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—How did you find your visit to the exhibition, John? 

A.By taking a No. 3 bus. B.Oh, wonderful, indeed.
C.I went there alone. D.A classmate of mine showed me the way
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  • 难度:未知

There is ______ small temple on the island, which can only be reached by ______ water.

A.a; 不填 B.a; the C.the; the D.the; 不填
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  • 难度:未知

All the other boys have geography books and they will be ahead of me if I don’t get ______.

A.it B.the one C.one D.that
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—How’s your tour around the North Lake? Is it beautiful?
—It _______ be, but it is now heavily polluted.

A.will B.should C.would D.must
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All these activities can serve as a platform ______ you might find the one you love.

A.which B.that C.when D.where
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Every weekend, Mrs Green asked her daughter to visit the museum to ______ her interest in science.

A.grow B.develop C.make D.build
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If it ________ for the heavy rain then, we would have arrived here ahead of time.

A.shouldn’t be B.weren’t C.had not been D.be not
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To make members of a team perform better, the trainer first of all has to know their ______ and weaknesses.

A.strengths B.benefits C.techniques D.values
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Nino Hernandez, who ________ only 10kg and is regarded as the world’s shortest living man, has not grown since he was 2 years old.

A.weighed B.had weighed C.weighs D.has been weighed
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_______ your opinions are worth considering, the committee finds it unwise to place too much importance on them.

A.As B.Since C.Once D.While
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—Can you hand in your composition tomorrow?
—Sure. ________ it handed in on time, I’ll stay up tonight.   

A.To have got B.Having got C.To get D.Getting
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We shouldn’t think the question of ________ they are poor or rich is important.

A.what B.whether C.why D.how
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—What do you think of the film 2012
—Well, it’s good. At least it’s ________ the one I saw last time with Jean.

A.as bad as B.not as good as C.no worse than D.not better than
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At first he refused to admit he had stolen but when he was shown the videotape he ______ and admitted everything.

A.broke down B.broke away C.broke up D.broke in
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Great efforts to increase agricultural production must be made if food shortage ______ avoided.

A.will be B.can be C.has been D.is to be
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  • 难度:未知

Driving to a store after a busy day at work, I saw a man standing near the store holding a sign that said, “Will work for food.” I knew at that moment that I was going into the store and   36   him something to eat.
As I   37   the car park, I saw in my car mirror a lady come out from a hairdresser’s and 38   the man. I thought she must be going to give him some   39   or something to help him out. In the store I was   40    to get the things I needed and also the chicken dinner and a soda that I wanted to give the man outside. I hurried out to my car and   41   that I was going to be able to hopefully help this man.
When I drove out of the car park, I couldn’t see the   42  . As I turned the corner I saw the man sitting in a   43   area away from the hairdresser’s and still   44   up the sign. I immediately   45   over and gave the man the dinner and soda and said, “  46   this will get you through today.” He looked at me and said, “Thank you so much!”
As I got back into my car, I looked in the   47   and saw the man swallowing the dinner as if he hadn’t eaten for days.
I was so   48   that I was able to help him and at the same time I was so sad that the woman from the hairdresser’s,   49  , had asked the man to   50   from her shop. It’s sad to say that   51   I live in a small city where homeless is not as   52   as in larger cities, people are uncomfortable with these people in   53  . All they need to do is lend a helping hand  54   and it could make a huge   55  in their lives.

