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John: Hi, Jack! Nice to meet you!

Jack: Hi, John! Nice to meet you, too!

John: How time flies! We are leaving school soon.(1)   

Jack: I've no idea. What about you?

John: I plan to have some fruits for sale in the street to make money for my study.(2)   

Jack: Sounds great! What kinds of fruits are you going to sell?

John:(3)   Would you like to join me?

Jack: Yes, I'd love to.(4)   

John:We should make a poster.(5)   

Jack:Good. Let's try our best to make it a success.

A. What should we do first?

B. I want to sell apples and pears.

C. Who will come to buy our fruits?

D. And I will get them by myself from the county side.

E. What are you going to do during the summer vacation?

F.I think it's very difficult to sell our apples and pears to others.

G. It makes our neighbors know we are selling the freshest fruits nearby.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Cartoon Museum

Come and see the best cartoon art. There is something wonderful for everyone﹣ popular cartoon characters and a big shop full of funny books,cards and so on.

Price:¥4. 00

Opening time: 10:00 a.m. ﹣ 5:00 p.m.

Hope Hotel

Tel: (010)50693817

Website: www. hopehotel. com. cn

Opening time

Coffee shop: 9:30 a. m. ﹣ 7:30 p. m.

Tea room:

10:30 am﹣4:30 p.m.Pub(酒吧):12:30 p. m. ﹣ midnight

Daqing Farm

Come and relax. You can see all kinds of flowers and crops.

Tel: (010)79829936.

Email: sales@daqingfarm. com.

Website: www. daqingfarm. com. cn

Price:¥20. 00 adult;¥15.00 child

Opening time:Summer 10:0a.m. ﹣ 5:30 p.m.

Winter 10:00 a.m. ﹣ 4:30 p.m.

Sea Life Center

Different shows include an hourly feeding time for different animal~.You can walk through a big glass tunnel(隧 道) and see big fish swimming, sometimes even over your head,

¥50.00 for adults, ¥25. 00 for students,

¥10. 00 for over 60 and under 7 years old.

Opening time: 10:00 a. m. ﹣ 5:00 p. m.

Website: www. sealifecenter. com. cn

(1)We can't find   on the website.


Cartoon Museum


Hope Hotel


Daqing Farm


Sea Life Center

(2)Which is the proper time to go to the Tea room at the Hope Hotel?   


9:30 a.m. ﹣ 7:30 p. m.


10:00 a.m.﹣5:00 p.m.


11:30 a.m. ﹣ 6:30 p. m.


11:00 a.m. ﹣ 3:00 p. m.

(3)How much should a 68 ﹣ year ﹣ old man and a student in Grade 9 pay for a visit to the Sea Life Center together?   









  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Safety is very important to everyone. As a teenager, do you know how to protect yourself in different situations?

If there is a warning sign near the water, don't go into it. Only swim in the area where there is a lifeguard. Never swim alone. When you see someone drowning(湖水), never jump into the water if you can't swim. Remember to ask adults for help in time. When you go boating, you must wear a life vest(救生衣).

Some strangers may give you snacks or other things to show kindness. They may also invite you to his or her home, offer you a ride, or ask you for detailed information about you or your family. Say no to themand leave as fast as you can. If you find yourself in danger, shout "Help!" loudly or find out a safe way to get help. The strangers around you, such as the police a security guard(保安), a shop assistant or even a passer ﹣ by can help you.

Stay away from places that are very crowded. Once you go, watch out your feet and avoid falling down. When people around begin to push, try to stand sill and never push harder. If you fall down in the moving crowd, cover your head with both hands. Lean(倚靠) to one side, and curl up(蜷起) your body.

(1)When someone drowns, you should   


run away at once


call other children for help


ask adults for help in time


jump into the water directly even if you can't swim

(2)What does the underlined word "them" refer to?   






Your family.


The police.

(3)Which is NOT mentioned in the passage?   


Water Safety.


Meeting strangers.


Traffic accidents.


Avoiding getting hurt in a crowd,

(4)The passage may be from   


a fashion magazine


a newspaper


a business ad


a fiction book

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

What will you do in your spare time? Have you ever seen a windsock(风向袋) blowing in the wind? Well, you can make one of your own! This is an interesting project that you can do with things you may have. You just need to follow a few easy steps.

Prepare one piece of heavy colored paper, five ribbons(丝带)strong tape(胶带),a string and a pencil at first,.

Step 1; Draw pictures on the paper. You can write your name on it Do anything that will make it different from others.

Step 2: Make the paper into the shape of a tube(管). Then stick the tube together with the strong tape at each end and in the middle.

Step 3: Use the pencil to make a hole into both sides of the tube. The holes should be only on one end of the tube. Pull the string through both holes. Then tie the ends of the sting together.

Step4: Now make five holes around the top of the other end of the tube. Put a ribbon through each of the holes. Tie a knot in the end. Make sure the knots are bigger than the holes.

