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When I first arrived in Taiwan to teach English, I had already taken several courses in university on Mandarin Chinese. I had done well in those courses and enjoyed them very much. I thought I would be able to have a conversation with Chinese speakers and improve my Chinese in the process.
However, as soon as I settled in Taiwan I became afraid to speak. Seeing all of the signs written in Chinese, constantly overhearing long streams of spoken Chinese, and seeing the effortless fluency of some foreigners who had been there for a while, I began to doubt my own ability to speak Chinese. It’s proved that things were different outside of the classroom.
What really happened to me was what happens every day to Chinese language learners. I became afraid and nervous at the foreignness of the language. Something happened a few weeks later. I tried to spend a lot of time in public, and the sound of spoken Chinese was becoming more ordinary to me. Despite the fact that I had not been practicing my Chinese and I had not consulted my vocabulary flashcards. I begin to notice some words that I recognized from my courses in university. At first, I heard only one word. “dianhua”- telephone. After that, I begin hearing other words. Sometimes, I would hear a couple of words in one sentence.
More and more words began to stand out to me. I started studying Chinese characters and began to be able to read small blocks of text in the advertisements. When I really began speaking in Chinese to Chinese people I met, I began to learn Chinese fast and the smiles that I received in return were a fantastic reward for the work that I had done in learning the language. It was a great feeling to order food from a restaurant in Chinese, or to make a comment about the weather to the lady who works at the bank.
What can we conclude from the passage?

A.The author is sharing his Spoken Chinese experience.
B.The author is a fearful and cautious man.
C.The author didn’t get good grades at university.
D.The author couldn’t adjust to the life of Taiwan.

According to the passage we know that_______.

A.Chinese dishes and weather attract the author deeply.
B.the author thought he could talk with Chinese in mandarin before he arrived in Taiwan.
C.the author failed to improve his spoken Chinese.
D.the language in reality is just the same as that taught in classroom.

Why does the author doubt his ability to speak Chinese at first?

A.Everything in Taiwan is different from that in America.
B.People often misunderstand the author on purpose.
C.Other foreigners can’t communicate with him.
D.He has difficulty understanding the native language.

What do you know about the author in the passage?

A.He only enjoys talking with the local people in Chinese.
B.He can speak fluent Chinese when ordering meals at last.
C.He loves to make a comment on woman.
D.He has been rewarded for speaking Chinese.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Do you love hamburgers? Do you how they were created?
The first hamburgers in U.S. history were served in New Haven, Connecticut, at Louis’ Lunch sandwich shop in 1895. Louis Lassen, founder of Louis’ Lunch, ran a small lunch wagon selling steak sandwiches to local factory workers. Because he didn’t like to waste the excess beef from his daily lunch rush, he ground it up, grilled it, and served it between two slice of bread—and thus America’s first hamburger was created.
The small Crown Street restaurant is still owned and operated by the third and fourth generations of the Lassen family. Hamburgers are still the specialty of the house, where steak is ground fresh each day and hand molded, slow cooked, broiled vertically, and served between two slices of toast with your choice of only three “acceptable” garnishes: cheese, tomato, and onion.
Want ketchup or mustard? Forget it. You will be told “no” in no uncertain terms. This is the home of the greatest hamburger in the world, claim the owners, who are perhaps best known for allowing their customers to have a burger the Lassen way or not at all.
Why did Louis Lassen start making hamburgers?

A.Because he didn’t want to waste excess beef.
B.Because he wanted to earn more money.
C.Because he would like to make something special.
D.Because he was the founder of Louis’ Lunch.

Which of the following is not available for customers to choose from at Louis Lunch?

A.Cheese. B.Tomato.
C.Mustard. D.Onion.

What does the underlined words “Crown Street restaurant” in the third paragraph refer to?

A.A restaurant on the Crown Street.
B.A restaurant called Crown Street.
C.Louis’ Lunch sandwich shop.
D.A new chain shop of Louis’ Lunch on Crown Street.

The best title of this article is________.

