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Air travel makes some people very nervous. The crowds, the noise and flying itself can cause      . But there are classes people can take to help them       the fear of flying. And there is       training for service dogs that suffer the same problem.
Service dogs almost never       the side of the people they care for. You will see them working on buses, trains and other public         systems. But the busy environment found at an airport can      even the best trained working dog.
People with disabilities depend on their dogs. They want the animals to safely      them through security areas. They also need the dogs to remain      on duty on the airplane, even when the flying is not      . This takes special     . The Air Hollywood K9 Flight School is one place where such help can be found.
The school has a piece of equipment that provides the sights, sounds and even the feel of an airplane in flight. Dog trainers say      training is based on a simple rule: preparation. Dogs need to be exposed gradually and      to the environment, to loud noises, to sounds and other dogs so that when this experience happens to them on a daily basis, they're able to act in a way that they're used to acting and that they don't get      .
Dog owners who      the training at Air Hollywood K9 Flight School say they now feel much more at ease about future      . Their dogs also seem ready for takeoff.

A.trouble B.unease C.accidents D.diseases

A.defeat B.describe C.sense D.record

A.professional B.varied C.free D.similar

A.approach B.bark C.leave D.take

A.association B.running C.transport D.society

A.trouble B.attract C.interrupt D.instruct

A.follow B.guide C.train D.land

A.nervously B.stressfully C.calmly D.enthusiastically

A.speedy B.relaxing C.dangerous D.smooth

A.interest B.attention C.training D.procedure

A.previous B.cooperative C.academic D.successful

A.repeatedly B.abruptly C.occasionally D.instantly

A.bored B.excitable C.energetic D.fragile

A.attended B.inquired C.overlooked D.recommended

A.career B.flights C.security D.generations
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese calendar. For thousands of years, the festival __________ (mark) by eating zong zi and racing dragon boats in honour of Qu Yuan, who is said to have committed suicide(自杀) by drowning himself.
Qu was a minister of the State of Chu ______ (situate) in present-day Hunan and Hubei provinces, during the Warring States Period(战国时期). He was upright, loyal and highly respected. ________, he was dismissed from office. ________ (realize) that the country was in the hands of evil officials, Qu leapt into River Miluo on the fifth day of the fifth month. Nearby fishermen rushed over to save him but were ______ (able) to recover his body.
The people of Chu _______ mourned Qu’s death threw rice into the river to feed his ghost _______ year on the day of his death. But one year, the spirit of Qu appeared and told the mourners that a huge reptile(爬行动物)in the river had stolen the rice. The spirit then advised _____ to wrap the rice and bind it _______ throwing it into the river.
During the Duanwu Festival, zong zi is eaten to symbolize(象征,表示) the rice offerings to Qu. And the dragon-boat races symbolize _______ many attempts to rescue and recover Qu's body.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In eighteen seventy-seven,the American government decided to move the Nez Perce Indians from their land. The government had set up a reservation for them in Idaho. Chief Joseph did not want to leave the land. It was holy ground. It contained the bones of his father and mother.
But,like his father in earlier times,Chief Joseph knew it would be hopeless to stay and defend the land. There were too few Indians to win a war against the white men.
And so in June of eighteen seventy-seven,the Nez Perce left their home in the Wallowa Valley. They left quickly. They were able to take only a small part of what they owned,and just a few cattle and Appaloosa horses.
When the Indians reached the Snake River,the water was very deep and ran very fast with melted snow from the mountains. Chief Joseph and his people made boats from sticks and dried animal skins to cross the river. While the Indians were busy,a group of white men came and stole some of the cattle waiting at the edge of the river.
The other chiefs demanded that Joseph call a meeting. Two of the chiefs,White Bird and Toohoolhoolzote,spoke for War,but Joseph held different opinion.
Some of the young men in White Bird’s group were very angry. That night,they rode into the countryside and killed eleven white persons.
During all his years as chief,Joseph had tried to keep the peace. Now he saw there was no hope. Although he and his young men had taken no part in the killings,he knew that the white men would blame all of the Indians. Chief Joseph said,“I would have given my own life if I could have undone the killing of the white men.”
Many Nez Perce fled. Chief Joseph remained,because his wife was about to have a baby. After she gave birth,he and his family joined the others in White Bird Canyon to the south.
Joseph wanted to lead the people to safety in the flat lands of Montana. But the United States army quickly sent horse soldiers to follow them.
They were extremely tired when they reached White Bird Canyon. An Indian—carrying a white flag—walked forward to meet them. A soldier shot him.
With that shot,war between the Nez Perce and the United States began.
Why didn’t Chief Joseph want to leave the land?