A.cook B.buy C.pay D.serve

A.turned into B.got over C.called at D.pointed out

A.interview B.comfort C.blame D.approach

A.example B.space C.money D.comfort

A.preparing B.hurrying C.hesitating D.planning

A.explained B.wondered C.agreed D.felt

A.man B.food C.lady D.sign

A.different B.strange C.famous D.comfortable

A.making B.holding C.taking D.building

A.turned B.thought C.pulled D.looked

A.Hopefully B.Finally C.Luckily D.Naturally

A.store B.mirror C.square D.crowd

A.popular B.anxious C.pleased D.patient

A.immediately B.obviously C.carefully D.nervously

A.stop B.suffer C.move D.change

A.whether B.because C.though D.unless

A.poor B.visible C.selfish D.happy

A.danger B.action C.need D.moment

A.at times B.at the time C.at one time D.at a time

A.difference B.mistake C.decision D.living

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

“Hey, Jenna, do you think we’ll still be friends when we’re eighty-two?” I asked my friend. It was clear that she was wondering where I had come up with such a question. Losing Jenna would be like losing a very close sister. We hung out together. We gave each other advice.
“Of course, we’ll still be friends when we’re eighty-two.” Jenna announced loudly.
The next year, in the fourth grade, we met Jamie. The three of us soon became close friends. We played together almost every day. I thought even time couldn’t pull us apart, but I was sadly mistaken.
The three of us started fighting a lot. Before Christmas, we had a really big fight, and Jamie and Jenna were against me, both saying I was bossy. I felt helpless and lonely. I thought Christmas would be horrible!
I was surprised when Jenna came to my house and gave me an awesome Christmas card she had made for me. I was so sure that she was still disappointed with me.
“Wow, ” I said, breaking the silence as we stood on either side of my front door. “Thanks.”
“Okay…well…I have to go,” she said softly.
“Okay. See you later then…” and I closed the door.
“Who was that at the door?” my mum asked.
The card started off with “Merry Christmas”, but then it said, “I am so glad we’re friends. I am sorry about what I said when we were fighting. A fight won’t stop us from being friends. Besides, we said we were going to be friends even when we’re eight-two.”
I stopped reading and started laughing. I couldn’t believe I had forgotten what she said that day in her back yard. I couldn’t believe I had been so selfish in trying to get even and making my friends feel sorry for me that I had forgotten about real friendship.
How would the author and Jenna get along with each other after Christmas?

A.They would be close friends again.
B.They would not speak to each other.
C.They would lose touch with each other.
D.They would go on fighting with each other.

The underlined sentence “I was bossy” in the fourth paragraph means “_________”.

A.I looked like a boss B.I acted as a boss
C.I was fond of giving orders D.I was fond of fighting

Which of the following is the right time order according to the passage?
a. Jamie became our friend.
b. I felt lonely and unhappy.
c. Jenna, Jamie and I fought a lot.
d. Jenna brought me a Christmas card.
e. I was sorry for what I did to her.
f. Jenna and I promised to be lifelong friends.

A.f a b c e d B.a c f b d e C.a b c f e d D.f a c b d e

The author was delighted when she read the card from Jenna because _________.

A.what Jenna wrote was funny
B.Jenna would be her friend again
C.she was happy about the coming Christmas
D.she was happy to receive a Christmas card
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

1. The Video Camera Pen
Item 78431; $129.95
Available for Immediate Shipment
Order by Phone: 1-800-321-1484

This is the pen that has a built-in video camera, capturing videos or still images with a click of its button. Ideal for use while secured in a pocket, it can capture up to five hours of video and up to 20,000 images. Its battery provides up to two hours of power before requiring a recharge.
2. The Wristwatch Camcorder
Item 78098; $149.95
Available for 3-day shipment
Order by Phone: 1-800-321-1484

This is the men’s watch with an unnoticeable camcorder, so you’ll always have a camera ready to capture a chance famous person or a pet’s ridiculous actions. The camera is located at the two-o’clock position,
yet the watch’s hands never make it covered. The camera’s rechargeable battery provides up to two hours of use from a four-hour charge.
3. The only 55 Inch Widescreen Personal Movie Theater
Item 77918; $249.95
Available for Immediate Shipment
Order by Phone: 1-800-321-1484

This is the only personal media viewer that provides a
private viewing experience just like watching a widescreen 55 inch television from 10 meters away. It connects to a video iPod, iPhone, portable DVD player. Includes two AA batteries that provide up to six hours of continuous operation and iPod cable.
4. The Digital Phone Album Watch
Item 77281; $99.95
Available for Immediate Shipment
Order by Phone: 1-800-321-1484

This is the watch that vividly displays 120 of your favorite digital photographs. You can download digital photographs to the watch. The watch can be viewed in the Photo Album mode(time and photo view) or digital mode (time and date view). A six-hour charge provides up to 10 days of use.
What’s the purpose of this passage?

A.To compare some creative inventions
B.To advertise some unique goods.
C.To teach how to operate the items
D.To show how fashionable the items are.

What do Item 78431 and Item 78098 have in common according to this passage?

A.They both sell well.
B.They are both cheap.
C.They both have unusual appearances.
D.They both can take photos.

If you’re a movie fan, you probably show strong interest in ________.

A.The Video Camera Pen
B.The Wristwatch Camcorder
C.The only 55 Inch Widescreen Personal Movie Theater
D.The Digital Phone Album Watch

Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.In fact, Item 78098 cannot tell time.
B.Item 77918 works as a DVD player.
C.In a way, Item 77281 is user-friendly.
D.All the items include rechargeable batteries.
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  • 难度:未知

