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—John has put forward _______ most challenging question for us to answer.
—Yes, it really is. I have never heard _______ harder one.

A.the; 不填 B.不填; the C.the; the D.a; a
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

---- Do you know his address?
---- No, I also wish I _____ where he _____.

A.knew, lived B.knew, lives C.know, lives D.know, lived
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

____ that caused him to serve dinner an hour later than usual.

A.It was we being late B.It was our being late
C.It was we were too late D.It was because we were late
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  • 难度:未知

The theory he sticks to ______ to be of no use in our studies.

A.proves B.prove C.proving D.be proved
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  • 难度:未知

Would you like to remind me _______ the medicine tomorrow?

A.of taking B.taking C.to take D.take
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  • 难度:未知

-----Haven’t seen you for ages! Do you still work in Guangzhou?
-------_______. It’s two years since I worked there.

A.Yes, I have B.Yes, I do C.No, I haven’t D.No, I don’t
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  • 难度:未知

Dear me! Just _____ at the time! I _____ no idea it was so late.

A.look, have B.looking, had C.look, had D.looking, have
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  • 难度:未知

I can’t imagine how he finished the relay race, ______ his foot wounded so seriously.

A.as B.when C.because D.with
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  • 难度:未知

The old lady ______ the shopkeeper of charging her too much for the goods she had bought.

A.accused   B.charged   C.blamed   D.criticized
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  • 难度:未知

----- Have you ever visited the 2010 Shanghai World Expo?
-----Yes.When I was in China , I ______ it twice.

A.have visited B.visited C.had visited D.would visit
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  • 难度:未知

The manager of the sales department is kept busy all day. After he has solved one problem, another is sure to _______.

A.raise B.rise C.arise D.be appeared
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  • 难度:未知

My documents are always ______ out according to the contents(内容) and dates so that I have no trouble in finding them when they _______.

A.set; are needed B.put; need C.sorted; are needed D.written; need
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  • 难度:未知

---I did really well in the examination, Li Ke.
---I did _________. I got full mark.
A  no less    B. not less     C. not worse         D. no worse

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  • 难度:未知

Mr Brown didn’t come to the Guangzhou Asian Games being held  _____ his poor health.

A.in terms of B.on account of C.by means of D.instead of
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  • 难度:未知

The student ________from the training so much that he was ________the first prize in the event.

A.benefited;rewarded B. awarded;awarded
C.awarded;benefited D.benefited;awarded
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I believe in my mother.My belief began when I was just a kid, when I 36 becoming a doctor.
My mother was a 37 .Through her work, she observed that 38 people spent a lot more time 39 than they did watching television.She announced that my brother and I could only watch two to three 40 TV programs during the week.With our free time, we had to read two books each week from the Detroit Public Library and 41 written book reports to her.She would mark them up with check markers and underline the 42 parts.Years later we realized her marks were a 43 .Although we had no money, 44 the covers of those books, I could go anywhere, do anything and be anybody.
When I entered high school, I was an A-student, but not for 45 .I wanted the fancy clothes.I wanted to hang about with the guys.I went from being an A-student to a B-student and to a C-student, but I didn’t 46 .I was cool.
One night my mother came home after her several jobs and I 47 about not having enough Italian knit shirts.She said, “Okay, I’ll give you the money I 48 this week by rubbing floors and cleaning bathrooms and you can buy the family food and pay the bills.With 49 left over, you can have all that you want.” I was very 50 with that arrangement.But once I got through 51 money, there was nothing left.I realized my mother was a financial genius to be able to keep a(n)52 over our heads and any kind of food on the table.I was also 53 that immediate satisfaction wasn’t going to get me anywhere.Success 54 intellectual(知识上的) preparation.I went back to my studies and became an A-student again, and 55 I realized my dream and I became a doctor.