A.The Creation of hamburgers
B.Louis’ Lunch
C.A king of fast-food----Hamburgers
D.Why People Love Hamburgers
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Ambassador Hotel
Welcome to the Ambassador Hotel. To make your stay as enjoyable as possible, we hope you will use our facilities to the full.
Dining Room
Breakfast is served in the dining room from 8 a.m. to 9 a. m.  Alternatively, the room staff will bring a breakfast tray to your room at any time after 7 a.m. In this case, please fill out a card and hang it outside your door when you go to bed.
Lunch: 12:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Dinner: 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Room Service
This operate 24 hours a day; phone the Reception Desk(接待处), and your message will be passed to the room staff.
To make a phone call, dial 0 for Reception and ask to be connected. We apologize for delays in putting calls through when the staff are very busy. There are also pubic telephone booths(电话亭) near the Reception Desk. Early calls should be booked with Reception.
We have a laundry in the hotel, and will wash, iron and return your clothes within 24 hours. Ask the room staff to collect them.
The hotel bar is open from 12 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 1 a.m.
You would most probably see this notice_______.

A.in a hotel bar
B.in a bedroom of a large hotel
C.in a hotel dining room.
D.at the entrance of a small hotel.

What should you do if you arrive at the hotel at 2 p.m. and want something to eat?

A.go to the hotel shop.
B.go to the hotel bar.
C.hang a message outside your door.
D.phone the Reception Desk.

What should you do if you want to make an important call but the staffs around the Reception Desk are very busy?

A.wait at the Reception Desk.
B.go to your room and phone from there.
C.go out and look for a public box.
D.use one of the phones in the entrance hall.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Students usually have two long holidays a year, but have you heard elephants have holidays?
The Indian elephants from a temple are sent on a north-long holiday with massages(按摩) and baths to relax. The 64 elephants will be fed with a lot of food, enough for them to put on 700~800 pounds.
A temple veterinarian said that those Indian elephants would be treated after spending a month walking on roads, living on leaves and bananas and giving shows during lots of temple festivals. Their daily diet includes special rice and other special food, which are very nutritious and can make them healthy and strong. All of these are made by professional people.
This treatment will also calm them down ahead of a busy work schedule in upcoming events later in the year where they are the main attractions. The special holiday has cost the temple about£12,500, but extra money is ready for being used to treat the animals.
Indians believe that doing something good to elephants can help them get wisdom and power. Having elephants is a traditional symbol of honor for temples across southern India. All temples, however, never buy their elephants. The elephants were donated by people.
The Indian elephants can have a __________ holiday.

A.day’s B.week’s C.month’s D.year’s

The elephants can do the following during their holiday EXCEPT_____.

A.eating delicious food
B.giving performances
C.taking a shower
D.having a massage

What does the underlined word “nutritious” in Paragraph 3 mean?

A.大量的 B.有营养的 C.昂贵的 D.美味的

People give these elephants a special holiday in order to ______.

A.save a lot of money
B.make friends with them
C.make their temples famous
D.make them get ready for the coming work.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It is well known that the increasing population problem is one of the greatest challenges in the world. ____  It has caused serious problems for many countries.
A report from the UN says the world’s population keeps on rising at a speed of about 78 million people every year. ____ In fact, population growth has slowed or even stopped in developed countries.
_________ On the one hand, it may lead to wars, hungers, illness and so on. On the other hand, the more people there are, the more natural resources we need. _____
At the beginning of the 21st century, more than a billion people don’t have enough necessaries: medicine, water, houses and so on. ______

A.As a result, too many trees have been cut down and forests have disappeared in some places.
B.Luckily, people are trying to find ways to solve the problem.
C.Some countries encourage their people to have more babies.
D.Some scientists said that population growth would lead to many problems.

