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2016 International Summer School
The 2016 University of Cambridge International Summer Schools will run in Cambridge from 6 July to 22 August 2016. Our programs give you the opportunity to meet award-winning lecturers, stay and dine in one of the historic Cambridge Colleges and enjoy a range of weekend excursions(游览)and social activities. To sign up for a program simply apply online, or download an application form from our website. Places on courses and in-college accommodation are limited, so we encourage applicants to apply early to avoid disappointment.
This year we will be offering specialist programs in: Ancient Empires, Literature, History, Medieval Studies and new for 2016, Creative Writing and Hanseatic League. If you are looking to study a number of different subject areas, the Interdisciplinary Summer School is ideal. It is divided into three terms, Interdisciplinary Summer School Term I, Interdisciplinary Summer School Term II and Interdisciplinary Summer School Term III, covering a wide range of subjects including politics, philosophy, economics, literature, history and international relations. You can opt to do one or two terms. But most students choose all the three terms.
The Cambridge English for Academic Purposes program combines a two-week intensive(强化)language course with a two-week academic program. This allows students to put into practice the language skills they have learned during the first two weeks of the program. Applicants will also have the opportunity to sign up for weekend excursions and take part in various events.
If you want to join us in 2016, please click here to download a copy of brochure(手册). If you want to find out more information about 2016 International Summer School, you can visit www.ice.cam.ac.uk/intsummer. (CLICK HERE)
What our students say
“The entire experience was even better than I expected. I absolutely loved it.” Sally, USA
“I believe that the Science International Summer School was a fulfilling experience. I think that everyone should attend this Summer School at least once in a lifetime.” Dominika, Poland
What should people do if they want to sign up for a program in this ad?

A.They should go to Cambridge by plane.
B.They should phone Cambridge.
C.They should call for an application form.
D.They should apply for the program online.

Why are the applicants encouraged to apply early?

A.The earlier they apply, the less they will pay.
B.If they apply late, they have to live out of Cambridge College.
C.There are not enough places for the courses or in-college accommodation.
D.The reason is not mentioned in the passage.

What’s the meaning of the underlined word in Paragraph 3?

A.To avoid doing a duty
B.To choose to do
C.To decide not to be part of a group
D.To decide on
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One day I was driving home with a woman. She rolled down the window, fifty feet away from the driveway and spit her gum (口香糖)out of the window. “Couldn’t you just wait five seconds and put your gum where it belongs?” I asked, annoyed.
She was not the only one who was gum-lazy. Consider the following. Every time I brush chewed gum under my desk, I shake with fright. At Folsom Middle School, whenever I had to walk by the gum wall next to the girls’ locker room, I felt totally disgusted. When I was young, I walked outside during my dance show in my ballet shoes, always stepping right on a big and juicy piece of bubble gum. I was extremely upset.
The worst part of all these incidents is that a trash can is located near. But some people are too lazy to walk towards it.
If you can’t be a responsible gum chewer, don’t chew at all. That’s all I’m going to say.
Take Singapore as a good example. The chewing gum ban in Singapore was placed. It bans the import and sale of chewing gum in Singapore, whether for the purpose of trade or personal chewing. However, the ban has been partly lifted with some types of gum, such as medical gum, allowable. This comes with the warning that it is sold only by a druggist, who has to take down the names of buyers. Obviously, the Singapore government gets angry at gum stuck in keyholes of mailboxes and on elevator buttons.
Not only is it annoying, but chewing gum can actually do harm to the health. Most gum contains aspartame (阿斯巴甜), a chemical sweetener(增甜剂)that the US government is now deciding whether or not it is a deadly chemical. If it is, it may cause cancer. Other studies suggest that aspartame may cause neurological(神经系统的)disorders. Therefore, aspartame is not allowed to use in the US.
So just say no to chewing gum.
What did the author think of the woman’s behavior?

A.It was strange. B.It was unacceptable.
C.It was dangerous. D.It was violent.

According to Paragraph 2, the author _________.

A.stepped on a piece of gum while dancing
B.cleaned gum under her desk sometimes
C.was troubled by chewed gum
D.often found chewed gum in her locker

What do we know about aspartame?

A.It is proved to be a harmless chemical.
B.It is the cause of many kinds of cancer..
C.It is being refused by the US government.
D.It is the main ingredient of chewing gum.

What is the main purpose of the text?