A.got away with B.was confident of C.dreamed of D.thought of

A.maidservant B.teacher C.worker D.nurse

A.honest B.successful C.kind D.careful

A.writing B.reading C.working D.training

A.familiar B.limit C.designed D.selected

A.turn in B.take in C.bring in D.check in

A.difficult B.easy C.opposite D.important

A.wealth B.quiz C.pleasure D.competition

A.between B.under C.within D.below

A.the last B.a minute C.long D.anything

A.know B.care C.admit D.realize

A.announced B.claimed C.complained D.blamed

A.borrow B.make C.control D.collect

A.something B.anything C.everything D.nothing

A.encouraged B.puzzled C.moved D.pleased

A.adding B.applying C.dividing D.exchanging

A.balance B.arrangement C.hat D.roof

A.aware B.worried C.confused D.delighted

A.included B.required C.combined D.matched

A.actually B.shortly C.fortunately D.finally

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The UN Security Council was created in 1945. It is made up of 10 rotating (轮值的) members and five permanent members, which have a veto, the power to stop a resolution (决议). Most UN members now consider the organization's structure outdated. But any changes need the agreement of two-thirds of the 191 members, and no veto from any of the five permanent council members.
Last year, Japan, Germany, Brazil and India formed a lobbying (游说) group to get permanent council seats. But North and South Korea have doubts about Japan, Italy opposes Germany for a seat, Pakistan is against India's candidacy (候选资格) and Mexico and Argentina frown on Brazil.
A wave of emotion swept through China last week as millions voiced their opposition to Japan's permanent membership of the United Nations (UN) Security Council. By last Friday over 22 million Chinese had signed an online petition (请愿) against Japan's bid for a permanent seat on the council.
According to major Chinese websites, such as sina.com, more than 170,000 overseas Chinese also signed. This is the first online activity of its kind.
The petition was started by US-based Alliance for Preserving the Truth of the Sino-Japanese War (抗日战争史实维护会). They want Japan to apologize for crimes during World War II. The group also plans to present the petition to the UN this autumn.
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao said he didn't think the petition shows anti-Japanese feeling. He believed instead it is a request for Japan to take a responsible attitude towards history.
What’s the main idea of the first paragraph?

A.Function of the UN in world affairs. B.Members of the UN.
C.Facts about the UN Security Council. D.Reform of the UN Security Council.

Which statement is true according to the text?

A.Four countries, such as Japan, Germany, Brazil and India are applying for joining the UN.
B.Some countries, such as North and South Korea, Italy, Pakistan, Mexico and Argentina propose ticking the four countries out of the UN.
C.If the countries’ bids for permanent membership of the Council are turned down, the
opponent countries will take the place.
D.The UN Security Council is going to take in new members.

The underlined phrase “frown on” in the third paragraph can be replaced by _____.

A.agree on B.disapprove of
C.give a firm support to D.say yes to

What’s the main reason for China’s opposition to Japan’s permanent membership of the Council?

A.Japan is unwilling to admit to its crimes against the Chinese in the World War II.
B.Millions of people in Asia signed a petition against it.
C.The Chinese people have strong anti-Japanese feeling.
D.Japan is an irresponsible country that once had a history of invasion.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Doctors say anger can be an extremely damaging emotion, unless you learn how to deal with it. They warn that anger can lead to heart disease, stomach problems, headaches, emotional problems and possibly cancer.
Anger is a normal emotion that we all feel from time to time. Some people express anger openly in a calm reasonable way. Other burst with anger, and scream and yell(咆哮).But other people keep their anger inside. They can not or will not express it. This is called repressing anger.
For years many doctors thought that repressing anger was more dangerous to a person's health than expressing it. They said that when a person is angry, the brain releases the same hormones(荷尔蒙).They speed the heart rate, raise blood pressure, or sugar into the blood, etc. In general the person feels excited and ready to act.
Some doctors say that both repressing and expressing anger can be dangerous. They believe that those who express anger violently may be more likely to develop heart disease, and they believe that those who keep their anger inside may face a greater danger of high blood pressure.
Doctors say the solution(解决办法) is learning how to deal with anger. They say the first step is to admit that you are angry and to recognize the real cause of the anger, then decide if the cause is serious enough to get angry about. If it is, they say, “Do not express your anger while angry. Wait until your anger has cooled down and you are able to express yourself calmly and reasonably.”
Doctors say that a good way to deal with anger is to find humor in the situation that has made you angry. They said that laughter is much healthier than anger.
“Damaging emotion” means that _________.

