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It is a very common thing for a person to have a good friend. My good friend is Diana. She is a rich and proud girl. She often thinks that she is too good for anyone, so nobody wants to be her friend.
One day after school, I was waiting for Diana when Vivien came up to me. She gave me a biscuit. I accepted it. We talked and joked, and from then on, I began to spend more time with Vivien than with Diana. I felt a little uneasy.
After a few days, I went to see Diana with some snacks when Vinien came and sat with me. She offered me a sandwich. She also offered one to Diana, but Diana refused it. She walked away. I was angry with Diana for being so rude(无礼的).
“Never mind.” Vivien said, “I’m used to it.”
After school, I tried to catch up with Diana. While walking home, I tried to correct her attitude(态度), but she didn’t listen to me. She said, “Go and join your dear Vivien. I know you make a new friend and forget the old one.”
For the next few weeks, we didn’t talk to each other. Then one day, Diana came to Vivien and me, saying, “I’m really sorry about what I did. Would you please forgive me?” Vivien and I looked at each other and smiled. From then on, Diana, Vivien and I have been best friends.
The writer was angry with Diana ___________.

A.because she was too good for anyone
B.when Diana refused Vivien’s sandwich
C.though she asked the writer to forgive me
D.when she was waiting for Vivien

Vivien’s words “I’m used to it.”show that __________.

A.someone refused to give her things
B.Vivien used to be rude to others
C.she cared a lot about it
D.Diana had been rude to her before

Diana asked Vivien and the writer to forgive her because ___________.

A.they didn’t spend much time with her
B.she realized she was wrong
C.Vivien and the writer didn’t talk to her
D.she was rich and proud girl

According to the passage, it is clear that ____________.

A.Diana, Vivien and the writer became good friends at last
B.Diana didn’t like the sandwich
C.Vivien didn’t want to make new friends at all
D.the writer forgot her old friend after she had a new one
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Dear Alice,
I heard from you three days ago. I’m all right.
Good news! We moved to a new flat yesterday! There are more rooms here than in our old one. You know, I shared a room with my sister in the old flat. But now I have my own bedroom! It is small but it’s my favorite room! I can be alone in it. I can read books, draw pictures, listen to my radio and play CDs. I can also play games on my computer and send e-mails to my friends.
I also love the new bigger kitchen. I love helping my mother with our meals. Mom cooks well. She always teaches me how to make different kinds of dishes. She lived in China when she was young, so she can cook Chinese food. It’s delicious.
Write to me soon and tell me about your home. Please get on the Internet so that we can chat with each other.
All good wishes!
Lily and her family moved to a new flat __________.

A.yesterday B.last week
C.last month D.three days ago

Lily is very happy mainly because ________.

A.she has just heard from Alice
B.she has got her own bedroom
C.she has a bigger bedroom now
D.she shares a room with her sister

Lily ________ on her computer.

A.reads books and draws pictures
B.learns to make different dishes
C.plays CDs and listens to the radio
D.plays games and sends e-mails

From the letter we know all the following EXCEPT that ________.

A.there is a computer in Lily’s room
B.Lily often helps her mother cook
C.Lily’s mother is good at cooking
D.Lily’s mother is Chinese
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Even though Brisbane is all about sun and surfing during the summer, spring time still brings a nice change to the place. That entire region is known as the gold coast, and it extends miles and miles of beaches with some of the best surfing condition in the world. In fact, you would be more pressed for time if you are just visiting, because there is so much for the nature buffs to see. They can see the wild animals and quiet and beautiful environment, and there are many interesting activities for them to do.
If you are going there to relax then it’s probably safe to say that you want your hotel with a quiet and relaxing environment. You may even want to stay at a place like Urban Hotels located in Brisbane. You have everything you need right there in the hotel. A trip to Brisbane should not be spent indoors, especially during spring time when you have all of that natural beauty that surrounds you. The Botanical(植物) Gardens is a must to see during spring because plants have come to life from the cold weather and you get to see more flowers after a boring and cold winter. There are plenty of sports sites for you to visit, where you can do some climbing, boating and cycling. You can enjoy the fresh spring air and get some exercise at the same time. If you are in the mood for a bit of culture, then you can visit some of the galleries and museums located throughout the city. You can even go on a cruise(乘船游览) up the river.
It’s not quite the right time for surfing in spring, but surfing is still good in some places if you are brave enough to hit the water.
The region of Brisbane is famous for         .

A.miles and miles of beautiful beaches
B.its gold coast and the surfing condition
C.wild animals and the botanical gardens
D.the quiet and beautiful environment

What does the underlined word “buffs” in paragraph 1 mean?

A.Fans of something.
B.Plants that are special.
C.Animals that are special.
D.People who live there.

The writer advises you to visit the galleries and museums         .

A.when you have plenty of time
B.when you want to have a rest
C.if you are interested in art and culture
D.if you want to learn more about Brisbane

The text is written mainly to tell readers that          .

A.it is wonderful to surf in Brisbane
B.Brisbane has many attractions to see
C.it is good to visit Brisbane in spring
D.there are many sports sites in Brisbane
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Here’s something to think about the next time you ask your teacher for help:trying hard to do schoolwork on your own can help you learn.According to a recent study,the more you try while you are learning new information,the better you can remember it later.
This might surprise you.When teachers are presenting new information,they often give students lots of help.But a new study shows this may not be the best way to support learning.“Don’t be too quick to get help when learning something new,”education expert Manu Kapur said.“Try to work on it yourself even if it means trying different ways.’’
Kapur came up with the idea that trying hard can lead to better learning.Then he tested it out on students in Singapore.He separated students into two groups.In the first group,students were asked to solve math problems with the teacher’s help.In the second group,students were asked to solve the same problems by helping one another,instead of getting help from the teacher.
With the teacher’s help,students in the first group were able to find the correct answers.Students in the second group did not solve the problems correctly.But they did come up with a lot of good ideas.
The students were then tested on what they had 1earned.The group without any help from a teacher scored much higher than the group who had help.Kapur said working to find the answers helped students understand the process(过程),not just the solution.
Kapur’s advice for kids is to put a 1ot of effort(努力)into learning something new rather than going to your teacher for help.“Simply doing a little work or nothing at all won’t work.”says Kapur.“Try to solve a problem in as many ways as possible.’’
What is the best title for the text?