Now your windsock is ready. But how does it work? The shape of the tube plays an important part. Wind blows through the tube and makes it fly and dance around.Hold the windsock up in the air by its string and run around. It will fly in the wind. You can also hang it outside and watch it dance around on its own.

(1)Which of the following things do you need for Step 2?   




Strong tape.


A string.


A pencil.

(2)Which step will make your windsock different from others?   


Step 1.


Step 2.


Step 3.


Step 4.

(3)What is probably the most important to make a windsock work?   


The color of the pictures.


The knots in the end.


The strong tape.


The shape of the tube.

(4)What did the writer mainly tell us?   


How to give an art lesson.


How to make a windsock.


What a windsock is like.


What you'll do after school.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Lang Ping who is called "Iron Hammer" (铁榔头) helped China win Olympic women's volleyball gold medals in Los Angeles 1984 and Rio de Janeiro 2016. To her fans' happiness, she was chosen to be the chief coach of the Chinese national team.

Lang Ping became the first person to win a volleyball gold medal as a coach and player. Her Chinese team beat the Serbians by 19 ﹣ 25,25﹣ 17,25 ﹣ 22,25 ﹣ 23 in the Rio de Janeiro championship match. Everyone cheered and was proud of the team.

Lang Ping always challenges her players to find ways to improve sills. She is very strict with them.But she also takes good care of them to reduce their burdenlike a mother at the same time.

To get ready for the Tokyo Olympic Games, Lang Ping tries her best to make plans for the team. "I'm looking for new talents and the whole team would start a new journey. I will concentrate on the team direction and training young coaches. We'll never give up," said Lang Ping.

We should remember that every great team has a great coach. And the fighting spirit of the Chinese women's volleyball team needs to be passed down generation after generation.

(1)China won Olympic women's volleyball gold medals after beating   in 2016.







D. Brazilians

(2)What's the meaning of the underlined word "burden"?   









(3)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?   


Lang Ping pays less attention to the team direction.


Lang Ping is the first coach of the Chinese women's volleyball team.


Lang Ping always cares for the women's volleyball team members.


Chinese women's volleyball team only won the Olympic gold medals in 2016.

(4)What does the passage mainly talk about?   


A great volleyball coach.


How to play volleyball well.


Chinese women's volleyball team.


The fighting spirit of the Chinese women's volleyball team.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Recycling has become more and more important. As time goes by, it is rapidly changing around the world.(1)   

More goods will be made of reused materials.You'll find more clothing,toys,park benches that are made of recycled water bottles.Buildings and furniture are made of renewable wood and steel.(2)   

Consumers(消费者) will become cleverer. Shoppers will turn to companies that produce green products.(3)   . They want to know how the materials come from, how food is grown and so on.

Less plastic packaging(包装). We find it difficult to open a bottle of pills or a new toy and it's a waste of resources. Don't use plastic bags when we go shopping.(4)   . Everyone should be a greener person though it will probably take longer for all plastics to disappear.

Actions speak louder than words (5)   . Companies should make efforts to reduce materials for packaging as well. The government will take measures to change the situation. In the next ten years,we'll still have a long way to go.

A. Do you pick up plastics every day?

B. We should take a cloth bag instead.

C. Everyone should use reusable products.

D. What will recycling be like in ten years?

E. Waste is finally treated as a material.

F. These consumers care a lot about the environment.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

This is a story of an old man.I have seen him for years but never paid(1) ____   attention to him.He always (2)   a red hat and carried a rubbish bag.He usually spent his lunchtime(3)   around in that factory. He(4)   those used tins (罐)there.

One day, I was fixing one of the(5)    machines when this"tin man" came with his bag wearing his hat.(6)   , he picked up the tins, which were all around the place. My manager was standing there and watching us.

Several minutes(7)   ,I heard my manager ask him,"How do you(8)    those tins you have picked up?""I will give them to my(9)   .He has neither the wife nor the child.What's (10)   , his left leg got hurt badly. He has(11)   in making a living," said the"tin man". I was (12)   to hear that. I never thought about it(13)    I always considered that the"tin man" would take them to the recycling center. So I asked him,"You mean you collect tins (14)   helping your neighbor?" "I know this does not help much," he said. "But I'll keep trying. He needs help."

The story of the"tin man" was really(15)   . As the saying goes,"Roses given, fragrance in hand."