A.the emotion is harmless
B.the emotion is harmful
C.the feeling is very strong
D.the feeling is hard

Expressing anger violently _________ repressing it according to some scientists.

A.is just the same as
B.is more harmful than
C.is no better than
D.is much better than

According to the author, you'd better _________.

A.never be angry
B.cool it down before you express it
C.laugh and laugh when you get angry
D.admit you are wrong when you are angry
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

While drunken driving may be on the decline, traffic safety experts remain puzzled over how to deal with another alcohol related danger: drunken pedestrians.
Pedestrians struck and killed by cars often are extremely drunk. In fact, they are intoxicated(喝醉的) more frequently and with higher blood alcohol levels than drunken drivers who are killed in accidents, various studies have shown. Forty percent of adult pedestrians involved in fatal crashes have a blood alcohol level of at least 0.10 which by law in most states signifies intoxication compared to only 25 percent of drivers in deadly accidents, according to recent federal data.
Some types of pedestrian accidents have been declining nationally, especially those involving children, but the number of adult pedestrians who are drunk when killed in traffic has remained relatively steady at 2500 a year. The total number of pedestrians killed annually in U.S. traffic accidents is at least 7000, or one of every seven highway accidents resulting in death.
“We’re dealing here, we think, with a very severe drinking problem that leads to a severe highway safety problem,” said Richard Bloomberg, president of Dunlap and Associates Inc, in Norwalk, Coon.
Bloomberg, whose consulting company found a very high rate of alcohol involvement in a controlled study of pedestrian accidents in New Orleans, was among several researchers who spoke on the topic at the annual meeting of the Research council’s Transportation Research Board(TRB)  in Washington in January.
Pedestrian accidents have not received enough attention in the past, according to Kay Colpitts, who chairs the board’s committee on pedestrians. Few methods exist to monitor walking habits, she said, and researchers have been mystified(迷惑不解) about how to prevent disasters.
Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A.Traffic Safety. B.Drunken Drivers.
C.Drunken Pedestrian Accidents. D.A Severe Highway Safety problem.

Among the causes of walkers’ accidents, the most serious problem is .      

A.long delays in traffic signals that may make people cross streets without paying attention to traffic rules
C.a lack of adult keeping eyes on many children involved in accidents
D.former drunken drivers whose licenses are not allowed to use for a time

According to recent federal data, drunken drivers with an over 0.10 blood alcohol level in deadly accidents .      

A.are 15 percent less than drunken adult walkers with the same level
B.are 2500 a year
C.are at least 7000 in US traffic accidents
D.make up one seventh of highway accidents

According to the passage, what is Bloomberg?