E. Most of the growth is taking place in developing countries.
F. The people in developed countries are cleverer.
G. The world’s population is growing faster and faster.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Presently selfie (自拍) is popular among many young persons, even some elders. Danny Bowman was so crazy about it in order to attract girls when he was at school. He spent 10 hours a day   ________ more than 200 selfies trying to find the  ________  one.
He would take 10 photos of ________before he washed and would go ________ class secretly three times every hour. At 16, he dropped out of school________   he could throw himself into his addiction, and he ate  ________.He did not leave his house for six months, and when he failed to take the perfect picture, he tried to  ________   himself by taking an overdose(过度用药). His mother, Penny,   ________    to save him, and forced him to ask for help after his addiction had become ________     .
Then 19-year-old, believed to be Britain's first selfie  ________ , is now under special treatment ________    . He has not taken a picture of himself in seven months and has ________  that achieving perfection is  ________  . He told the Sunday Mirror, "I was constantly ________the perfect selfie and when I realized I couldn't, I wanted to die. I   ________ my friends, my education, my health and almost my life. The only thing I ________   about was having my phone with me so that I could satisfy the desire for a picture of myself at any time of the day." He expressed his   ________   to the doctors and said their help kept him ________  and called on others to ask for help __________ they ended up in hospital.
One psychologist at a clinic  ________ Danny was treated said the addiction to taking
selfies has now become a mental illness.

A.getting B.making C.taking D.having

A.good B.perfect C.beautiful D.comfortable

A.himself B.his teacher C.the classroom D.others’

A.into B.away C.inside D.out of

A.because B.so that C.but D.as if

A.nothing B.more C.everything D.less

A.surprise B.calm C.kill D.thank

A.failed B.managed C.succeeded D.decided

A.in order B.out of date C.under control D.out of control

A.killer B.addict C.winner D.loser

A.in hospital B.at home C.at school D.at work

A.recognized B.expected C.realized D.imagined

A.unpleasant B.impossible C.possible D.necessary

A.in search of B.in need of C.in memory of D.in favor of

A.missed B.left C.lost D.got

A.dreamed B.talked C.cared D.worried

A.sadness B.happiness C.regret D.thanks

A.patient B.alive C.wise D.wealthy

A.after B.until C.while D.before

A.where B.which C.how D.when
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。
One afternoon, Wang Kun and his sister Wang Wei sat in the yard talking about their dream       taking a bike trip along the Mekong River. They began their trip from     it begins to where it ends. During their trip, they happened to witness an earthquake, In fifteen seconds, a large city lay in_____ (ruin), and a number of people _______  (injure) or killed. But all hope was not lost. The rescue team      (organize) breath by the army came to help those   __   (survive) and slowly the city began to   __  again.  Wang Wei said, “They are the heroes of the city and the people injured in the earthquake”.  “Yes, they remind me of another hero who helped the black people to fight ______the white people to make black and white people_________.(equality)” Wang Kun said.  Heroes are different, but heroes are_____.(same) What they had done is to help people live a peaceful life.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处错误, 每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(), 并在其下面写出改加的词。
注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
In the summer holiday, we travelled to Qingdao and paid a visit my uncle there. It’s a tired and boring journey. But the moment I arrived, I fallen in love with the city. It’s so a beautiful city that I can hardly find any word to describe it. The streets are cleaned and the sky is blue. If you walk along the coast, you can feel the wind blow on your face. The sea is vast and sometimes you can find a boat or a ship. You may also do some fishing as possible as it is permit. However, I think the drivers there driving too fast in the street. Your can never be too carefully when crossing the street.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Rilla 将她的烦恼写在了博客上并征求大家的建议。假如你是吉林的李丹,请了解她的烦恼,根据以下提示写出你的建议,要求100词左右,建议的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。
1. 孩子应尊重父母;
2. 父母经验丰富;
3. 父母的要求是对你的成长有好处的。
4. 多同父母交流沟通;
5. ………
词语提示:respect  v.﹠n.尊重
responsible adj. 有责任感的
demand v.﹠n. 要求
Here is Rilla’s problem on the Blog:
My problem is my parents. They never stop going on about (唠叨) how I should keep my room clean, keep my hair tidy and wear smart clothes. They even make me do the washing-up after dinner every night! None of my friends have got such terrible parents. What should I do?
Rilla , the USA
Hi , Rilla. I think you are lucky to have such good parents.
Li Dan , Jilin

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知