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The physics teacher once said that we first _____the lightning followed by thunders because light ______ faster than sound.

A.see; traveled B.saw; traveled
C.saw; travels D.see; travels
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

You'd better _______ your score and see if you have passed the exam.

A.add up B.add to
C.add up to D.add
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

_____ students are practicing _____ English with each other at the English corner.

A.The number of; to speak B.A great deal of; spoken
C.A great many; speak D.A number of; speaking
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

— Excuse me, what's the time for Train 8201?
— It _____ at seven and you can wait in the hall.

A.left B.leaves
C.will leave D.has left
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Li Hua has succeeded in the entrance examination and his dream ______ being a university student will ______.

A.about; be true B.from; turn into practice
C.in; become a fact D.of; come true
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

He’s from Shanghai, ________ population is the largest of all cities in China.

A.whose B.its C.which D.that
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The boy is so afraid of snakes that when he saw a small one yesterday on his way home he burst _______ crying.

A.in B.upon C.out D.into
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

They talked for about an hour of things and persons ______ they remembered in the school.

A.which B.that C.who D.whom
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

They were put in prison for        the government building.

A.building up B.setting up
C.blowing up D.making up
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Most students        for Jim as they thought him active and honest.

A.voted B.turned
C.worked D.thought
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项A、B. C和D中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
Two boys were walking down a road. They noticed a man         in the field. The younger boy looked at his friend and said, “Let’s hide his shoes        he won’t be able to find them. It must be funny!” The        boy thought for a moment and said, “The         looks poor. Have you seen his        ? Let’s do this instead Let’s hide a silver coin in each shoe and         how he deals with them.
The younger boy        . They placed a silver coin in each shoe and hid nearby. Soon the farmer finished his work and came out. He put on a shoe and immediately felt the money         his foot. He held the coin in his hand, looked at it in         and wanted to know who had put it in his shoe. Then he        to see who had done it, but no one was there. He then put on the        shoe and felt the second coin. The man was so        when he found one more coin in his shoe.
He then        to his knees and said something. The boys could        hear it as they were very close. The poor farmer         in gratitude (感激). He spoke of his       wife and his boys in need of food. He was thankful for the          from an unknown person.
After the farmer        , the boys came out from their hiding place and slowly started their long walk home. They felt         inside. They learnt how wonderful it was to         others.

A.working B.thinking C.reading D.singing

A.if B.or C.however D.so

A.smaller B.larger C.elder D.taller

A.boy B.man C.friend D.solider

A.clothes B.eyes C.hands D.houses

A.show B.ask C.know D.see

A.listened B.refused C.agreed D.shouted

A.in B.under C.on D.between

A.joy B.sadness C.surprise D.anger

A.looked around B.took off C.walked away D.joined in

A.other B.rest C.single D.new

A.calm B.excited C.frightened D.tired

A.got B.came C.rose D.dropped

A.honestly B.hardly C.easily D.sincerely

A.watched B.cried C.ran D.shared

A.sick B.short C.young D.beautiful

A.parcel B.advice C.food D.money

A.checked B.slept C.left D.understood

A.selfish B.happy C.upset D.grateful

A.invite B.teach C.call D.help

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When I first entered high school, I knew no one at my school. All my friends in middle school went to other schools. I wanted to make some new friends. However, I was shy and wasn’t good at making new friends. On my first day at school, I looked at others who were talking in groups happily. How I wish I were one of them!
I guess I was very lucky then. At lunch in the dinning hall, when I was eating at a table alone, a girl came to me. “Excuse me, is this seat taken?” she asked. I immediately shook my head. She smiled and sat down opposite(面对) to me. I felt a little awkward and didn’t know what to say at all, but I really wanted to communicate with her. It was a good opportunity to make friends with her. When I looked up, I found she was smiling at me. Her smile calmed me down. “I really like this school. It’s beautiful, but I don’t know anyone here. All my friends went to other schools,” said the girl. Hearing her words, I immediately said, “my friends are not here either. Can we be friends?” I was surprised. I couldn’t believe I would say something like that, and to my surprise, that girl immediately said “yes”. We both smiled.
We became very good friends. Now it’s the beginning of a new term again. Many students may have no friends at their new schools. If you are also as shy as I used to be, please don’t be afraid to talk to others. You may get a surprise and make a new friend. After all, others want to make new friends, too.
We know on her first day at school, the author _________.

