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Does your mother go to work by bike every day?

No.She sometimes takes      bus.(  )


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Tina,is this your dictionary?

No.      is at home.(  )


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My brother joined the school basketball team       August 1st last year.(  )


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Mum,I'm hungry.May I have some     

Sure.But don't eat too much.(  )


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Which city is       beautiful,Hangzhou,Beijing or Shanghai?

Hangzhou,I think.(  )

A.the mostB.the betterC.more

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During the May Day holiday,      visitors came to Zhijiang to visit the Memorial Hall of Flying Tigers.(  )

A.thousand ofB.thousands

C.thousands of

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May I speak to Mr.Smith?

Sorry,he isn't in.He       Changsha.(  )

A.has been toB.has gone to

C.went to

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Sixteen﹣year﹣olds should not       to drive.(  )

A.allowingB.be allowedC.allow

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      nice weather today!Let's go hiking.(  )

A.HowB.What aC.What

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Excuse me,could you tell me      

Go along the street.It's on your right.(  )

A.where the bank isB.where is the bank

C.where was the bank

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  • 难度:未知

Surprise plays an important role in our lives.Last term my classmates and I gave our teacher a big (31)  

Our teacher had a bad (32)  and coughed a lot.She could hardly speak a sentence.Looked at her pale (苍白的)face,we (33)  the warmth she always gave us.So we decided to do (34)  for her.

Since Christmas was coming at that time,we planned a surprise for her.I made a postcard and wrote."1 hope you get (35)  soon."

During class break,there were some other things on her desk,like candies and cakes.They all came from my classmates.A note was also lying there saying."Take care,our (36) _ teacher."My classmates and I hid where our teacher couldn't (37)  us,waiting for her appearance (出现).

Finally,our teacher came.Seeing the presents on her desk,she smiled.(38)  we were not right by her side,we could feel her happiness.Tears (眼泪)ran down her face.And when she looked up again,in front of (39)  were three shining faces smiling back at her."Thank you!"She whispered (低声的说),holding our hands tightly (紧紧地).

Every one of us (40)  needs help.And to me.the best thing to do is surprise them and cheer them up.







33.A.looked forward to

B.looked for

C.thought about






















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♦Journey to the West

Author (作者):Wu Cheng'en

¥20 (in bookstores)¥18 (online)

Journey to the West is one of the most famous novels in Chinese history.The Monkey King is the main character.He can make 72changes.To fight bad people,he uses a magic stick.

♦Peter Pan

Author (作者):J.M Barrie

¥15 (in bookstores)

It is a children's story full of adventures (冒险),which is about Wendy,John,and Michael Darling's adventures in Never﹣Never Land with Peter Pan,the boy who would not grow up.The children are happy and lovely.

41.Who wrote the Peter Pan?  

A.J.M Barrie.

B.Wu Cheng'en.

C.Hodgson Burnett.

42.If you buy the Journey to the West and the Peter Pan in bookstores,you have to pay  




43.We can know from the passage that  

A.we can buy the Peter Pan online

B.the Journey to the West is a children's story full of adventure

C.the Journey to the West is¥2 cheaper online than in bookstores.

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  • 难度:未知

One day,my grandpa went fishing and let me come with him.He handed me the rod (鱼竿)and taught me how to throw my line into the water.

The sun warmed us.We sat and talked."I remember when I could sit here and watch the fish swimming in the water,"he said."Sometimes,they'd jump out and land beside me.I didn't even need a fishing rod then."

"We have to be patient,"he continued."The fish may come or may not.It doesn't matter.We are out in the sun.It's a beautiful day.If it rained,we couldn't be here.We're lucky to have the warmth of the sun."

He leaned(依靠)back against a tree."Yes,it's a great day,"he said.

I watched our bobbers(浮子).No fish pulled them under the water that day.It didn't matter.I was with Grandpa.I felt grown up.Just being with him was special.

He was well liked by everyone.He had worked hard all his life for what little he had,but he could still find time to laugh.I wanted to be like him when I grew up.

He was an amazing man.In the short time we had together,he taught me many things:how to fish,the value of a good laugh,the value of a good friend,respect (尊重) for my elders and the importance of working hard and loving harder.This list is long.

44.How was the weather on that day?  




45.After fishing with Grandpa,the writer  

A.enjoyed the time with him

B.didn't want to fish with him again

C.felt disappointed for not catching any fish

46.From the story,we learn that Grandpa  

A.was a cheerful person

B.didn't like to fish at all

C.didn't get on with others

47.What does the story mainly tell us?  

A.Poor people often have a rich heart.

B.We should keep a good heart and enjoy life.

C.Fishing is good for people's minds.

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  • 难度:未知

In 1959,When Jean Harper was in the third grade,her teacher asked the class to write a report on what they wanted to be when they grew up.

Jean's father was a crop duster(农作物喷粉作业)pilot on a farm,so Jean was very interested in planes and flying.She wrote about her dream to become an airline pilot.

Her paper came back with an"F"on it.The teacher told her this was a"fairy tale(童话 )."and it wasn't a job for a woman.

Jean experienced years of hurt and fear because of this discouragement(气馁)until she met her English teacher Mrs.Dorothy Slaton in senior high school.

Mrs.Slaton said to Jean's class."You have the abilities and talents.If you don't go after(追求) your dreams after you leave school,no one will do it for you."

Jean felt a rush of her old enthusiasm (热情),and with excitement,she told Mrs.Slaton all about her old dreams.The teacher said."Then do it!"

So Jean did.It took her 10years of hard work.But in 1978,she became one of the first three women pilot trainers ever accepted by United Airlines(航空公司)and one of only 50women airline pilot in the country at the time.Some years later,Jean Harper became a Boeing 737captain (机长)for United Airline.

