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On Dec.19, 2014, Chinese President Xi Jinping attended        welcome meeting to celebrate     15th year of Macao’s return to our motherland.

A.a; a B.a; the C.不填;the D.the;a
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

—Jason, do you know a famous band called the Monkees ?
—Of course. It     about 1970, but happily they reunited in the mid-1980s.

A.got down B.got up C.broke up D.set down
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

We students should appreciate our teachers,      help will certainly get us to achieve our dreams some day.

A.their B.whose C.whom D.who
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

—Take this medicine, and you will        from your illness soon.
—Thanks, doctor!

A.recover B.escape C.separate D.suffer
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

As is known to all, the 32nd Summer Olympic Games        in Tokyo in 2020.

A.will hold B.are to hold
C.are held D.will be held
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

We look forward to visiting the Eiffel Tower, which is the        of France.

A.meaning B.signal C.track D.symbol
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  • 难度:未知

Our headmaster insists that every student of our school        full use of his time to get ready for the final exams.

A.made B.makes C.make D.would make
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The beautiful scenery in Haiwaii is really        to the visitors from the whole world.

A.popular B.grateful C.valuable D.attractive
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

China, a huge dragon in the east, has seen a number of great changes        President Xi came into power.

A.since B.until C.before D.after
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

—Many new cars are to be shown in Wanda Square, Longyan.
—If so, I will buy        for my dear wife.

A.it B.one C.that D.this
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  • 难度:未知

—How long        in Qingdao for the Spring Festival, Mr. Li?
—I don’t know. It all depends.

A.have you stayed B.do you stay
C.are you staying D.would you stay
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In the past several months, many officials in China have been charged        corruption(腐败) and faced with trials.

A.of B.with C.to D.for
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  • 难度:未知

It was the American Basketball Team        won the championship in the 2014 FIBA Basketball World Cup.

A.which B.what C.that D.when
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  • 难度:未知

—Which English is the best one to learn, American, British or Canadian English, Susan?
—Well, there is no best English. They are all        good and correct.

A.equally B.fluently C.luckily D.frequently
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

—What do you think of the movie Harry Potter ?
      It couldn’t be better.

A.Good idea! B.Just so-so.
C.That’s right. D.Perfect!
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  • 难度:未知

Today was Father’s Day. I missed you, Dad!       at your photos, I thought of the happy days when you stayed with me. It seemed as if everything had happened yesterday.
I remembered how you taught me to be a person with good      , such as honesty, kindness and self-respect. You taught me to enjoy       and work.
You taught me about love, as you       yours with all seven of us children. But,       , I thought of how you taught me of God’s great       for his children. You showed the way, by being at church each time the doors were open. I was     you, as you led our family in prayer(祈祷)each       before going to bed. Through you, I       what is truly important in life. I now know that you continue to live through me and I hope I have    that legacy(遗产)on to my kids.
I know that your life was not easy       you lost your father when you were only two years old. I know that you had to       your studies and help your mother. You       your responsibilities, as you did in supporting our      . Thanks, Dad!
So, parents and       to all you Dads, remember that you can have a positive (积极的) influence       your children by what you teach them and that they will make a difference in this world.
Children, now it’s time to       your love and thanks to your Dad       what he does for you. A big hug, a       thank you and living a life of purpose, all of       will give him more joy, are worth your doing.

A.Looking B.Laughing C.Pointing D.Shouting

A.energies B.skills C.abilities D.qualities

A.rest B.peace C.life D.success

A.bargained B.devoted C.shared D.competed

A.in all B.above all C.at all D.after all

A.pain B.love C.surprise D.beauty

A.watching B.waiting C.replacing D.persuading

A.hour B.dusk C.night D.noon

A.ordered B.advised C.searched D.learned

A.passed B.given C.offered D.depended

A.if B.though C.before D.because

A.pack up B.give up C.rely on D.leave for

A.made B.solved C.took D.doubted

A.family B.house C.team D.class

A.carefully B.wonderfully C.especially D.regularly

A.of B.for C.on D.to

A.examine B.express C.change D.explore

A.in charge of B.in search of C.in honor of D.in return for

A.hot B.warm C.strong D.heavy

A.which B.them C.that D.what

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I ran into a local store today to pick up a few things. With an important meeting to attend, I was in a hurry , so I didn’t take a cart (手推车) on my way inside. As I walked between the shelves in the store, I passed by a young couple and their baby. I continued going through the store, picked up a few items I needed and ended up standing behind this couple in the checkout line.
While waiting, I noticed that the young father was holding his money tightly and nervously. The young mother was carrying a baby in her arms and asked the cashier (收银员) for a job application.
When the total was rung up, they had to pick items out of their cart because they didn’t have enough money. But all their items were basic necessities(必需品) that they needed most. It just broke my heart to watch the couple try to think about what they could do without. However, they were able to whittle down their items and paid the bill with the money that they had.
After they left, I quietly asked the cashier to add those items to mine. The cashier rang everything up, and then got me a shopping cart. We put in their items and I hurried over to their car. “This is for you,” I told them.
The young father just looked at me with such appreciation and thanked me. I will never forget the expression in his eyes. As I was getting into my car, they drove over. The young mother said, “Miss, thank you so much.”
Tears welled up in my eyes---as they are again now, while I write this. “You are so welcome. Pay it forward some day,” I replied.
The underlined phrase “whittle down” in Paragraph 3 probably means “__________”.