A.hoped she could make some new friends
B.only knew a few people at her school
C.met some old friends at her new school
D.hoped she could go to her old friends’ schools

The underlined word “awkward” in paragraph 2 is closed in meaning to “    

A.bored B.excited
C.interested D.embarrassed

After the girl sat down opposite to the author, the author _________.

A.immediately shook her hand
B.immediately say something to keep calm
C.wanted to talk with her
D.wanted her to go away at once

What did the girl do after the author asked if they could become friends?

A.She agreed at once
B.She thought for a long time
C.She felt a little down
D.She sat down in no time

What’s the author’s purpose in writing the passage?

A.To show that high school is really exciting.
B.To encourage shy people to talk to others.
C.To tell us how lucky she was in high school.
D.To advise us to have a good first day in high school.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Here are some tips on how to relax after a long day's work.
This will not only make sure you don't notice the cleaning you should do, but also make you more relaxed. When the light is weak, you will be more likely to relax your eyes. Use candles instead of electric lights! They can help you feel comfortable and relaxed.
When it comes to relaxing, it is important for you to enjoy a good meal. Cook some food yourself. Enjoy it when you are cooking as the process (过程) can help you relax. Make the food as delicious as you can! If you're too tired, you should think about ordering food just for this night, but don't make it a habit!
Nothing can take your mind off work as a good friend can! Make sure you don't talk about work all night but do something fun together! After work, your friend is probably tired too, so don't plan on doing everything at once and save the exciting and fun activities for future. Have a cup of tea, play a game or watch your favorite TV series. It's good for you to be social after a long day of work.
It is important to get a good night's sleep if you are planning to work better the next day and have the energy to do something nice after work. If you are working hard for a long period of time, enough sleep is necessary for keeping you going. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Make your body relax and let go.
According to the author, in order to feel relaxed, we should _______.

A.stay under brighter lighting
B.turn down the lights and light some candles
C.do the cleaning in the daytime
D.relax our eyes by using electric lights

What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A.Food. B.A meal.
C.Relaxing. D.Cooking.

We can infer from Paragraph 4 that _______.

A.friends are usually too tired to come out for social activities
B.watching TV series with friends won't help us feel relaxed
C.being social after a long day's work can help us relax
D.we should plan on doing everything at once for fun with friends

What is the order of the titles for Paragraphs 2 to 5?
a. Eat good food.   b. Invite a friend over.
c. Go to bed early. d. Turn down the lights.

A.a-b-d-c B.a-d-b-c
C.d-a-c-b D.d-a-b-c

This passage is most probably written for _______.

A.people who work hard
B.students who study hard
C.students who want to learn better
D.people who are bad at socializing
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Recently,I came across an interesting article on the differences between British English and American English. I had a lot of fun reading it and thinking of as many differences as I could as an American.
Their cars have “bonnets(发动机罩)”, while ourselves have “hoods”. They park their cars in a “car park” while we leave ours in a “parking lot”. Our “cookies” are their “biscuits”, while their “rubbers” are our “erasers”.
Then there are the food words. Would you want to eat something called “Toad in the Hole” or “Bangers and Mash” or “Spotted Dick”? I’m here to report they are all very tasty. There are American equivalents(相等物),of course. We’ve got “Shoofly Pie”, “Chicken Fried Steak” and “Mississippi Mud Pie”. What they call “crisps” is what we call “potato chips” and when we ask for “chips” in England we will get what we know at home in America as “French fries”.
They find it hysterical that we call the “toilet” the “bathroom” and they really double over(弯腰) with laughter when we ask for the “restroom”. American ladies in England who ask for the “little girl’s room” or the “powder room” will be met with blank stares. A “fag” is a “cigarette” in the UK, which can lead to endless confusion for British visitors looking for a cigarette in America. Americans on the other hand are endlessly confused by English signs put up over doorways saying “Way Out”. We Americans walk on the sidewalk not the pavement. “Pavement” in America is the actual cement(水泥) the sidewalk is made of.
What do British people call French Fries?