(1)A. some


C. many

D. any


B. left

C. wore

D. lent

(3)A. walking

B. visiting

C. throwing

D. showing

(4)A. sold

B. collected

C. bought

D. brought

(5)A. drawn

B. stolen

C. fallen

D. broken

(6)A. In fact

B. At last

C. As usual

D. So far

(7)A. then

B. before

C. after

D. later

(8)A. take out

B. deal with

C. get rid of

D. put away

(9)A. wife

B. relative

C. neighbor

D. child

(10)A. worse

B. better

C. wiser

D. luckier

(11)A. time

B. interest

C. trouble


(12)A. surprised

B. frightened

C. excited

D. disappointed

(13)A. but

B. because

C. so

D. whether

(14)A. about

B. from

C. with

D. for

(15)A. moving

B. boring

C. exciting

D. relaxing

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I grew up in a small town in Italy. One morning my dad told me to drive him to a village,about 18 miles(1)   . Then he asked me to take the car to a nearby garage for a service(保养). Thinking that I just had my driving license, and I hardly had the (2)  _____ /tʃaːns / to use the car, I agreed happily. Then I drove to the garage and (3)  _____ (drop) off the car. Because there were still a few hours left, I decided to watch movies at a theatre near the garage. But I was two hours late when the last movie finished.

Dad could never let me drive again (4)   he knew what I did. So when I drove to the place where we had planned to meet and saw Dad waiting patiently on the corner. I told him that I came as (5)   (quick) as I could. I was late because the car needed some (6)   /'s peʃl/ repairs.

"I'm very sorry that you told me a lie, Jason.

"What do you mean, Dad? I'm telling the (7)t   . "

"I called the garage to ask if there were any problems.I'm angry not with you but with(8)m   .I've failed as a father, so I'll walk home now and think it over."

I begged all the way,telling him how sorry 1 was.But nothing helped. I had to drive (9)   /b ɪ′haɪnd/ him for 18 miles.

It was one of the most(10)   (pain) moments in my life. But it was the best lesson.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The home of tea is in China. It is said that tea was found by Shennong, a legendary(传说中的)ruler of ancient China about 5000 years ago. Some people say that tea is the national drink of China. There are mainly six kinds of tea in China, such as black tea, green tea, white tea, etc.

Many Chinese drink it almost every day.

Tea helps keep your mind clear. It's calorie ﹣ free and good for your heart. Also, tea can protect against cancer. So it becomes the most widely consumed(广泛饮用的) drink in the world next to water. To celebrate this popular drink, the United Nations has made May 21 stInternational Tea Day recently.

However, people in different countries have different ways to drink tea,In the US, sweet tea is popular. It is made with black tea, sugar and fruit. Unlike Chinese tea, sweet tea in the US is always served ice cold. Many years ago, only rich people drank it.

Black tea and sugar used to cost a lot of money. But now, anyone can drink it.

In the UK, people like to put milk in their tea, This gives it a nice taste. They usually drink it in the afternoon﹣ ﹣ this is called"tea time". They like to eat biscuits while drinking their tea.

During tea time, people take a break from work and relax.

If you never drink tea, you can try it. Maybe you'll find your favorite taste.

(1)   Culture in Different Countries


It has about five(2)   years of history.


● Tea helps keep your mind clear.

●It's calorie ﹣ free and good for your heart.

●It can(3)   against cancer.


In China

There are mainly six kinds of tea in China.

In the US

(4)   people didn't drink tea because it used to cost much money many years ago.

In the UK

People like to drink tea (5)   _____milk to relax themselves.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The world is a beautiful place in our eyes. But does it look the same through the eyes of animals?

Dogs can't see as many colors as we can. They can see blues, browns and yellows. They have fewer color ﹣ detecting cells(色彩感知细胞)than humans do.

Spiders have eight pairs of eyes. They can see more colors than humans. They can see ultraviolet light(紫外线). So they see things clearer than we do,Rats can move one eye in different directions while the other eye stops moving. It is to see their enemies better. They can't see many colors. It' s not necessary because they mainly come out at night, They are good at seeing bright light.

Horses have eyes on either side of their head. So they see wider than humans. They have a blind spot(盲点)in front of their nose. They can't see as many colors as humans do. They can see greens and blues, but most of the time they see grays.

(1)What colors can dogs see? (不超过9个词)   

(2)How many eyes does a spider have? (不超过8个词)   

(3)When do rats mainly come out? (不超过8个词)   

(4)Why do horses see wider than humans? (不超过12 个词)   

(5)Which topic is better, "World through animals' eyes" or "Different kinds of animals"?(不超过8个词)   

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


One tree can't  

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


Summer is   water sports.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


Up to now, I   for seven years.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


The novel The Little Prince  

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


The whole nation must work together   we can overcome difficulties.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

我们在追逐青春梦想的同时,不能忽视"劳动最光荣"的优良传统.专家指出,经常做家务不仅能锻炼我们的动手能力,还能增强我们的责任感.想要做最好的自己,就从做家务开始吧!请以"To be a helper of my family"为题目写一篇英语短文.



要求:1.书写规范,词数60 ﹣ 100;




参考词汇:make the bed, wash the dishes, do some washing/leaning/looking, look after,deligent(勤劳的) ,hard﹣working, responsible, be satisfied with, confident…

To be a helper of my family


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知