A.He didn’t want to live with the white men.
B.He had special feeling for the land where he was living.
C.He didn’t want to be separated from his parents.
D.He thought the reservation in Idaho wasn’t satisfying.

Which of the following is TRUE?

A.While the Indians were waiting by the river,a group of white men stole some of the cattle.
B.When the Indians reached the Snake River,it was very hard for them to cross it.
C.Chief Joseph and his people were unwilling to cross the deep river.
D.Before they left their home,the Nez Perce had only a few cattle and Appaloosa horses.

From the passage we can infer that ________.

A.conflicts often happened between the Indians and the white
B.Chief Joseph was afraid of white men
C.white men often killed some Indians
D.Chief Joseph knew it would be hopeless to defend the land

After some of the young men in White Bird’s group killed eleven white persons,________.

A.the United States army wanted to revenge (报仇)
B.all the Nez Perce fled
C.Chief Joseph tried his best to keep peace
D.Chief Joseph blamed White Bird

What might be the title of the passage?

A.The story of Chief Joseph
B.The American Civil War
C.Chief Joseph and his children
D.The Nez Perce Indians
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

【改编】Our body clock,or natural body rhythm,influences our energy and alertness.Paying attention to it can help us choose the suitable time of day when we best perform specific tasks.
The reality,however,is that most of us organize their time around work demands,school deadlines,commuting or social events.Doing whatever your body feels like doing is a luxury in today's fast-paced modem society.
But that doesn't mean it isn't worth trying.Obeying our body clock has significant health benefits.Disrupting our natural body rhythm,on the other hand,has been linked to problems such as depression,obesity,or headache,says Steve Key,a biology professor.
When the body clock can synchronize(使……同步)the rhythms of its natural processes,it “gives us an advantage in daily life”,says Key.
According to him,when it comes to cognitive(认知的)work,most adults perform best in the late morning.As our body temperature starts to rise just before awakening in the morning and continues to increase until midday,our memory,alertness and concentration gradually improve.
However,he adds,our ability to concentrate typically starts to decrease soon thereafter.Most of us are more easily distracted between noon and 4 pm.
Alertness also tends to fall after eating a meal and sleepiness tends to peak around 2 pm,making that a good time for a nap.
Surprisingly, tiredness may increase our creative powers.For most adults,problems that require open ended thinking are often best dealt with in the evening when they are tired, according to a study in the journal Thinking & Reasoning.
When choosing a time of day to exercise,paying attention to your body clock can improve results.Physical performance is usually best from about 3 to 6 pm,says Michael Smolensky,a professor of biomedical engineering.
Of course, not everyone's body clock is the same,making it even harder to synchronize natural rhythms with daily plans.
What does the writer mainly tell us in the passage?

A.The benefit of natural body rhythm.
B.A new research about our body clock.
C.Something about natural body rhythm.
D.The definition of natural body rhythm.

What is the meaning of the underlined word “disrupting”?

A.Following. B.Destroying.
C.Noticing. D.Finding.

According to the passage, we can know _____.

A.people don’t know tiredness can increase creative powers.
B.people are most focused at 3 o’clock..
C.natural body rhythm can’ t influences people’s energy.
D.most grown-ups perform best in the early morning

Which of the following is true ?

A.Our memory and concentration improve with the fall of body temperature.
B.A good time for a nap is usually at 1pm.
C.Physical performance is usually best in the morning.
D.Not all people have the same body clock.

The benefit of knowing our natural body rhythm is that_____.