A.Chips. B.Crisps.
C.Shoofly. D.Mississippi Mud Pie.

The examples given at the end of the passage mainly show that _______.

A.Americans don’t like dealing with the British
B.English signs are very hard for people to understand
C.American English is very different from British English.
D.Americans and the British may find it hard to understand each other

What does the understand word “hysterical” in paragraph 4 probably mean?

A.difficult B.Funny
C.Perfect D.Normal

It would be difficult for British people to look for a cigarette in America because ______.

A.American people don’t like giving others cigarette
B.it is not allowed to smoke in public in America
C.Americans don’t know a “fag” means a “cigarette?
D.American people don’t smoke often

What is the passage mainly about?

A.Some similar habits between Americans and the British.
B.Different communicating ways between Americans and the British.
C.Different body languages between Americans and the British.
D.Some differences between American English and British English.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

After all of these years I can still remember my first moment of kindness.        I walked in with my mom and was amazed at all the toys against the walls. It was like having my own tiny toy store. I smiled and immediately ran over to them and started to play. Most of the other kids were doing the same while the parents talked to the teacher before the start of the class. In the corner, though,        She was the only one in the class shorter than me. Her red eyes looked like she had been crying. None of the other boys and girls seemed to notice her there.
I went back to play with the toy cars but after a minute looked up at her again.        Something inside of my chest started to stir. I wasn’t sure what it was. Being the youngest in my family I had become a bit spoiled(娇惯). It felt strange then to be thinking of someone other than myself, yet I couldn’t stop looking at that lonely, little girl. After a moment that stirring in my heart moved up to my mind and down to my feet. I picked up two of the toy cars and went over to her. “Do you want to play?” I asked.    
Many years later, she told me how she had been sick all of her life and how her illness made other kids avoid her.       I never thought a moment of kindness could mean so much to another one and a little bit of love could move a heart, touch a soul, and change a life.

A.She also told me how that moment of kindness had changed her life.
B.It was the first day of the kindergarten.
C.The toys were against the walls.
D.She smiled at me and nodded her head.

E. Because he was the youngest in his family and was spoiled.
F. She seemed so sad and alone.
G. I saw one girl sitting by herself.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The naughty boys took the farmer’s potatoes from the earth, which were not big enough.
The naughty boys ______ _______the farmer’s potatoes, which were not big enough.
He got up early so that he could catch the first bus home.
He got up early _______ _______ to catch the first bus home.
Students can’t come back school on time because the weather is very terrible.
Students can’t come back school on time _______ _______ the terrible weather.
In the dark street, there wasn't a single person that she could ask for help.
Inthedarkstreet, therewasn'ta singleperson that shecould ______ ______forhelp.
Never give up and look upon the difficulty in work as a gift from God.
Never _______ _______ to difficulty in work and look upon it as a gift from God.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Several days before July 28, 1976, many strange things happened in Tangshan. They were signs for the   . But people in the city of Tangshan didn’t think much of these. At 342 a.m. on July 28, 1976, the      (great)earthquake of the 20th century happened in Tangshan, Hebei Province, China. In fifteen terrible seconds, a large city lay in   . The number of people who were killed or i    reached more than 400 000. Nearly everything was     (破坏), including hospitals, factories, buildings, dams, railway tracks, etc. Water, food and   (电)were hard to get. People wondered how long the disaster would last.
Not all hope was lost. The army sent 150 000 soldiers to Tangshan to help the     (援救) workers,and some of them and doctors were      (trap) under the ruins. Slowly the city began to      (breath)again. From then on, every year on July 28, we would honour those who died in the terrible disaster and those who helped the       (幸存者).

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

1. 初入高中时,觉得高中英语比初中英语难得多,没信心。
2. 跟老师交谈后得到了一些学习方法,并认识到英语的重要性。
3. 通过努力学习,英语已改善很多,并越越喜欢学英语。
提示:初中junior high school   高中 senior high school
1. 词数100左右;
2. 信的开头与结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。
3. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear Mr. Li,
I’m glad to tell you that I have made great progress in my English learning since I became a senior high school student.
Wish you all the best.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知