A.To advise people against chewing gum.
B.To criticize people who are lazy.
C.To persuade people to buy medical gum.
D.To make comments on the ban in Singapore.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

March 21 has been declared World Sleep Day, a time to recognize and celebrate the value of sleep. Many sleep experts hope it will be a wake-up call.
According to a poll (民意调查)by the National Sleep Foundation, nearly 4 in 5 Americans don’t get as much sleep as they should during the workweek. On average, adults are thought to need at least eight hours of sleep a night, although some can manage with less and some won’t do well without more. But the survey found that, on workdays, only 21% of Americans actually get a full eight hours of sleep, and another 21% get less than six.
To many of us, the thought of spending more time sleeping is, well, a big yawn. On the other hand, the thought of being smarter, thinner, healthier and more cheerful has a certain appeal. And those are just a few of the advantages that can be ours if we consistently get enough sleep, researchers say. Also on the plus side: We’re likely to have better skin, better memories, better judgment, and, oh, yes, longer lives.
“When you lose even one hour of sleep for any reason, it influences your performance the next day,” says Dr. Alon Avidan, director of the UCLA Sleep Disorders Center.
A study published last year found the same to be true even of children. When kids aged 8 to 12 slept for just one hour less for four nights, they didn’t function as well during the day.
But sleeping has an image problem. “We see napping or sleeping as lazy,” says Jennifer Vriend, a clinical psychologist in Ottawa, Canada, and the leading author of the study with children. “We put so much emphasis on diet, nutrition and exercise. Sleep is in the back seat.”  In fact, she adds, no matter how much we work out, no matter how well we eat, we can’t be in top physical shape unless we also get plenty of sleep.
The underlined part in Paragraph 1 means _____.

A.To wake up the sleepers
B.To draw people’s attention
C.To serve as a morning call
D.To declare the special day

From Paragraph 3 we can infer that _______

A.Being healthier is one of the advantages for us
B.Sleeping has nothing to do with one’s expectations
C.Spending more time on sleeping is a waste of time
D.Enough sleep is the guarantee of the appealing things

What Jennifer Vriend said in the last paragraph implies that _______.

A.Sleeping is an image problem
B.People care little about sleeping
C.Lazy people tend to sleep long
D.Sleeping is only part of our life

What is the purpose of the passage?

A.To talk about people’s sleeping problems.
B.To provide an investigation result of sleeping.
C.To arouse the awareness of enough sleeping.
D.To stress the function of sleeping at night.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The chimp didn’t feel well. She fell over, ignoring the other wild chimps. Finally, the sick chimp crawled over to a bush, picked some leaves and swallowed them. By the next afternoon, the chimp was as good as new!
Biologists watching the chimp were surprised. Somehow, the plant had cured the chimp! Did the chimp know the plant would make her feel better? Or was it just a lucky accident?
Many scientists don’t think it has anything to do with luck. They’re discovering that some animals seem to use plants to cure themselves. And these animals are leading scientists to new plants that could cure humans!
Dr. Richard Wrangham, an anthropologist at Harvard University, agrees that animals may know something we don’t know about forest plants.
Wrangham got to know chimps and their diets while studying them for three years in Tanzania. “You must know a lot about an animal’s feeding habits to know what it doesn’t consider food,” Wrangham explains. Every morning, he saw that most chimps ate fruit near their nests. Later on, they ate on leaves.
When he noticed chimps eating the leaves of a plant they usually ignored, Wrangham thought something interesting was going on---especially when he saw that they’d sometimes walk for 20 minutes to find the plant. Another strange thing that caught his eye was how they ate the bitter leaves.
“They swallowed the leaves whole,” explains Wrangham, noting that chimps usually chew their food well. “They seemed to rub(摩擦)the leaves around the roofs of their mouths. They closed their eyes, wrinkled their noses and swallowed slowly. ”
Wrangham wondered what could be so good about something tasting so bad. He had a chemist analyze the leaves. He discovered that the leaves contain a red oil that kills different viruses(病毒). Later tests showed that the oil might even fight cancer and the AIDS virus!
Why don’t the chimps chew the leaves? “Rubbing the leaves between the tongue and the inside of the mouth might allow the chemicals to enter the bloodstream directly,” he suggests, “instead of going to the stomach, where they might get destroyed by acids. The chimps seem to know what they’re doing.”
We can learn from the passage that _________.

A.chimps cure themselves by chewing plants
B.chemicals in plants help cure animals
C.scientists live with chimps to study their diets
D.Dr. Wrangham knows a lot about forest plants

How can Dr. Wrangham tell which plants are medicine for chimps?

A.By talking with the biologists.
B.By studying the chimps’ feeding habits.
C.By analyzing the chimps’ favorite food.
D.By comparing other scientists’ discoveries.

The author wrote the passage to ___________.

A.provide a solution B.test a theory
C.present a finding D.describe an experiment

What does the passage mainly talk about?

A.Animal doctors. B.Forest plants.
C.Chimp’s diets. D.A cure for cancer.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Wrong Reasons for Going to College
A college education can be priceless. _____ If any of these following factors had a big influence on your decision, you’re probably right to second-guess yourself.
◆Because someone else expects it from you.
Perhaps you come from a family where everyone goes to college. Or maybe, you’re the kid that everyone is proud to believe will be the first to get there. ________. It’s become so much a part of the air you breathe that you’ve never stopped to consider whether you want to go or whether you’re ready to go.
◆Because all your friends are going.
In only a few weeks’ time, the whole friend group will be scattered to a half dozen different colleges in a half dozen different places. _______Friends would wonder what’s wrong with you. Some would take it as a betrayal of the dreams you’ve dreamed together and the plans you’ve made.
It’s been tough to find even a summer job. You don’t have an alternative plan. Everyone else is doing it . You think you might as well go to school. That is the lamest of reasons to spend $20,000 or more in the next year.
◆Because you are afraid you’ll regret it if you don’t go.
Your uncle tells you that his one regret in life is that he didn’t go to college. Others tell you that they could have gone so much farther in their career if only they had a college education. ________ So this is not a persuasive reason for you to go to college.