A.we can keep healthy all our life.
B.we can improve our IQ.
C.we can do specific tasks in suitable time.
D.we can do whatever our body wants to.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

【原创】Disney World presents a dilemma for many people. If you’re there, you’re probably there because you love the children in your life. But should that noble desire to do right by the wee ones automatically put you in a disgusting holiday of six-foot animated characters, wailing toddlers and chicken-finger meals?
B Resort & Spa has solved this problem. Stay here and you’ve got easy access to “the happiest place on Earth” without sacrificing your adult sensibilities.
There’s 80-minute B Indulged massages to be had at the Aveda spa, complete with footbaths for your weary feet, and adventure tours to nearby Boggy Creek to observe tigers in their natural habitat. Even the mini-bar is stocked with a nod to grownup tastes (think Boulder Canyon natural, kettle-cooked chips).
B is right inside Orlando’s Walt Disney World Resort, just a short, free shuttle from Downtown Disney. This means you don’t have to stay in the kid zone all day long.
If you have a car at your disposal, it’s also well worth a trip out to the East End Market, where you’ll find the best of Orlando’s local food scene, along with a superb Basque eatery, Txokos, whose famous cook Henry Salgado has been nominated twice for a James Beard Award.
Eat in or eat out?
Room service is exceptional  for breakfast: quick and delicious, with perfectly poached eggs and house-made sausage so tasty you’ll find yourself craving it for weeks to come. For dinner, American Q has tasty house-made barbecue sauces and all-you-can-eat, Brazilian-style carved meat dishes from across the U.S. The foods here will keep everyone in the family happy, and good pineapple wine should mellow out the grownups after a long, crazy day at Disney.
Who may be interested in the passage?

A.Parents B.Teachers .
C.Children . D.Adolescents.

Living in B Resort & Spa, you can _____.

A.visit Disney World for free
B.have breakfast without leaving your room
C.enjoy meals cooked by Henry Salgado
D.watch tigers closely

Why does the writer think Disney World is a dilemma?

A.Because Disney World is like a trap for adults.
B.Because adults are forbidden to enter Disney World.
C.Because adults can get little joy from Disney World.
D.Because Disney World is full of animated characters.

Which is not mention in the passage?

A.Transportation. B.Location. C.Food. D.History.

Where can you find this passage ?

A.In a science book. B.In a travel magazine.
C.In a government work report D.In a news report
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

【改编】Robots industry is developing so rapidly that there is no denying that we may one day find ourselves surrounded by robots.
The humanoid (human like) robots with two legs such as Honda Motor Co. Ltd’s ASIMO would likely have an easier time climbing up stairs inside homes than a robot that moves on wheels, developers say.
But it will be some time before such devices make their way into people’s homes.
“They may look smart, but they are still quite stupid,” Shimoyama said. “I don’t think they will ever be as smart as humans.”
While safety is an obvious concern, robots also need to be sensitive to people’s needs.
Researchers at Fujitsu Frontech Ltd and Fujitsu Laboratories responsible for developing “Enon”, a guide and patrol (巡逻) robot designed for use in shopping malls and corporate facilities (公共场所), are working on this.
Enon, which has a humanoid upper body but no legs, is equipped with a touch screen on its chest and space in its stomach to carry loads weighting up to 10 kg.
In guide mode, it will check a newcomer and approach the person with a nod and a greeting: “Are you a visitor? Hello.”
Visitors requiring directions can point to icons (图标) displayed on Enon’s chest screen. If the restroom icon is pressed, the screen will display a map that shows the way.
The robot will then face and point in the direction of the restroom, although it won’t actually walk the visitor there.
Enon is now in use at four locations in Japan, including a shopping mall near Tokyo. The main goal is to make it more helpful for the elderly.
“People who work in the transportation sector often ask whether we can build a robot that will find elderly people who look lost in train stations, and ask them if they are all right,” said Toshihido Marita, director of Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd’s autonomous system laboratory. “Actually that is hard to do, very hard,” he said.
From the passage we can know____.

A.robots will replace human one day
B.robots are difficult to control
C.robots can do whatever humans do
D.robots will be widely used in our life.

According to Shimoyama, robots are ____?

A.safe. B.friendly.
C.stupid. D.kind-hearted.

What can “Enon” do?

A.Show you to the toilet.
B.Show you around the market.
C.Tell newcomers or tourists direction.
D.Help shop assistants.

