

C. minutes

(9)A. firemen

B. policemen

C. postmen

(10)A. made

B. rode

C. carried

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知



STD              SINGLE                   ADULT

DATE VALID                               TICKET NUMBER

TO JULY 2020                              20204444122637



To                                                PRICE

LIVERPOOL ##                             £16.50

注: valid有效的

(1)Where is the train going to?  

A. Manchester

B. Liverpool


(2)If you want to buy three adult tickets how much will you pay?  



C. £49.50.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


A block and white cat is called Lizie.

She is 17 month old, and she is friendly.

Any information about Lizie is needed.

You will receive ﹩50 as a reward (报酬).

Phone Peter at 555﹣4140 in the evenings.

Help Wanted

Do you love travel?

You are supposed work full time, and you must speak English!

You will get ﹩12 per hour.

If you are interested in this job, please e﹣mail: guidechr@ hotmail.com

Rent (出租)

We have good rooms for girls.

Single, ﹩35 a week

Double, ﹩185 a month

Call John at 555﹣0698 if you want to rent one.

(1)Whose name is Lizie?  

A.A cat

B. A tour guide

C. A girl who wants to rent a room

(2)To be a tour guide, one must  

A. work 12 hours a day

B. love travelling

C. speak English

(3)You want to rent a double room for a month ,you can  

A.call 555﹣4140

B.call John at 555﹣0698

C. email guidchr@hotmail.com

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Hi Friends! My name's Sandra and I live in Hilltown.It is in the south of England. It isn't a very big town. About 9000 people live here.

    There are about thirty shops in Hilltown and there are three supermarkets You can buy everything in the town that you need.There are two banks and a post office in Main Street.There is a police station a library ,too.

    You can find a big market where you can buy fresh fruit, vegetables, meat and drinks like going to the market with mum.

    There are three churches in the town centre and there is a park, too. In the park children can play because there is a playground.In our town you can find some restaurants and there r five cafes. My favorite cafe is lccave, it's in Park Street and the ice cream is fantastic here!

    There are three elementary schools and two high schools in Hilltown. My school is in Mill Street We have got a very nice building. Next to our school there is a sports centre. Every Wednesday afternoon we play volleyball.

    If you want to see a film you can go to the cinema in our town, but unfortunately there aren't any theaters here.

    I like living in Hilltown because it s a calm, clean place and people are friendly.

(1)Where is Hillkown?  

A. It's in southern England

B. It's in northern Singapore

C. It's in eastern Australia

(2)How many banks are there in Hilltown?  




(3)Who does the writer like to go to the market with?  

A. Her father.

B. Her mother.

C. Her friends.

(4)How often does the writer play volleyball?  

A. Every Wednesday.

B. Every Thursday.

C. Every Friday.

(5)What can't the writer do in Hilltown?  

A. Watch a play.

B. See a movie.

C. Eat out with friends.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

You may have already forgotten the days when you had to learn how to use chopsticks.Every Chinese kid manages to use them for some time. But chopsticks are not just simple tools to pick up food. They come with their Own special rules and traditions.

    Generally, people should not make noise with chopsticks. Playing with chopsticks is seen as bad manners, just as playing with forks and knives in a Western country would be rude.

    There are also some superstitions (迷信) related to chopsticks. For example, some people believe that chopsticks should not be left standing upright in a bowl. It looks like the incense (香)that Chinese use to honor the dead.Doing it at the dinner table is believed to bring bad luck.

    You should not tap(敲) chopsticks on the edge of the bowl either, as beggars (乞丐) do this to ask for food. Parents might get angry if children do this as they don't want their children to be as poor as beggars in the future.

    Besides, chopsticks can also be a great gift. In Chinese, "chopsticks" are known as "kuaizi",so newlyweds (新婚夫妇) feel happy to receive chopsticks as a wedding gift. Skilled craftsmen (手艺人)paint beautiful pictures on chopsticks to make them look like fine artwork. Today, even people from western countries are leaning to use chopsticks and like to collect them as souvenirs(纪念品).

(1)The text is about  

A. history of chopsticks

B. stories behind chopsticks

C. rules and traditions of using chopsticks

(2)What is Chinese people's opinion of playing with chopsticks?  

A. It is all right.

B. It is not polite.

C. It is funny.

(3)What does the underlined word "honor" mean?  