A.Not to go would be set yourself apart.
B.Because you don’t know what else to do.
C.That’s much too fine.
D.It seems that for years everyone has just assumed that of course you’ll go.

E. Everyone seems more excited than you are.
F. But maybe in your heart you know that you are going for the wrong reasons.
G. Whatever the story is, there are always people who regret decisions they’ve made.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

My daughter and I finally got around to changing all the electronic pictures stored on our computers and cellphones into  ________ ones that we could actually hold in our hands and________ photo albums. It was amazing looking through decades of our lives.
There I was not even 5 years old. I looked at that boy and all those   ________    versions of myself for a long time. I wondered what I would say to them    ________ I had a chance. I knew that I would tell them to relax and not worry about life’s   ________ so much. I would tell them that they would solve all the problems they could and  ________ the ones they couldn’t. I would tell them to enjoy and ________   each day as it comes. I would tell them that every day has its own   ________  and simple pleasures and they should  ________them all. I would tell them to hug more, laugh more, and say “I love you” more. I would   ________ them to take in more sunsets and to________  the television every so often and go watch the stars. I would tell them to sing along with the radio and read a good book every ________ they get. I would tell them to ________  pass up the opportunity to pet a dog or ________ another human being. Most of all,  ________ ,I would tell them to just love,   ________  that’s what we are here to do.
________  , I know that none of us can go backward in this life. Life can only go ________  . As you go forward in your own life, always take with you the wisdom you have   ________, the kindness you have shared, and the ________   you have received. As you go forward, always try to be the best person you can be and always remember to just love and be loved in return.

A.colored B.expected C.printed D.idealized

A.take from B.put into C.cut off D.pick out

A.younger B.weaker C.happier D.newer

A.since B.unless C.as D.if

A.influences B.troubles C.changes D.failures

A.get through B.face with C.figure out D.run into

A.waste B.call C.win D.value

A.expectations B.ways C.delights D.plans

A.receive B.appreciate C.find D.provide

A.warn B.allow C.advise D.promise

A.switch on B.turn up C.discuss about D.turn off

A.chance B.reason C.success D.moment

A.always B.Sometimes C.never D.ever

A.welcome B.ask C.believe D.help

A.therefore B.though C.otherwise D.instead

A.because B.even if C.while D.as if

A.For example B.In conclusion C.Of course D.After all

A.well B.forward C.quickly D.smoothly

A.gained B.proved C.accepted D.doubted

A.attention B.prizes C.honors D.love
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Alibaba founder, Jack Ma graduated from the Hangzhou Teacher’s Institute in 1988 with a major in English language education, and went on to teach at another university in the city. He gave up   university teaching job after      (discover)the Internet.
Ma became excited __  the Internet during a visit to the United States in 1995 and wanted to find a way    (bring )the online world to China. In 1999, he persuaded friends to give him $60,000 to start an e-commerce firm called Alibaba.
Seeing an opportunity for small businesses to buy and sell their goods online, he started Alibaba, firstly running the company out of his apartment in the     (east) city of Hangzhou. Alibaba Group includes Tmall.com for business-to-consumer trade and Taobao, China’s  (popular )online consumer marketplace with hundreds of millions of products and services listed. Now the company is    Internet giant and Ma—a former English teacher---is among China’s most super-rich.
On his long road to riches, Jack Ma says his     (inspire) has been the film character Forrest Gump.
“I like that guy. I  (watch) that movie about 10 times,” he said in an interview with CNBC.
“Every time I get frustrated, I watch that movie.”
Ma said the lesson he learned from the film featuring Tom Hanks was    “no matter what changes, you are you. I’m still the guy I was 15 years ago when I earned $20 a month.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Dear Chris,
Here are good news for you. A famous Opera, Butterfly Lovers, will put on this Saturday. Butterfly Lovers is one of the most tradition love story. I know you show great interest in Chinese culture, especially for the local operas. I hope this opportunity will not only make you happy, but also satisfies your interest in Chinese opera. If you can come, I suggest have a look at the museum near the theater after watch the opera. There, I believe, I can know the history of many Chinese operas, which can increase your knowledges about Chinese traditional operas. I’m looking forward to receiving your reply.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

1. 网络信息的特点;2. 如何分辨信息的真假;3. 如何处理不同的信息。
注意:1. 词数100左右(开头已为你写好,但不计入总词数);
2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
The Internet can be seen as a great source of information.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知