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—I can play_______piano.
—Wow, you’re so great.
A. a     B. an    C. the

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—Is this your schoolbag?
—No, it isn’t. _______is under the desk.
A. My    B. Mine     C. Me

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—It’s reported that the Oriental Star Cruises (“东方之星”号游船)sank_______June 1st, 2015.
—I’m sorry to hear that.
A. on      B. in     C. at

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—Would you like some _______for dinner?
A. tomatos   B. tomato    C. tomatoes

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—Have some ice cream, please.
—Mm, it tastes_______.
A. good     B. better     C. well

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—I _______to the cinema yesterday.
—It’s a pity. You didn’t invite me.
A. go    B. went        C. have gone

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—It is raining hard, _______the farmers are still working in the field.
—So they are.
A. and      B. but       C. so

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—Must I clean the classroom now?
—No, you_______.
A. mustn’t        B. can’t         C. needn’t

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—_______ nice day today!
—Yeah, let’s take a walk outside.
A. What a   B. What      C. How

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—Do you know_______?
—Sorry, I don’t know.
A. how old is he    B. how old he is  C. how old does he

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One day, bus No.1 was going along Louxing Road. Suddenly the driver saw an old man   on the side of the road. A woman next to him was shouting for   .
The bus driver stopped the bus   thinking twice. He got off and asked the woman what happened. She said that the man had a heart problem and should go to the   . The driver knew he had to act   . He told the passengers that he must take the man to the hospital. He expected most or all of the passengers to   and wait for the next bus. But to his surprise, they all agreed to go with him. Some passengers helped the bus driver to move the man   the bus.
     the bus driver and the passengers, the doctors saved the man in time. Now many people don’t want to help   because they don’t want any trouble. But the driver didn’t think about himself. He only thought about saving a   .
A. lay              B. to lie              C. lying
A. advice          B. help         C. people
A. without   B. with        C. for
A. park       B. office           C. hospital
A. quick    B. quickly   C. slowly
A. get off   B. get on             C. get up
A. from       B. onto       C. out of
A. Thanks      B. Thanks for   C. Thanks to
A. other    B. others          C. another
A. life          B. passenger   C. woman

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People in southern China like famous and expensive dish—shark fin soup, but no scientific studies have shown that shark fins are good for health. So why do they eat them? Do they realize that they’re killing a whole shark each time they enjoy a bowl of shark fin soup?
When people catch sharks, they cut off their fins and throw the shark back into the ocean. This is not only cruel, but also harmful to the environment. Without a fin, a shark can no longer swim and slowly dies. Sharks are at the top of the food chain in the ocean’s ecosystem. If their numbers drop too low, it will bring danger to all ocean life. In fact, around 70 million sharks are caught and traded in this industry every year. The numbers of some kinds of sharks have fallen by over 90 percent in the last 20 to 30 years. Help save the sharks!
Shark fin soup is popular in northern China.
No scientific studies show that shark fins are good for health.
Without a fin, a shark can’t swim any longer and slowly dies.
In fact, around 50 million sharks are caught and traded in this industry every year.
We should help save the sharks.

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Yao Beina was not only a popular singer but also an energetic and warm-hearted angel. She donated her corneas (眼角膜) to two men after her death.
Yao was born in a music family in September 1981 in Wuhan. She started to learn music at the age of 4, and she sang her first song on the stage when she was 9. Yao did quite well in singing, so she took part in the 13th Youth Singing Competition and won the first prize.
She became well-known to the public after making some songs for the hit TV drama “The Legend of Zhenhuan”(甄嬛传), and the mandarinversion (中文版本) of “Let It Go” from Disney’s “Frozen”(冰雪奇缘).
In July 2013, she competed in The Voice of China II and finally got the second place in Na Ying’s team. She had won many music prizes.
Yao Beina was unlucky to be diagnosed(诊断)with breast cancer (乳腺癌). She had a successful operation(手术) in 2011. She has fought against the illness for about four years while keeping singing, but sadly she failed. Although she’s gone, her fans will remember her beautiful voice and kindness for ever.

How old was Yao Beina when she started to learn music?
A. Four.         B. Nine.          C. Thirteen.
Yao was born in a ________ family in September 1981 in Wuhan.
A. doctor       B. farmer        C. music
Yao was diagnosed(诊断)with___________.
A. stomach cancer
B. breast cancer
C. nose cancer
Which is TRUE about Yao Beina according to the passage?
A. She donated hercorneas to help two men.
B. She had a great voice and won a few music prizes.
C. She won over the breast cancer in the end.
What’s the passage mainly about?
A. Yao Beina’s family.
B. Yao Beina’s illness.
C. Yao Beina’s art achievements.

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Good books are like wise friends. They support you to walk forward, and help you understand the world. TIME listed three best books of 2014 for teens. Have you read all of them?