A.add to B.break down C.pay for D.cut down

The author felt __________ to watch the couple taking some items out.

A.angry B.sad C.excited D.interested

It can be inferred from the passage that _________.

A.the young mother didn’t have a job then
B.the young father felt so sorry to accept help
C.the cashier treated the young couple impolitely
D.the young couple bought something unnecessary

The author’s main purpose in sharing the story is to tell us __________.

A.what a great plan she made
B.to take a cart while shopping
C.to help those who are in need
D.how to pick out basic necessities
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Come with us to the “Garden of England” and enjoy the best sight that the County of Kent can offer us.
We will drive to the home of the Church of England—Canterbury, the county town of Kent, and enjoy a tour of the ancient Cathedral and its walled city.
We’ll travel on through some of the country roads of Kent only in mini tourist coaches(长途汽车) and arrive in Dover at the coast just 32 miles across the sea from France and mainland Europe. We can enjoy the wonderful view of White Cliffs and Dover Castle before returning to the most beautiful castle(城堡)in England—Leeds Castle.
The Leeds Castle is surrounded by a lake with its history dating back as far as the Doomsday Book. We can explore its inside part and grounds before we return to London whenever we like.
Prices: Adult—£55.00; Under16—£ 50.00; A 10% off for a family
Time: Saturdays & Sundays
Tour includes:
Return mini coach travel
Services of an experienced Tour Manager
Tour of Canterbury Cathedral
Scenic drive through Kent
Visit to the White Cliffs of Dover
Entrance to Leeds Castle
On all tours we will pick you up between 7:25 am and 7:45 am at YOUR chosen London Zone 1 location, so we can beat the crowds and the traffic and be early on the open road.
Visit our website 24 hours a day at www. andersontours. co. uk. Click on the tour and the date you want, and then follow the easy on-line booking directions.
Call Anderson Tours direct at 020 7436 9304 (Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-18:00 p.m.) with your credit card(信用卡) information.
Or you can book through our network of special agents(代理商) throughout London.

What can we learn from the passage?

A.Tourists can enjoy all of the best sights in England
B.Leeds Castle is the oldest and most beautiful castle in England
C.The country roads of Kent can’t be reached by large tourist coaches
D.Tourists can be picked up and sent to wherever they choose in England

The Greens, together with a 10-year-old son, need to pay __________ for the tour.

A.£ 115 B.£144 C.£160 D.£155

We can call to book the tour __________.

A.at 8:00 a.m., Sunday B.at 19:00, Friday
C.at 13:00, Saturday D.at 17:00, Wednesday

What’s the writer’s purpose in writing the passage?

A.To attract more tourists to join them.
B.To introduce some culture in England.
C.To show tourists more beautiful sights.
D.To ask more tourists to ride their mini coaches.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Very soon the Rabbit noticed Alice, as she went hunting about, and called out to her, “What are you doing out here? Run home this moment, and fetch me a pair of gloves and a fan! Quick, now!”
Alice was so much frightened that she ran off at once in the direction it pointed to. She saw a little house, on the door of which was a plate with the name “W. RABBIT”. She went in and hurried upstairs.
By this time she had found her way into a tidy little room with a table in the window, and on it a fan and two or three pairs of tiny white kid gloves: she took up the fan and a pair of the gloves, and was just going to leave the room, when her eye fell upon a little bottle that stood near the looking-glass. There was no label(标签) this time with the words’ DRINK ME,’ but she opened it and put it to her lips(嘴唇).”I know something interesting is sure to happen,” she said to herself. Before she had drunk half the bottle, she found her head touching the ceiling. She went on growing and very soon had to get down on her knees on the floor. Still she went on growing, and as a last resource, she put one arm out of the window, and one foot up the chimney(烟囱), and said to herself, “Now I can do no more, whatever happens. What will happen to me?”
Luckily for Alice, she grew no longer: still it was very uncomfortable, and as there seemed to be no sort of chance of her ever getting out of the room again, no wonder she felt unhappy.
According to the passage, we can know that Alice __________.

A.felt comfortable when she grew no longer
B.was afraid when the Rabbit called out to her
C.knew what would happen to her if she continued to grow
D.saw a label “DRINK ME” on the bottle and drank half of it

Alice grew so big because she __________.

A.had special magical power
B.wore the Rabbit’s gloves.
C.drank something in the bottle
D.wanted to frighten the Rabbit

Which of the following could best replace the underlined word “resource” in Paragraph 3?

A.way B.dream C.ending D.loss

The passage may come from a(an) __________.