What is the people’s concern about robots?

A.Safety. B.Appearance.
C.Weight. D.Disadvantages

What can be the best title of the passage?

A.The disadvantages of robots.
B.The development and use of robots.
C.The benefits that robots brings.
D.The history of robots.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A:My name’s Marta and I’m from Mexico City, but I moved to Los Angeles, California, five years ago, now I am living in an apartment at No. 3178 SE Timmer Broad. I am 28, single. I am a customer service representative for a large financial company. I am an outgoing person. I love to laugh and have fun! I enjoy cooking, dancing and listening to music. I don’t like watching or playing sports. You should be an outgoing, considerate lady with a good sense of humor, to share the apartment. Are you the one? Email and let’s have further talk.
B: My name’s Mark, and I’m from Hollywood, California. I’m a fitness instructor in Los Angeles. I am a friendly and easy-going person; I love playing sports---especially football and working out at the gym. I also play the guitar. My best friend David, who often has sports with me, went to Mexico last month. To avoid loneliness, I’d like very much to own a new friend who would share the fun of sports with me. I am longing.
C: My name’s Park Jun Seo, but you can call me Jun. I move from Seoul Korea to Los Angeles two years ago. I am a graphic designer and I am looking for my younger brother, Lean Ban Seo, who might be in this city. As the story is too long, I just hope to find him and have my family reunited. He is lame at the right leg, 19 years old, 1.79 meters tall, with very big eyes and fair curly hair. With his picture of two years ago enclosed, I would be very appreciated if you have any information about that. Telephone me at 818-5789.
D: My name is Don and I am programmer at a computer company. I have designed several pieces of software that can help students learn better, especially suitable for primary students who have some language disability to learn words and help them pronounce more correctly. If you think you need one, please fax to 857-4693. You can purchase by post.
E: My name is Mauricio, and I’m a computer programmer working in Los Angeles area. I am kind of shy, but maybe you can help me to be more outgoing. I like cooking, playing computer games, and chatting with friends online. If you think you are the proper one to be my E-pal, let’s chat!
F: My name’s Judy and I’m from Quebec, Canada. I am a sales woman in one of the women underwear stores in Montreal. I’d like to have more visitors to my shop. And you can bargain for a reduction of 10% to 30%, if you purchase in package. Let’s be friends.
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I am a professional sportsman and work in the same city. I am so glad that I will have a good friend who can be the opponent to improve my techniques. E-mail me at bitterflower@yahoo.com.
As a shop owner, I might drop in when I go downtown. But may I know your exact address? When is it convenient for a visit? Thank you.
God bless you! I’m a journalist and happened to read your brief story. A neighbor of mine looks exactly the same as the man in the picture you uploaded. This might be a chance in a million. Telephone me at 818-5690.
As a newcomer and a freshman, I am looking for a room as close to my university as possible. I would like to have some friends, too. I think your place might be the right choice for me. But can I know how much the rent is?
I am a salesman from Paris. My first difficulty working in this city is language. I would appreciate it if you could help me learn English through the Keyboard.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

假设你是李华,你的美国笔友Peter曾表示希望来中国教书。你校现需招聘外教,请给他写封信,告知招聘信息。 内容主要包括:
Dear Peter,
I remember you told me you were interested in teaching in China.
Best wishes!
Li Hua

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In the past, the expression "children should be seen and not heard" summed up the attitude of parents to heir children. Children were expected to be disciplined, well-behaved and the parents ruled the home. But today parents seem to do everything for their children and control all aspects of their lives. Some call this overparenting. Parents take charge of everything: from what pre-school their kids attend to the pastimes they take up. Parents feel they must protect their children to increase their chances for success. As a result children do less than ever before.
There are two reasons for overparenting. First, people now have fewer children than in years past so they can give each one more attention. Secondly, parents feel the future of their family is now dependent on only one child, so they must do as much as possible to help their child succeed.
But overparenting has negative consequences. Children are less independent now and are protected from the hardships and failures that teach them determination and give them the satisfaction of accomplishment. Also the pressure kids feel to be successful means they experience more anxiety and depression than ever before.
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  • 难度:未知