Names of Books
One Summer
Jillian Tamaki &
Mariko Tamki, Canada
Every summer, Rose goes with her parents to a lake house. It’s their relaxing time. But this summer is different. Rose’s parents keep fighting. Rose meets a local teen. But later he is caught up in something bad. It’s really a summer of sorrow(悲伤)and growing up.
The Fourteenth Goldfish
Jennifer L. Holm, US
Ellie has never liked change. She misses everything in the past, especially her dearly dead goldfish. Then one day a strange boy who looks like Ellie’s grandfather shows up. He’s always obsessed(着迷的)with immortality(永生). Has he finally found the secret to immortality with Ellie?
Absolutely Almost
Lisa Graff, US
Albie has always been an “almost”. He’s almost good at everything. In fact, Albie has a long list of the things he’s not very good at. But when Albie meets Calista, she helps him work out all of the things he is not good at. What will happen to this “almost” boy?

What are good books like?
A. Parents.
B. Brothers and sisters.
C. Wise friends.
What’s the difference for Rose this summer?
A. She lost something important.
B. She can’t meet her friend.
C. Her parents keep fighting.
If you’re interested in the secret to immortality(永生), you can read______.
A. This One Summer
B. The Fourteenth Goldfish
C. Absolutely Almost
The book Absolutely Almost is written by_____.
A. Jillian Tamaki
B. Jennifer L. Holm
C. Lisa Graff
Which of the following is TRUE?
A. Ellie misses her dearly dead goldfish a lot.
B. Rose has the same summer as before.
C. Albie never does well in everything before.

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Always play in a safe place. A park is a safe place because there is no cars or trucks. But do not talk to strangers. Never go with a stranger into a car.
Before crossing the road, stop and look both ways. Look left, look right and look left again.
Keep away from houses or buildings that are being built or knocked down. Something might fall on your head, or you might cut yourself on broken glass.
Medicines or pills can be dangerous. Never swallow(吞下) any pills or medicines you find in the cupboard.
Don’t swim in the pool or river without adults. Wear a life jacket whenever you go out in a boat. Even if you are not in the open sea and the water is not deep, you should have your life jacket on. It's easy to fall out of a boat.
Do not put your head out of a car, bus or train. Many children have been killed by doing this.

________________ Advice
When or where
How to do
Play in a safe place
Play in a park. Never talk to _________ or go with them.
When crossing a road
Stop and look _________________.
Houses or buildings being built or knocked down
Stay away.
Medicines or pills
Never swallow any medicines without a doctor's advice.
In a_____________
Wear a life jacket.
On a bus, car or train
Never put___________ out of them.
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Mom and dad are the most important people in your life. They have been looking after you since you were born, you should always love them. You should also get on well with them. But some children don't know how to do this. Here are some ways to help you.
Spend more time with your parents. Don't spend too much time playing computer games or watching TV. Ask your parents to play with you. Talk or go outside with them.
Be kind to your parents. You can make them happy with a smile when you come home. You can send your mother a card on Mothers' Day or tell your father a joke on his birthday. You can also clean your room by yourself.
Work hard. If you do your best in your studies, your parents will be proud of you.
Who are the most important people in your life?
You need to spend more time with your parents, don’t you?
What can you do on Mother’s Day?
Will your parents be proud of you if you work hard?
How many ways can you use to get on well with your parents in the passage?

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第一节 完成对话 通读下列对话,然后根据上下文补全对话内容。(共5小题,计10分)
A: ______________. Could you please tell me how to get to Wanhao Square?
B: Sure. Go along Changqing Street and turn left at the first crossing. Then go straight on, and you’ll see the KFC. The square is across from it.
A: _______________________________________?
B: It’s about 10 minutes’ walk.
A: I see. ____________________________________?
B: Yes, you can. The No.3 bus will take you there.
A: By the way, is there a cinema near Wanhao Square?
B: _______________. Zuoan Cinema is on the top floor.
A: Thank you very much.
B: _______________________

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Students these days often have a lot of worries. Sometimes they have problems with their schoolwork, and sometimes with their friends. 他们对此能做点什么呢? Some people believe the worst thing is to do nothing. Laura thinksproblems and worries are normal in life. She thinks talking to someone helps a lot. Unless we talk to someone, we’ll certainly feel worse.
Robert advises students about common problems. He thinks it is best not to run away from our problems. 我们应该尽力去解决它们。He thinks the first step is to find someone you trust to talk to. Students often forget that their parents are always there to help them. In English, we say that sharing a problem is like cutting it in half. So you’re halfway to solving a problem just by talking to someone about it!

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My English Teacher

tall, beautiful, long curly hair
reading, singing, dancing, playing sports
patient, friendly, warm-hearted
My comment(评价)
a good teacher, a friend, a mother

I have met many excellent teachers in junior school. One of them is my English teacher. Her name is Ms. Li.

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