Jack lay, quiet and unmoving, for thirty minutes while a stranger repeatedly stabbed(刺) him with sharp needles, causing blood to pour steadily out of his leg. Jack was getting a tattoo. His friend Tony had recently gotten a tattoo, and Jack was so impressed by it that he decided to get one too. Peer pressure, media influence, and personal expression are some of the common reasons for wearing tattoos today.
The desire to be accepted by one’s friends or peers can have a great influence on what a person does. Sometimes, wearing a tattoo can be a sign that you belong to a certain group. Gangs often use special clothes and tattoos to identify their particular group. Some of these groups wear only brand-name clothes. Others wear tattoos. When a person’s friends are all doing something, that person is more likely to do the same thing.
The media is another big influence behind the popularity of tattoos in North America. A wide variety of media images show tattoos—people appearing in commercials selling expensive cars, famous sports heroes with tattoos in magazines, fashion models wearing designer clothes that show their bodies tattooed with detailed and colorful patterns. These media images link tattoos to ideas of wealth, success, and status. As a result, many people decide to get a tattoo for its fashion and status value.
Many people decide to wear tattoos in order to express their artistic nature, their beliefs, or their feelings-in other words, to show their individuality(个性). A musician in a rock band may get a tattoo of a guitar on the arm. Some environmentalists may tattoo pictures of endangered animals on their shoulders. A tattoo can be a public sign to show what is important in a person’s life.
As you can see, there are many reasons why young North Americans get tattoos. A tattoo can be part of a group’s uniform, a sign of fashion, or an expression of individuality. The decision to get a tattoo is most often a result of the influence of friends or media or the desire to express oneself. For Jack, it was a mixture of all three.
Jack has got tattoos in order to ________.

A.show his great bravery B.gain a special experience
C.make himself more healthy D.be different from others

According to the passage, media images are linked to ________.

A.traditional lifestyle B.social position
C.cultural background D.public interest

We can infer from the passage that ________.

A.some people get tattoos out of pressure
B.tattoo is related to religious belief
C.getting tattoos costs a lot of money
D.most people with tattoos are artists
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  • 难度:未知

Do you know what really troubles me? For some reason, words with silent letters have always bothered me. For example, consider these words: know, design, island, school, wrist, naughty, and salmon. All of these words have at least one letter that is not typically pronounced, and these words are just a very small part of words with silent letters in them.
Some words are even worse, consider this word: colonel. Not only are some letters not pronounced, but letters that are not even there are pronounced.
Even foreign languages, especially French, are guilty of this needless complexity and confusion. I know there must be some main historical reasons why the words are spelled and pronounced the way they are, but that does not mean bad traditions must continue to survive. Especially if they are no longer logical.
Unfortunately, there is very little that anyone can do for it, because there’s no group of people who can change or have the right to change the English language for everyone. However, the only thing we can do is make changes in the way we talk and write in hopes that it catches on. For example, I pronounce the letter “l” in salmon on purpose to make people annoyed and to sound more different or complicated. I even pronounce colonel the correct or French way.
I can only hope these two minor changes to the English language make sense to you, and you will help to keep up these minor changes forever in your everyday life.
We can learn from the passage ________.

A.colonel is pronounced
B.salmon is pronounced
C.all the words with silent letters come from French
D.linguists will solve the problem of dumb letters

Which of the following is the main reason for silent letters?

A.French language. B.Historical reasons.
C.Some linguists D.Bad traditions.

The underlined phrase “catches on” probably means “________”.

A.becomes popular B.gets across
C.follows the fashion D.doesn’t fall behind

Which of the following is the best title for this passage?

A.Troubles in everyday life B.Traps in English words
C.Words with silent letters D.Necessary changes of languages
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  • 难度:未知

May the first is an important date in the college admission process in the United States.This is the last day for high school seniors to accept or reject offers of admission in the fall.But according to a recent report, there is a great change. Acceptance rates at the top colleges this year were lower than ever.   
These days, college applicants are applying to more colleges because online and common applications make the process easier.    On the other hand, deciding students for top colleges to accept can be difficult because it takes much time. Students may not like being put on waiting lists. Also, common colleges work more to get the students they accept to accept them. Some colleges hold visiting days that offer a chance to attend classes and stay overnight. Some universities send gifts.   
For many families, the most important thing colleges can do is show them the money, especially this year; the weak economy makes parents nervous.    The recent problems that spread from the housing market to credit markets have even affected student’s loans. So lately, top schools have to spare lots of money to increase their financial aid for students.
  The Education Department expects the number of high school graduates to start to go down. This will happen as the last of the children of the baby boom generation finishes high school. The number is not expected to start rising again until 2015.

A.Besides, top colleges are facing changes in the population.
B.What contributes to it?
C.But a mistake can be costly if it happens.
D.But top colleges ignore them.

E. They have international students who know English.
F. It can mean several acceptances to choose from.
G. They cannot afford college as planned.

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  • 难度:未知

注意:1 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
2 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不记分。
Dear Sir,
How are you? As a exchange student, I am writing to tell you I would prefer to move into a single room in next term, as I find it inconvenient to share a room with others. My roommate often held parties at night, made much noise. Besides, his friends are always visiting him, that disturbs me a lot. So I hope to draw your attentions to this problem. If you think in my position, I am sure he will agree that the only solution for me is get a room of my own, one not in the same building and as near to the school campus as possible. I would be gratefully if you could do me the favor.
Best wishes.
                                                           Yours sincerely,                                                             Li Ming

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Dear Ms Wang,
I’m Li Ming. Two years ago, I received your letter and schooling fees.             
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming

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