(4)Chinese parents might get angry when their children tap chopsticks on the edge of the bowl because they don't want their children to  

A. get ill

B. be poor

C. become lazy

(5)Giving newlyweds chopsticks is welcome because it means  

A. having a baby soon

B. having good meals

C. being rich quickly

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

There's an old saying: "Laughter is the best medicine," and modern research certainly shows that laughing is good for you. When you have a good laugh, you exercise your muscles (肌肉),strengthen your heart and balance your body chemistry. However, these are the results of having laugh, not the explanations (解释)of why we do it.

    Until recently, scientists believed that laughter was a human behaviour only. They argued that people find jokes funny because we can put ourselves in another person's shoes, and that animals can't do that.People don't all have the same sense of humour. Sometimes there isn't any joke,or we may not have heard it but we laugh because the people around us are laughing. How long and how loud we would laugh are also shared. We just go on following the example with one another until the laughter fades away (消失).

    Many pet owners insist that animals have a sense of humour, too. For example, pet dogs often run away with a slipper (拖鞋) and then stop, inviting their owners to run after them. Dogs even seem to smile when their owners join in the game. As the game continues, our pets make noises that are very like laughter. You can compare this behaviour to the laughter of a baby, who continually throws a toy down, waits for the adult to pick it up and throws it down again.

    Perhaps laughter is just a sign that we are having fun. Fun, like laughter, is best when we share it with friends.

(1)The main idea of the first paragraph is   of having a laugh

A. the causes

B. the results

C. different ways

(2)Scientists believed that  

A. people have the same sense of humour

B. both human and animals can find jokes funny

C. sometimes some people laugh because people around them do so

(3)From the behavior of pet dogs we can tell that  

A. pet dogs are very naughty

B. animals have a sense of humor, too

C. animals are more humorous than human beings

(4)When a baby throws a toy down waits for the adult to pick it up and throws it down again, he will be  

A. nervous

B. angry


(5)The writer encourage us to  

A. share fun with friends

B. play games with habits

C. make friends with animals

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Ben could hear strong winds outside his home in Alabama Black clouds were making the sky very dark. With no light outside,it felt like midnight.(1)The news on TV reported that a heavy rainstorm was in the area

    Everyone in the neighborhood was busy. Ben's dad was putting pieces of wood over the windows while his mom was making sure the flashlights and radio were working.(2)她也放了一些蜡烛和火柴在桌子上.

    Ben was helping his mom make dinner when the rain began to beat heavily against the windows3)晚餐后,他们试看去玩游戏.but it was hard to have fun with a serious storm happening outside.

    Ben could not sleep first.He finally fell asleep when the wind was dying down at around 3:00a.m.When he woke the sum was rising. He went outside with his family and found the neighborhood in a mess.(4)Fallen trees broken windows and rubbish were everywhereThey joined the neighbors to help clean up the neighborhood together.5Although the storm broke many things apart it brought families and neighbors closer together







  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Here are some tips that can help you have a few moments of quiet in your day.

    1. Make it a priority (优先的事物).Like brushing your teeth or taking a shower, 10 minutes of quiet time a day is part of taking care of your body and cultivating (陶冶) your spirit.

    2. Teach the people you live with about quiet time. No television or computer or music.This is the time to read or play or create art一alone.Tell the people around you about the importance of quiet and lead by example. Then they'" begin to support you and enjoy it as well.

    3.Use the spaces in between.I seldom have the radio on in the car when I'm driving alone.When I'm waiting for an appointment (约会),I'm seldom texting or talking.I just enjoy the quiet before the appointment.

    4.Create at least our daily activity that needs quiet.Go for a run without carphones.Take a long bath,or a shower before bead My morning coffee is a time of enjoying quiet When I know I've got a very busy day ahead.I'll get up 15 minutes early just to drink coffee alone in the quiet.

    Creating pockets of quiet is a powerful way to make your life full of energy.You'll feel better to manage the challenges of your day.

(1)What is the passage about?


(2)Why should you have 10 minutes of quiet tine every day?


(3)How can you get support for quiet from the people around you?


(4)According o the text, which daily activity do you like best to get quiet?




(5)Why is it a powerful way to create pockets of quiet?


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  • 难度:未知






参考动汇:上网课have online lessons     健康生活live a healthy life

独立学习study by oneself       相互理解understand each other



Dear Peter.

    Thank you for your greetings.

    Now I'd like to share my family and I did during the long winter vacation in 2020.



Li Hua

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