48.When Jean was young,her dream was  

A.to be a crop duster pilot

B.to fix planes

C.to be an airline pilot

49.Jean spent   years in becoming an airline pilot.




50.What did Mrs.Slaton mean when she talked to the class?  

A.Everyone should go after his or her dream.

B.Everyone should have a dream after they leave school.

C.Everyone should do good things to help people's dreams.

51.What can we learn from this story?  

A.A woman can not be a pilot.

B.If you have a dream,work hard for it.

C.Jean's dream didn't come true at last.

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  • 难度:未知

Tu Youyou,William Campbell and Satoshi Omura are three scientists from different countries.They have won the 2015Nobel Prize in medicine.

On December 30.1930.Tu Youyou was bom in Ningbo,Zhejiang,China.From 1951to 1955,she studied in Peking University Medical School.Later Tu was trained for two and a half years in traditional Chinese medicine.

Sweet wormwood (青蒿) is a common plant in China.But it has the power to cure the deadly disease called malaria (疟疾).Tu started her malaria research in China in the 1960s、and 1970s.She discovered"Qing﹣hao﹣su"in 1971.It is a great health improvement(改进)for people in developing countries in south Asia,Africa,and South America.

Tu got several medicine awards(奖项)in the past.On October 5,2015,she was awarded the 2015Nobel Prize in Physiology(生理学)or Medicine.She is the first Chinese scientist to win a Nobel Prize.

52.Who won the 2015Nobel Prize in medicine?  

A.Tu Youyou.

B.William Campbell and Satoshi Omura.

C.Both A and B.

53.Where was Tu Youyou born?  




54.The underline word"cure"in the passage means.  




55.Which of the following is true according to the passage?  

A.Tu Youyou is 81years old.

B."Qing﹣hao﹣su"is useful in people's health.

C.Tu studied in Peking University for two and a half years.

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Yao Ming,Wang Zhizhi and Yi Jianlian…these are the great Chinese basketball players who have played in the NBA,but there are not very many others.Well now,one young Chinese man is knocking on the door of the world's most popular basketball league(联赛).His name is Zhou Qi.

Zhou,20,entered the NBA draft (选秀)in April,2016.Every year,the 30 NBA teams pick skilled young players from around the world during the draft.So if Zhou is lucky,he could play in the NBA soon.

Zhou has long arms and quick feet.He is good at making long﹣range shots (远射).Although he is young,he is calm on the court (球场).

But his problem is he's too thin.Zhou is 2.18meters tall,but he only weighs 95kg.He doesn't seem strong enough to play against those big NBA players.

But who knows?Zhou is still young and has a lot of room to improve.The bigger stage (舞台) of the NBA is waiting for him,and his future is bright.

56.Where does Zhou come from?  

57.When did Zhou enter the NBA draft?  

58.What's the problem of Zhou?  

59.Does Zhou do well in making long﹣range shots?  

60.What do you think of Zhou's future?  

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Mary is a book lover.She could read by (61)   (her) at the age of four.Last year,she decided to try out for a volunteer after﹣school reading program.She still works there once a week to help kids learn to read."The kids are (62)   (sit) in the library,but you can see in their (63)   (eye) that they're going on a (64)   (differently) journey with each new book.Volunteering here is a dream come true for me.I can do what I love to do (65)   help others at the same time."

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[Bob and his mother are visiting the security education show(安全教育展)]

M:Bob,come here.There are many pictures.


M:About traffic safety.

B:Uh﹣huh.It seems boring.


B:Maybe,right.Mum,look at this picture,A girl is hit by a car when she is running across the street.(68)  

M:So it is!

B:(69)   That can help us keep safe.

M:Yes.Let's go to another hall.

B:(70)  .Let's go.

A.How terrible!

B.It's my pleasure.

C.Good idea!

D.What do you think of them?

E.What are they about?

F.It is educational to everyone.

G.I think we must follow traffic rules.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


A rich man was trying to find his daughter a birthday gift when he saw a poor man with beautiful white horse.(71)He told the man that he would give him500 for the horse

The poor man answered."Sir,it doesn't look so good."And he walked away.

The next day the rich man came back.He would give the poor man﹩1,000 for the horse.

The poor man said again,"Sir,it doesn't look so good."

(72)在第三天,the rich man took out $2,000 for the horse.

He said he wouldn't take no for an answer.The poor man said OK.

(73)Then the rich man took the horse home

(74)富人的女儿很喜欢这个礼物.She climbed onto the horse,but then the horse ran into a tree.It turned out that the horse was blind.The rich man ran to see the poor man.He asked for a reason.The poor man said,"I told you.(75)It doesn't look so good."






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Do you often throw away things you don't need anymore?Have you ever thought about how these things can actually be put to good use?Nothing is a waste if you have a creative mind.We should rethink,reuse,recycle!We should save the earth!(45words) Savetheearth 

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亲爱的同学们,你们喜欢阅读吗?阅读能给我们带来快乐,获取知识,增长见识,但有一些同学占用了大部分业余时间去上网,玩游戏等.为此,怀化市各中小学开展"好书伴我成长"活动,倡议同学们多读书,读好书,让读书成为我们生活的一部分.请你根据活动主题并结合表格中所给的信息,以"Growing up with good books"为题,用英语写一篇倡议书.

We can …

1)get knowledge

2)open our minds

Some students

1)watch TV

spend much time…

2)go on the Internet

We should…

1)read more books

2)let it become a part of our life…






Growing up with good books

My dear friends,

Reading is very important.       

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