A.science book B.wildlife magazine
C.guide book D.English novel
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Have you ever thought about why malls, restaurants, and even theaters have music? Well, to understand this, you simply just look back at how you felt when you heard music in these places. Music is known to improve the mood of people. Often music helps us pay attention to what we are doing. Music helps patients feel good and helps them recover faster and better.
Depression(沮丧) is a state of mind that most of us experience at some point of time. There are some periods in our life when everything seems difficult. It seems that everything is getting worse and we have no control over our life. Studies have shown that music can be an important mood lifter in such situations. Music also plays a great role in making us feel less nervous or worried. Anxiety(焦虑) can often cause loss of sleep and other illnesses.
Music is often known as an international language. We may not know the language another person is speaking, but most of us respond to music in the same way. Music can often be the best way to connect with someone.
Music is one of the best ways to improve your moods, but this can depend largely on the kind of music you listen to. While happy music can certainly make you feel better, sad music can further lower your spirits. Listening to classical music can often make you feel a lot more powerful, while soft music can be the perfect way to relax at the end of a long way. If you want to use music to change the way how you are feeling, you need to understand the role of it, learn to recognize the kind of music that lifts your mood and helps you feel better. Once you realize the kind of music you can use, you can use it to change the way you feel. The right kind of music can be the perfect way to help us feel happier.
The passage is mainly about __________.

A.what meanings music has
B.how we control our moods
C.how music affects our moods
D.what kind of music we listen to

According to the passage, playing music in restaurants is to __________.

A.welcome the customers
B.make customers feel good
C.make customers dance
D.make customers feel powerful

From the passage, we can know that __________.

A.most of us suffer depression all the time
B.most of us respond to music in different ways
C.music can be a good way to connect with others
D.any kind of music will help us improve our moods

According to the passage, which kind of music can relax ourselves from a long day’s work?

A.Soft music. B.Classical music.
C.Sad music. D.Rock music.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Computer technology has its own special words. One example is the word “mouse”. A computer mouse is not a small animal that lives in buildings or open fields. It is a small object that you move around on a flat surface in front of a computer. The mouse moves the pointer on the computer screen. Computer expert (专家) Douglas Engelbart developed the idea of the mouse in the early 1960s. It was called a mouse because it had a tail at one end. The tail was the wire (电线) that connected it to the computer.
Using a computer takes some training. People who are experts are sometimes called hackers. A hacker is usually a person who writes software programs in a special computer language. But the word “hacker” is also used to describe a person who tries to steal information from computer systems.
Another well known computer word is Google, spelled g-o-o-g-l-e. It is the name of a popular “search engine(引擎)”for the Internet. People use the search engine to find information about almost any subjects on the Internet. People who started the company named it Google because in mathematics, googol, spelled g-o-o-g-o-l, is an extremely large number. It is the number followed by one hundred zeros.
When you “Google” a subject, you can get a large amount of information about it. Some people like to Google their friends or themselves to see how many times their names appear on the Internet. If you Google someone, you might find that person’s name on a blog. A blog is the shortened name for a Weblog. A blog is a personal Web page. It may have stories, opinions , pictures and links(链接) to other Web sites. Some people add information to their blogs every day. People who have blogs are called bloggers.
Blogs are not the same as spam. Spam is unwanted sales messages sent to your electronic mailbox...

According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A.A mouse didn’t have a wire at the beginning.
B.Hackers steal information from computer systems.
C.Hackers can only write special computer language.
D.A mouse attracts more people to play computer games.

The company was named Google mainly because __________.

A.this name was very interesting
B.there were many zeros in this name
C.it was very easy to remember this name
D.it stands for an extremely large number in mathematics

What would most probably be talked about next?

A.More about the word spam.
B.More about sales messages.
C.More about blogs and bloggers.
D.The use of an electronic mailbox.

What would be the best title of the passage?

A.Google and Blog.
B.What’s Google.
C.Computer Technology.
D.Special Computer Words.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Daisy is a kind girl and has longed to help endangered species of wildlife. One day, she was on a magical journey by t      a flying carpet. It first flew to Tibet in China,       she saw an antelope. The antelope told her        they were being killed for the wool beneatht       stomachs. Then the carpet flew away to Africa. The elephants there used to be hunted withoutm      .
With some proper measures taken, for example, only a certain number of animals were       (允许)to be hunted and the farmers got paid, the number was gradually increasing.
F      , Daisy was taken to a thick rainforest, in which a monkey told her “No rainforest, no animals, no drugs.” She realized the      (重要) of the rain forest to the animals. Daisy appreciated this       (奇特的) experience. She hopes all the animals can live       peace and that all the people will help protect the animals, especially the endangered ones.

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  • 难度:未知

与私家车相比,自行车具有价格便宜、有益健康、有利环境等优点,是国际公认的环保代步工具。目前某英语报社正在开展一场题为“I Want to Cycle” 的征文比赛,你看了 “征稿启事”后深有感触。请你根据下面”征稿启事”提供的写作思路图写一篇英语短文。

There are many advantages of cycling.

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  • 难度:未知