A.A researcher. B.A specialist in traffic safety.
C.A clerk of a consulting company. D.A government official
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A black hole is created when a large star burns out. Like our sun, stars are unbelievably hot furnaces(熔炉) that burn their own matter as fuel. When most of the fuel is used up, the star begins to die.
The death of a star is not a quiet event. First there is a huge explosion. As its outer layer is blasted off into space, the dying star shines as brightly as a billion suns.
After the explosion gravity pulls in what’s left of the star. As the outside of the star sinks toward the center, the star gets smaller and smaller. The material the star is made of becomes tightly packed together. A star is so dense that a teaspoon of matter from it weighs billion of pounds.
The more the star shrinks, the stronger the gravity inside it becomes. Soon the star is very tiny, and the gravity pulling it in is unbelievably strong. In fact, the gravity is so strong that it even pulls light into the star! Since all the light is pulled in, none can go out. The star becomes black when there is no light. Then a black hole is born!
That’s what we know about black holes. What we don’t know is this: What happens inside a black hole after the star has been squeezed into a tiny ball? Does it keep getting smaller and smaller forever? Such a possibility is hard to imagine.
But if the black hole doesn’t keep shrinking, what happens to it? Some scientists think black holes are like doorways to another world.They say that as the star disappears from our universe, it goes into another universe. In other words a black hole in our universe could turn into a “white hole” in a different universe. As the black hole swallows light, the white hole shines brightly — somewhere else. But where? A different place, perhaps, or a different time — many years in the past or future.
Could you travel through a black hole? Right now, no. Nothing we know of could go into a black hole without being crushed.So far the time being, black hole must remain a mystery.
Black holes are a mystery—but that hasn’t stopped scientists from dreaming about them. One scientist suggested that in the future we might make use of the power of black holes. They would supply all of Earth’s energy needs, with plenty to spare. Another scientist wondered if a black hole could some day be used to swallow earthly waste—a sort of huge waste disposal (处理) in the sky!
When the star begins to die ______.

A.there is no fuel left in it B.its outer layer goes into space first
C.a huge explosion will happen D.it doesn’t give off light any longer

Which of the following doesn’t help produce a black hole?

A.The gravity inside the star is very strong.
B.The light can’t go out of the star.
C.The star becomes smaller and smaller
D.The dying star shines very brightly.

The black hole ______.

A.continues becoming smaller and smaller all the time
B.goes into another universe and becomes a white hole
C.can pull in everything we know of in the world
D.will appear at another place at a different time

The author mainly intended to tell us _____.

A.A New Scientific Discovery: Black Holes
B.How Black Holes Came Into Being
C.What Black Holes Are
D.Travel Through A Black Hole
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Americans are proud of their variety and individuality (个性), yet they love and respect few things more than a uniform, whether it is the uniform of a lift operator or the uniform of a five-star general(将军).  
Among the arguments for uniforms, one of the first is that in the eyes of most people they look more professional than civilian (百姓的) clothes.People expect higher quality from a man who wears a uniform. Faith in the skill of a garage mechanic is increased by a uniform.What easier way is there for a nurse, a policeman, a hairdresser, or a waiter to lose professional identity (职业身份) than to step out of uniform?
  They are often more comfortable and more lasting than civilian clothes.
Among the arguments against uniforms is their lack of variety and the loss of individuality experienced by people who must wear them.Though there are many types of uniforms, the wearer of any particular type is generally stuck with it, without change, until retirement.   
 Though they are long-lasting, often their initial(最初的) expense is greater than the cost of civilian clothes.Some uniforms are also expensive to maintain, requiring professional dry cleaning rather than the home laundering possible with many types of civilian clothes.

A.Americans think highly of uniforms .
B.Why are uniforms so popular in the United States?
C.When people wear the same uniforms, they are likely to think, speak, and act similarly on the job at least.
D.Uniforms also have many practical good points

E.Some practical problems with uniforms arise.
F.The television repairman who wears a uniform is likely to inspire more trust than one who appears in civilian clothes.
G.People's identity can be recognized more easily by their uniforms

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  • 难度:未知

I often quarrel about my mother over whether I can watch TV after school. She holds view that senior three students have to make fully use of every minute to work hard at their lessons. It seems to me that once I am allowed to do that, I’ll unable to control myself and forget all about my study. She also thinks it is bad for my eye. But I really can’t accept her ideas. In my opinion, watch TV can set my mind at rest after a day’s hard works. Besides, it is important for us to know what had happened at home and at abroad. Thus, we shouldn’t be forbidden to watch TV.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

假设你是李华,因为英语成绩突出,已经被北京大学提前录取。请用英语给你的高三英语老师Mr. Zhang写封信。
内容包括: 1.好消息;   2 .感恩, 因为…..;3.你在北大的学习计划或对未来的打算;  
Dear Mr.Wang,                                                                                     
We haven’t seen each other for ages. How is everything going with you?  

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