A.Work Your Mind
B.Practice Makes Perfect
C.The Best Way to Learn
D.Teachers’ Role in Schoolwork

Manu Kapur holds that _______ .

A.it’s necessary for students to ask for teachers’ help
B.students should try to solve problems by themselves
C.students with teachers’ help have more good ideas
D.students in the first group are cleverer than those in the second group

The author develops the text mainly by _________ .

A.presenting research findings
B.comparing different opinions
C.showing scientific information
D.setting down general rules
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Travel Light
Getting away for a short time always seems like a great idea—until you have to pack.
The rule is: pack light. Here are some tips to help you pack.
1. Make a list. Think of what you need from your head to your toes.      When you’ve done this once, it’ll be easier next time.
2. Consider buying small-size samples of shampoo, toothpaste, and other items at your local drugstore. You can reuse the plastic containers next time you go away too.
3. Choosing which clothes to bring is probably the hardest packing decision to make. Think once again from head to toe — hat, shirts, jeans, sneakers, etc. Once you’ve picked out what you want to bring, think carefully. Do you really need that extra pair of jeans? If so, fine.    Don’t try to fool yourself. You are the one who will be left holding the bag.
4. Weather is an important factor in your packing. If it’s cold, you could wear a jacket, a - sweater, a regular shirt, and a T-shirt. Putting them on will keep you warm.   Remember how much easier it will be to carry your bag! As for shoes, you may want to call ahead to see if dress shoes are necessary. If so, one pair will be enough, along with one pair of comfortable shoes. Remember that it is you who have been invited somewhere, not your things.        So, do it right—pack light.

A.Mixing and matching is a smart and easy way to lighten your load.
B.But packing won’t be a problem if you remember one simple rule.
C.You will have an easier time if you’re weighed down.
D.But make sure they’re really worth the extra weight.

E. It’s best to bring these things with you.
F. And it’ll leave more room in your bag.
G. Keep the list for future reference.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The story of how I got my job was a funny one.
One day,I was        along a street to the interview       a yellow car suddenly cut in front of me          another car coming in the other         ,I had to brake hard and           another cyclist. We both fell,but      neither of us was hurt. I became angry and cycled as fast as possible to the driver of the yellow car to tell him        I considered him. I told him what a bad         I thought he was and he was a(n)         to other people on the road. His face turned        .I warned him not to drive          in the future so that everyone else could enjoy a long life.
I was in time for the          . Having walked into the room,to my        ,I found one of the three interviewers        to be the driver of the yellow car. We looked at each other for a while,       silent. Then I decided to look         the whole matter as a great joke! I laughed and told him that I talked       the last time we met and this time it was turn for him to talk a great deal. Lost in thought for a while,he        that I was not going to say anything about his bad driving. The interview went          . Two days later,I received a letter offering me the job. I was pleased that the manager—the driver of the yellow car,didn’t        my rudeness to him.
Through the experience, I find something that seems impossible at first sometimes turns out to be good.

A.cycling B.walking C.running D.driving

A.then B.when C.while D.as

A.As B.For C.With D.By

A.condition B.position C.location D.direction

A.knocked B.bumped C.beat D.rushed

A.happily B.unfortunately C.luckily D.disappointedly

A.which B.that C.what D.how

A.driver B.worker C.cyclist D.boss

A.pity B.idiot C.risk D.fool

A.black B.white C.pale D.red

A.carelessly B.carefully C.slowly D.patiently

A.job B.interview C.meeting D.appointment

A.excitement B.joy C.anger D.astonishment

A.happened B.wanted C.seemed D.planned

A.making B.keeping C.breaking D.stopping

A.up B.at C.on D.into

A.much B.little C.more D.less

A.hoped B.Found C.heard D.wished

A.fast B.Terribly C.well D.slowly

A.realize B.want C.know D.mind
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

There was a young flower in the desert   __  all was dry and sad looking... It was growing by itself,                (enjoy) every day and saying to the sun, "      shall I be grown up?" And the sun would say "Be        (patience) ! Each time I touch you, you grow a little." She was so pleased,            she would have a chance to bring beauty to this corner of sand. And this is all she wanted to do - bring a little bit of beauty to this world.
   one day the hunter came by and stepped on her. She was going to die and she felt so sad, not because she was   (die), but because she would       (ever) have a chance to bring a little bit of beauty to this corner of the desert.
The great spirit saw her, and was listening. - Indeed, he said... She should be living... So he reached down and touched her -- and gave her       second life.
Finally she grew up to be a beautiful flower. And this corner of the desert also became so beautiful because   the little flower.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及—个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加—个漏字符号(/\),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。
Today, more and more high school students have his own blog on the Internet. For one thing, it can provide colorful platform to show their talents, and for another, it is also a way to release their pressure. And this make it popular with high school students. But many parents and teachers hold a same view, think that managing a blog will be a waste of time and energy, while this should be used for study which is their main duty. Personal speaking, I do approve of this activity. Open and organizing an eye-catching blog needs various ability such as writing, designing and so on. Only if that we have those abilities can we make a good blog. But also, we can improve ourselves during the procedure of organizing our blogs.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

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10 May, 2014
Dear brothers and sisters,
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
University Students' Union

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知